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tinyfaery's avatar

What is it you think makes some Jewish people support the state of Israel and others just not?

Asked by tinyfaery (44201points) October 9th, 2023

There is a huge Jewish population in Los Angeles. For most of my adult life I have lived and worked with many, many Jewish people. I would say about 80% of those that I have gotten to know, and have expressed any kind of opinion on the matter, do not support the “apartheid state of Israel” (not my words), and condemn “Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity” (again not my words). And I’d say about ½ of that left over 20% do not care either way.

Sure, my data pool probably skews under 55, most of the people I know are from the legal profession, and almost all are only observant Jews, but even when I was in college I’d say a little over half of the Jewish people I knew were a least somewhat critical of the state of Israel, even practicing Jews.

This is why I am always so confused when I see the media act like Jewish people are unanimously in support of any action that Israel takes against the Palestinians. In my experience, few Jewish people support Israel. Honestly, I have met more Christians whom support Israel than almost all the Jewish people I have ever known, combined.

So where can I find the truth? What am I missing?

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