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Will my husband’s hair grow back after this surgery mishap?

Asked by JLeslie (65643points) February 9th, 2021 from iPhone

My husband had some surgery on the top of his head. A dermatological thing, no one is seriously injured or dying.

The suturing was terrible. There were dissolvable interior stitches and regular near the surface stitches. Shortly after they removed the outer stitches the wound opened up at both ends. He had 2 craters, the larger one about 4 millimeters by 7 millimeters and 2–3 millimeters deep. The smaller only slightly smaller. They became infected, we have spent 6 weeks now nursing it, and finally it is close to completely healed. It’s not completely smooth, but it’s better than I thought it would end up, I really thought he would have more of a “pox” type of mark left, especially where the bigger wound was.

I’m hoping his hair will grow back, but so far it hasn’t where the wound was and even immediately adjacent to the area.

My question is, where does the hair follicle live? Is it near the surface and since the wound opened up, the tissue that holds hair follicles is not in that area anymore? Does the hair grow from deeper?

I had an injury years ago that scraped hair off of my head and it did grow back. I don’t remember how long it took. I was fairly disabled for 2 months from the accident so I wasn’t really aware of how long the hair took to start sprouting again.

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