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KNOWITALL's avatar

Gay in the NBA, do you care?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30042points) April 30th, 2013

Jason Collins is the first professional sports player in the US to come out, yes, even in 2013.

Do you think more will follow?
Will his twin be supportive?
Is this worth National media coverage?
As a free agent, do you think his chances of making a team are now better or worse?

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32 Answers

Seek's avatar

Not even a little.

I mean, I’m glad we’re finally at a point where a professional athlete can feel free to be “out”, but all in all, I don’t care what any consenting adult does in their own free time.

And it’s directly related to professional sports, to which none of my fucks will be given.

OneBadApple's avatar

Gay, schmay.

Ben-Gay, Enola Gay or Marvin Gaye…...just play….

gailcalled's avatar

Fifty shades of gay works for me.

rojo's avatar

In answer to your questions:
It is not that I don’t care but that it doesn’t matter to me.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I care as well. I feel for anyone who has to hide their authentic self for any reason, but this excessive media coverage is insanity. He’s gay and plays bball, get over it.

All the talk shows, all the news stations, Anderson Cooper, it just seems like it’s been talked to death, all the jokes have been made, all the slang words have been used, all the homophobes have outted themselves in outrage.

Plucky's avatar

Yes, I care. Its an important step for gay men active in professional sports. And its about bloody time.

Strauss's avatar


I don’t care about anyone’s sexuality, unless it affects my personal relationship; I also don’t care that much about pro sports (although I enjoy a good game); that being said, it speaks volumes of the changes in society’s acceptance of LBGT folks.

augustlan's avatar

I’m glad he came out; it will make it easier for others to follow suit. The sooner that happens, the better for an accepting society and for gay rights. As the first, it’s newsworthy. Let’s hope it becomes less so with a little more time.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes, I care deeply. It is an important milestone, and it deserves to be covered in the media.

When I was a young gay boy, Billy Crystal played an openly gay character on a show called “Mary Hartman! Mary Hartman!” It was the first of its kind, and it was life altering for me. It showed me that a person could be gay and live. I came from a place and time in which gays were treated ruthlessly with really excessive hatred.

Sports figures get a lot of attention in our world, and the male ones are expected to be extremely macho. Jason Collins is showing the world that a man can be successful in professional sports and be gay. That is important. Dismissing it as undeserving denies every LGBT person their right to live openly and without fear.

Being out is important for all LGBT persons regardless of their status in life.

Berserker's avatar

What Auggie says. Personally I think it’s pretty sad that being gay still has to be enough of an issue as to be debated. Gays should be accepted just like heteros; gay people shouldn’t have to be heroes and come out or fight for their rights. All this should have been accepted a long time ago. But it’s way better than before, so maybe we’re on the right path to finally accepting gays and lesbians totally and without question. I care for that reason.

Shenandoah's avatar

I honestly and truly do not care what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom, straight or gay. I Do Not Care. What I do care about is the President of the United States celebrating it. He has other more important issues to care about: Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Solyndra, etc.

Rarebear's avatar

Maybe, yes, yes and worse.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Shenandoah Agree wholeheartedly, excepting bestiality, that’s just cruel and psychotic…lol

One of my friends calls this kind of thing ‘distractions’ sanctioned by the WH.

LostInParadise's avatar

It is so annoying that in 21st century America that there are still problems with gay rights, as well as rights for women and racial minorities. When will it all be over? I am so tired of hearing about all this. Just fricking do it so we can move on to more complicated issues like climate change and education.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m so tired of hearing the word “gay”. I wish that I could go just one day without hearing about it.

Rarebear's avatar

@gondwanalon When gays have equal rights and are not discriminated against, then you will go for a day without hearing it.

rojo's avatar

@gondwanalon you can. Just turn off the tv, radio and internet and don’t read the paper. I would suggest going for a walk in the woods but it appears from another post that even that will not guarantee that you will not be subjected to media blasts.

Ron_C's avatar

Hell, I figured that guys that go around with baggy, too long shorts were all gay so I am surprised that this guy was the first to admit it.

Other than that, I don’t care at all, no, don’t care, will never care. What a waste of time, paper, and computer space…..Still don’t care!

Sunny2's avatar

I’m hoping the hands will go up more quickly in support of the gay community until it won’t be a novelty and will simply be accepted as one of many factors of a person’s life. Then, what a person chooses to reveal will again become a personal choice.

gondwanalon's avatar

@Rarebear More power to the gay homosexuals!

@rojo A gay stranger made a pass at me one time when I was walking in the woods. But that was a long time ago when I still had my good looks. I don’t have to worry about that now. HA!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Thanks to all. Not caring, to me, means that your bedroom is not my business. Love each other.

rojo's avatar

@gondwanalon What exactly is a gay homosexual?

josie's avatar

Are people saying they think he is the only one?

Or is he the only one that is going to get a lot of high paying interviews, speaking engagements and book deals.

Collins is a sturdy veteran, but he will never be remembered for his amazing athletic skills, and his marks in the record book.

Now he has a real legacy.

Who is his PR guy?

rojo's avatar

I know nothing about this guy, until today I had not even heard his name (not a big NBA fan) but I heard on my local Christian hate radio show today that he did this because he is nearing the end of a mediocre career and this is only so he can get his 15 minutes of fame.

But, I consider the source.

Rarebear's avatar

@rojo Sorry…you were listening to Christian hate radio?

rojo's avatar

Yes. Sorry, but I consider AFR and AFA hate mongering organizations. Only the “news” and “commentary” shows. The ones where they actually discuss the bible are not usually so filled with vitriol.

tinyfaery's avatar

I care a lot. Every public figure should come out. We are everywhere, always, known or not. To admit you are gay continues to be dangerous. We are not yet living in post sexual society.

Good for him. How brave.

woodcutter's avatar

Not really.

in other news…..

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rojo I’m taking that as a happy homosexual…?

DeanV's avatar

Part of me wishes people would stop talking about this Collins thing as the “first of its kind”, because, well, it’s not.

The other part of me says good for him. We’re probably getting towards the time where we can stop worrying about this kind of shit, and as a sports fan that’s somewhat exciting. That said, I definitely don’t think it’ll be an immediate transition. Gay players in sports is by no means a paradigm shift, but there’s still plenty of bigotry that goes on, some of which is public, and most of it which isn’t. This definitely isn’t going to change overnight. American sports are a bunch of uneducated, testosterone-fueled rich dudes hurting each other, a subgroup that usually isn’t all that receptive to homosexuality.

Plucky's avatar

@DeanV Yes, it is the first. He is the first active male athlete of an American professional sport to publicly come out. The key words being active, male, and American.

DeanV's avatar

@Plucky I don’t think you read my second link. Semantics, yes, but as an uppity soccer fan I feel the need to make the correction.

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