@Seaofclouds I agree, its all speculation (I’m hoping the opinion gets posted somewhere so I can actually read it…). But in general, executing an estate after someone has died means a lot of things you have to do.
Firstly, I’m guessing its not a lawsuit to recover money for the family but for the insurance company. I’m not sure how all insurance works, but a lot of policies require you to try and recover medical expenses covered by the insurance company after someone dies (so they can be reimbursed). If thats true, then its just a general rule and I’m sure whoever made the policy didn’t foresee this possibility.
So now you have a lawyer who is scared of being disbarred and looks into the best way to file a lawsuit. So we come to the second problem… somehow the legislature has decided that a 6 year old can be sued. I would like to see the statute but if my speculation is correct, this is the crux of the problem.
So, some lawyer makes a strategic decision. Lawyers are legally obligated to make the best strategic decisions for their clients and maybe thats what happened. It sort of makes sense. Its easier to sue the person who actually did the damage than someone who was supposed to supervise.
Finally, we come to a judge who sees the law and is duty bound to enforce it. If the law actually allows this the judge (especially at the lowest level court) can’t really stray from it. This might get reversed on appeal, but for now it looks like the judge is just being a regular judge, i.e. not at all activist.
I realize its a lot of speculation, but even if I got some details wrong, my point is that everyone in the chain is in a position where they are not allowed to exercise common sense.
On the other hand, if the old lady were still alive, I wouldn’t be surprised if she said “don’t be stupid” or “sue the parents.” At that point, she’d have the ability to exercise common sense, but I doubt the topic came up till after she died.