You've done some wild things in your past, haven't you?
Asked by
Facade (
September 23rd, 2011
I know you have =)
What kind of crazy shit shenanigans did you get into when you were younger (say from your childhood to your 30s)?
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85 Answers
Oh, yeah.
I’m so glad I didn’t come of age during the age of having a camera and a Facebook account.
I’ve peed in people’s yards.
The wildest thing I ever did was to steal a candy bar out of a grocery store when I was 8.
I was too busy with school and work to get into any deliberate trouble.
Yes, but my lawyer tells me not to say anything more than that… Incriminating evidence and whatnot.
I know it was bad. It was so bad I don’t remember. There were a lot of chemicals involved.
Here are some crazy ones that I AM willing to share…..
Chinese Stoplights at 7:00AM on a busy street corner in a nurses uniform (With 2 other girls dressed in white as well.)
Dancing and singing in a fountain and trying to get police officers to join me
Climbing a dark steep and twisty trail at 2:00 AM by the light of a Bic lighter to get to hot springs…...While 8 months pregnant
Nope. I’m a goodie-two-shoes student. My wild child friends baffle me.
Ooooh, yeah, but I’m really not comfortable saying lol.
I have… I have… I am glad I have. I don’t want to share though.
Seems most of us don’t feel like sharing.
@Hibernate I had something all wrote out then thought… do I really want this to come back and haunt me?
Done? What’s this past tense thing?
I refuse to answer on the grounds that my answers may incriminate me..
@Facade no, we are fun beyong your wildest dreams. we just can’t put it in print
But we have been (and yes @Jake still are) and as @blueiiznh suggested, we don’t want our past naughtiness to get us in trouble now :D
All those in favor of @Facade going first say hell yea?!
i still don’t kiss and tell
It involved a greenhouse, 3 a.m., a cactus that was taller than me and the police. That’s all I can say.
The statute of limitations doesn’t expire till I am dead for about 20 years.
Hell Yeah… bring it on @Facade (Still not going to tell myself though).
I did so much ecstasy I threw up in the middle of an outdoor party in Hollywood and spent a couple hours in a place in my head I had no idea existed.
I paid for college by bouncing for strippers at Frat parties.
@chyna I knew there was another reason I loved cactii
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought and to think many others paid for strippers in college while bouncing from one frat party to the next….such a big difference when you change the words up to yours
I made a snow angel while nekkid, on a drunken dare.
That’s the only wild thang I’m gonna share:DDD
So this one time, I may or may not have I set a tree on fire with like 12 6 people in it… this was in a graveyard of course on full moon Halloween…
In university, I let my hair grow down to my shoulders. But only for a year.
There was this one time… at band camp…
Funny, I’m not seeing @Facade‘s answer yet.
I am glad I started with something small after reading everyone else
@pandora <———is writing a book
1.Jump into a pool with my clothes on and I couldn’t swim. I only knew how to float.
2.Go down a steep hill on the back of my brothers bike with four of us on it. (Really not a good idea. I fell off and slid down on my knees on pavement.)
3.Run along side the inside of a pool on the small surface near the edge where there was gravel rocks. (again not a brilliant idea)
4. Throw wet paper balls at neighbors windows and let my bothers hold me and dangle me so I could get the right angle from a 3 story window. (yeah, not smart either)
5. Go after a really mean tom cat and catch it with my bare hands to put it on the roof of the building because we couldn’t have any cats and we were trying to rescue them all and keep them on the roof and feed them. (They just didn’t understand what we were trying to do.)
6. Jump down from a fire escape that was about a story and a half off the ground, with only my brother trying to catch me.
7. Rolling down a steep hill of grass to stop at the edge before we may drop off on to the concrete street. Who ever came the closest to the edge won. (God we were stupid)
8. Swing reall high on a swing and springing off at the highest point till we had enough lift to fly out to the fence and grab onto it like monkeys. Who ever reached the highest on the fence won.
(all I can say is thank God for rubber play ground mats and the fact that I was so light I just flew like a squirrel. )
Growing up with 3 older brothers certainly can make you a bit competitive and stupid.
This just reminds me that I have a lot of thanking to do to my guardian angel and that God must have a special place in his heart for fools.
@Pandora I grew up with 3 older brothers. I totally understand.
Sorry, I was busy cooking pasta! I have the munchies… The wildest thing I’ve done besides sex with women (if you can call that wild) is smoke weed. I was an incredibly good child, but I plan to do many wild things to make up for it =)
Had my fair share of partying in my day…. when your young and have a bit more than you should to drink there are so many stories that I can leave up to your imagaination… Just can say hotels, beaches and hot guys are all involved in the good fun.
