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MrGrimm888's avatar

Have you lost faith in humanity?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19087points) July 7th, 2016

I never had much faith in humanity. But things are getting stupid. With the advent of the Internet, humans are able to communicate, translate, and circulate ideas that would have taken much longer on the past to spread. Science, technology, and medicine should be enjoying amazing advancement. And in some cases they are. But there always seems to be something blocking the progress. Either religion, or political gain seem to have resurfaced as front runners in ideology of most people in power . The world is seemingly at a tipping point. It’s population is bursting at the seams, and some countries are starting to see the big picture.

We are effectively going to be fighting for space and resources in the near future.

Research has hypothetically proven that things like vertical farms ( ie Popular Science ) could be self sustainable developments. Hydroponics, tilapia,chickens, solar and wind power, recycling, and other technologies are compatible and capable of collectively coexisting for the accomplishment of a greater good.
But people must first put aside their petty differences (religion, skin color, social order) to be able to thrive under current circumstances.

The world is getting smaller quickly . If humans set aside their differences and cooperate, then anything is possible. That’s a BIG if.
Do we (humans ) stand a chance ?

I read an article once on PM that described a ‘vertical farm’ that was self sustained and plausible. They are supposed to be testing 2 prototypes soon. It sounds like these could be part of the answer of how to feed and sustain such a growing population on such a finite space .
But no scientific achievement can save us from ourselves.

Is there hope? Or will we self destruct? Was that our endgame all along? Were we destined for failure?

Am I just a pessimist, who can’t see the silver lining to the cloud that hangs over humanity?

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