Would you care so much if a coworker stopped communicating with you?
Asked by
Heather13 (
September 26th, 2015
A guy at work keeps questioning a girl at work as to why she stopped talking to him. She is ignoring him and giving him the cold shoulder, because he shouted profanities at her when she asked him to do a work related task in front of other coworkers. They thought he was wrong to do that to her.
They usually acts friendly with each other and he likes how funny she is and makes him laugh, based on what he said.
She thinks he knows why she is not speaking to him, since she stopped the moment he yelled at her.
She is actually one of the friendliest and caring coworker. And everyone likes her. He is now desparate to get her to talk to him again. Hanging over her to find out why. Even trying to ask her in front of other coworkes why she stopped. She doesn’t even respond to that. He tries to say goodbye to her while leaving work, she turned her back and didn’t respond. So he stold her that she will talk to him again. The left.
He has a girlfriend. So its not a boy/girl issue.
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19 Answers
Well obviously she’s not talking to him because he yelled and swore at her. Perhaps he should try to apologize if he feels bad about it. Plus she was asking him to do something work related, his entire behavior was quite unprofessional, from the swearing to not doing the task. (assuming he didn’t perform it)
If it was me who was being ignored, I don’t care, unless that person is, or was, my friend, and if it doesn’t affect my work.
Although I have a nasty vocabulary, I don’t start yelling my head off and swearing at people.
@Symbeline he didnt do the task. The other workers were shocked at his response to her. Thry apologized and took up the task themselves.
Are you asking as an disinterested party? Or on his behalf?
The guy has crossed multiple boundaries and yet fails to see his actions have caused this. She is acting as appropriately as she can. She will not risk another rude confrontation where he disregards protocol or even team work and does so in a vile impolite manner.
If this is disruptive, or if others are at all concerned about his lack of awareness, he ought to be confronted by his peers to offer a sincere apology in front of everyone and under the supervision of their manager, and to promise to quit bugging her to talk to him.
She owes him nothing, ever.
OMG another reason why I love working alone.
He was wrong for blowing up on her,BUT was it her position to point out,or assign the task to him??
And for ignoring him,on personal level fine,on a work level NOT fine.
@SQUEEKY2 she was actually doing her job to ask him to take up the task. She is in a position to assign it to him. He was mad that he couldn’t leave work earlier because of the task. As he said during his rant.
Well then they are both acting like spoiled children.
Did she know he wished to leave early on that day??
If she did and still assigned the task to him, why was she surprised when he blew up??
If she did not know of his wishes that day, then he by far is the idiot, and should have stated he wished to leave early on that day.
@Heather13 By the virtue that you seem to be so invested in this give and take between this man and this coworker tips the scales that I have to say I do not believe you when you say… He has a girlfriend. So its not a boy/girl issue. I will give you the advice I give everyone who finds themselves embroiled with others affairs….MYOB.
@SQUEEKY2 He is on dutyand should expect any task assigned. His wanting to leave early is jot option if he has specific hours to work. The managrrs expect hernto do her job which is what she did.
@Heather13 Is this the same guy you were talking about in This Question?
Is this new question really about you and not your co-worker? I’ve read all of your other questions including This One and it seems like you have some very odd male/female relationships going on (or not going on as the case may be) or you are having a very hard time figuring out what men mean by what they say and do. Where is all your confusion coming from?
The other thought I had, if these questions don’t pertain to you, but to another female, then you are a busybody. Why are you so concerned about what some dude thinks or does regarding someone else??? If someone at your job is doing something inappropriate, you should immediately document the incidents (time, date, situation, witnesses etc.) and tell the Human Resources person at your job. Idle speculation doesn’t help.
The details in your questions are vague enough that none of us can truly give you a good or helpful answer, because it sounds like some of the stuff you are telling us is not true, or else some of the details are so weird and/or confusing that it’s hard to even speculate on what is really going on (or who the actual participants are). Care to enlighten us?
@Kardamom please do not make a connection with my questions. This question is in no way related to my other question. We’ve cross that bridge. I am talking about different people. I am not looking for an aguement. Its so stressing to read negative responses, I didnt even go passed your first couple sentence, because I can see its leading down to a petty argument. Maybe ohers will read it, but dont nother to think I will waste my time to read hurtful comments. If I am being confusingor whatever, just ignore me all together. Jee wiz!
@Heather13 I’m not arguing with you. I’m asking for clarification. It seems like your other questions were equally vague in the details, but most of them, including this one, deal with someone (either you or a co-worker, we can’t be sure) who has some type of issues with a male who is causing problems (or possibly the other way around). It makes me think that you work with some very weird people, and there is a pattern to these questions, and it makes me think that you are a busybody.
If it’s not related to your other questions, then it seems to me you spend a lot of time trying to figure out the psychology, trying to get into the minds, of the people you work with. Way too much time.
@Heather13: One thing about Fluther – people will remember you and remember what you’ve discussed. We’re a community and I think we tend to think of each other as people, not just names with profiles. Therefore, people will call you out and delve into what you post. That’s the way it is.
Boy, ain’t that the truth! I’ve had people go back years to find one of my old posts that may seem to contradict something I’m saying currently! We have a scary collective memory.
Yeah, and never bad mouth cell phones or texting,they will feed you to the wolves.
You will not talk on the fucking cell phone, or fucking text, while you are driving. Do not do that when you are driving a thousand pound weapon of destuction that can kill every little child around you just because you aren’t paying attention. I don’t care WHO you are. High five @SQUEEKY2. Bring on the wolves and the flying monkeys.
And individual plastic water bottles are bad too.
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