@blueiiznh Yeah, that doesn’t even include the times I almost died and it was due to chocking or illness. But it was fun. If my mom ever knew about those at the time, we would’ve wished we were dead.
@chyna, You get it. You have to be like the boys or better. Thank goodness the girl brain eventually kicks in and you say, what the hell!
I think the most innocent thing I can share is that when Jackass came out and became popular, we definitely were influenced by it. Shopping carts, flashing lights, and running.
My friends were hiding and I couldn’t find them in this big old creepy building, so after about 40 minutes of looking for them, I pulled the fire alarm.
Found you guys! Now let’s run away before anybody shows up.
I’m doing bad things in the present, man.
Let’s just say running from the po po was involved a lot, and one time SWAT… Stupid pepperballs, ow!
Eh, I’ve also thrown beehives into public restrooms… Sorry if any of you all got stung… Not really…
OMG! I once stepped outdoors in my bedroom slippers.
I think the most destructive thing I’ve done was go to a beach at night and, with my friends, take a couple of lifeguard stands a few hundred yards out to a sandbar and set them up.
We used to go “gnoming” – we’d go around 55+ communities, collect the garden decorations from everyone’s yard, then set all of them up on one person’s front lawn. Extra points for gnomes in lewd positions and plastic pink flamingoes.
Oh! And I went to the beach during a hurricane (Cat1, no biggie). We got in the paper that day. The wind was strong enough to carry me about 10 feet if I jumped in the air. We sat on the boardwalk and let the waves crash on us. Next day we went back to collect fallen traffic signs, and the boardwalk had been washed away by the storm. Good times.
Keg stand on a moving boat. I didn’t puke
Spent 1½ days in jail. I cried…. not related to keg stand
I did a lot of stupid shit as a teen, but I don’t know how ’‘wild’’ any of it is. :/
Mostly stories about getting drunk, experimenting with drugs, sneaking into places, fucking around in construction sites or climbing stuff. Like underneath bridges, cranes, rooftops.
I got other stuff, but I’ll probably get flamed or, at least, lectured.
4 guys and me in a car on a mountain road in Nevada in the winter. Picture sheer cliffs next to the roadway. The guys thought it was great fun to spin the car on the ice. I was terrified. After 3 or 4 spins someone saw my face and they stopped. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared. I was old enough that I didn’t have to tell anybody about it.
Back in high school I egged a good number of houses, most of them friends/enemies but a few times I did egg random houses with my friends; not too proud of that but it was always super thrilling, running back to the car and everything. :P
I gave a girl a lap dance once while very drunk…that was just last year :)
In senior year of high school, my friends and I followed this car full of younger kids for a long time at night, chased them through residential neighborhoods…they tried to lose us but we kept finding them. They were definitely legitimately freaked out.
In junior year of HS, I stood up through the sunroof of my friend’s car and sang as loudly as I could as we drove down the main street of Palo Alto. Also, in San Francisco, we drove around one night screaming at random people walking on the street…such bastards we were…
Oh, and I went skydiving for my birthday this year. :D
Ohhh, where should I start?
Plenty of bad shit. Plenty.
Age 10 harassing the alligators in Florida
Age 10 stealing a candy bar, didn’t get caught but guilt and a sense of self dignity put a stop to that real fast.
Age 18 drag racing
Age 22 bottle rocket fights with my brothers. Lucky I still have two eyes and all my fingers.
Age 23 While on a mountain dirt road, deliberately punched the gas peddle to fish tailed the car through a curve in the road, instinctively kept gas peddle mashed after realized I was headed straight for a cliff (hmm, approximately 10 feet in front of us) to swing the car back in the correct direction. What I was proud of was watching my friend Chuck, who was far wilder than me, crap in his pants. I had to stop the car I was laughing so hard. Sunny2, thanks for reminding me of that one.
Age 25 gettin neked after mud sledding in the rain with two hot chicks, we had to get through the apartment all muddy so I just stripped and ran for the shower.
Various other ages: Cars and motorcycles at excessive rates of speed. I guess I had a need for speed.
Wow, when I started this thread I thought I would have to answer “goodie two shoes” but hell, I’m just as stupid as most others. Thanks for stirring up all those memories you all.
Like @blueiiznh, I refuse to answer on the grounds that my answers may incriminate me.
Pretty much all of my wilder times happened between ages 14 and 19. Since then, I’ve been relatively tame.
Sneaking out in the middle of the night, wandering around town on my own as a 14/15 year old girl. Smoked a little pot, drank a lot of booze. Had a ton of wild and wanton sex, with way too many partners. << I confess, I actually do not regret this. And it was unprotected sex, at that! << Now that was stupid. The usual reckless driving (not me, but as a passenger), like cramming 11 people into a Pinto. Skipping school.
Very minor criminal activity, like breaking in to empty apartments so we’d have a place to party in the winter nights, but no vandalism. We even took our trash with us when we left! Stole a couple of candy bars and key chains from a store I worked in, but felt too guilty about that to continue, even though it was ridiculously easy.
Fantasized having sex with my nun teachers. Is that wild enough you think? Or actually doing it would be the wild one?
@Facade: Sex in public places, oy. In a car several times and also got caught a few times by sheriff or park ranger. Once a top a campus building, spotlighted by helicopter and once hanging from a multi storied hotel balcony (most fun).
Aside from sexcapades, the wild things I’ve done have been grossly stupid and dangerous- hanging from under a train trestle with friends as the train passed over, lying down across the end of freeway on ramps in a pile to look like accident victims. Truly dumb stuff.
A friend of mine and me (aged 14-ish), we unlocked cable locks from bicycles (we ‘fabricated’ master keys ourselves) and locked other bikes with it.
We didn’t steal the bikes, they were still pretty safe (from being stolen)..., the only thing was that the owners must have been pretty baffled and not been able to unlock them (without the use of some big pliers).
A bit naughty.
Dropping acid with friends at 18 and “borrowing” a Canoe from a local rafting outfit and shooting the rapids at midnight on a moonless night. Woo Hoo!
We only capsized once and it was a WILD ride! Fortunetly we were all pretty river savvy, in amazing physical shape and the capsizing was all about everyone flailing around in a fit of laughter. haha
Metal lake canoes don’t bounce off of river rocks very well. haha
Oh the 70’s….
@Coloma: oh take me back in time! Friends and I used to drop & trip along the American River at night but preferably with a moon. There’s nothing like wading out into the shallows and spotting HUGE river rats cruising along o_O
Yes! Nothing like a summers night on the American! :-D
Have you ever had a Lamprey eel glide between your legs? lolol
Okay, if you promise this won’t leave these pages i’ll tell you something so extreme, so out there & off the scale, it’ll make your head spin. Ready? Okay, I once tossed an empty Sunny Delight bottle right onto the street!! There were people around & everyfum….....yeah I know, fuckin crazy man!!
@Coloma’‘s memories are gonna make mine look like shit.
@Joker94 Tell something about your pecker. I mean your wood pecker…sheesh that didn’t sound right either. : )
We used to toss a purse in the road with a piece of fishing line and hide in the bushes, when someone stopped we would yank the purse when they bent down to reach for it. Some very pissed off people. lolol
We also handed out chocolate covered Milk Bones on Halloween…some very pissed off parents too.
And once, a girl friend and I baked a bunch of lopsided cakes, some “frosted” with extra cake batter instead of frosting and had a bake sale.
We lied about working with handicapped kids and called our bake sale ” cakes by the handicapped”...really, we just wanted to earn Cocaine money. lol
Youthful shennanigens aside, we all turned lout to be model citizens with no longstanding issues, other than still in-joying the occasional happy brownie. :-D
Holy shit, @ucme . I wouldn’t just put something like that on the internet. You could get the feds breathing down your neck in a hurry.
@mazingerz88 Alas, nothing that interesting has happened in that department either. But hey, homecoming’s tonight, that could change..
Uhh..if it counts, a while back, a few friends and I decided to get high and go see the Lion King while in theaters. What was remarkable was that we did it all in the parking lot, and no one even noticed..
@Coloma: No lamprey encounters and I’m so glad I never saw one in the water either. There were spots we avoided that were known for lampreys. ick!
@cockswain Well as my story shows, i’m a guy who laughs in the face of danger, bring it on!
When I was younger, I walked up….the down escalator! You can’t control this guy.
I once left my bedroom light on the entire night….I was 24 for fuck’s sake!!!
Bravest of the brave….& I left my teddy in the wardrobe too, uh huh, oh yeah!!
Jesus Christ! You’re a badass like I didn’t even know. I used to come to A ROLLING FUCKING STOP at stop signs, then just kept on going! No full stop! BYAH!
Yeah…...yeah, well I got that beat see, wow, I sound like Jimmy Cagney now!
You know Pringles, when they say “Once you pop, you can’t stop.” Well I popped & you betcha arse I stopped!! Ooh, I got the all over shakes on that one.
Oh yeah? Once I picked up a hitchhiker and murdered the fuck out of her and spread her body all over the highway! Haha. Yeah.
@mazingerz88 Was that the same chopped to pieces body I screwed one after the other after it got spread all over the highway? Oooo, that mannequin was the bomb!
Not really. :(
The wild shit is in my future. ;)
@Mariah Come visit me, my child, and I’ll guide you to the wild. ;-)
we just wanted to earn Cocaine money. lol
That’s prolly the most epic thing I’ve ever heard lol. XD
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