General Question

Zen's avatar

Spider-man is the best superhero of all. Right?

Asked by Zen (7758points) March 31st, 2009

The comics, and now all three (yes, all three) movies are awesome. Don’t think so? Explain.

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59 Answers

TaoSan's avatar

You are aware he wears tights…..right?

Zen's avatar

@TaoSan As do I. Your point? Hi Tao. I love it when we’re together Tao/Zen. Hehe.

TaoSan's avatar

off topic:


Zen's avatar


Zen's avatar

This will be the spiritual, peaceful spidey thread ;-)

TaoSan's avatar

We need at least 1 or 2 good answers before snarking. The Fluther karma is such…

dynamicduo's avatar

Nein. Spider-Man’s basis for getting his powers does not compare in awesomeness nor dedication to Batman. As well, Batman’s voice is much more superhero like. Therefore, I put forth the thought that Batman is a superior superhero.

TaoSan's avatar

but Batman wears tights too!!!


Zen's avatar

@dynamicduo I understand you take this seriously, based on your username. No offense, but Spidey could shoot a web and have both Flatman and Ribbin in a web so fast they would be yelling out for even the Joker to help them. Holy Tamole, Robin, Spidey would sling Batman up from his nipples in a jiffy, and still have time for the Catwoman.


TaoSan's avatar

Stark beats Wayne & Parker any day of the week I say!

plus: doesn’t wear tights!

Zen's avatar

@TaoSan Stark has major awesomeness, I agree, but c’mon… can he swing from a web? Take a look over head.

TaoSan's avatar

Question is, why would he want to swing from a net (whilst wearing tights)?

Tony Stark is FoShizzle

Triiiple's avatar

In Spider-Man 3 (where he dawns the evil symbiote suit) they have a sing and dance scene. How is he the best super hero?

More Captain American please.

TaoSan's avatar

Tony Stark appreciates Hookers and BlackJack as much as I do, so I will never sway in my unwavering and unquestioning adoration of him.

Besides, one web sample and Stark Industries would come out with a new “Insecticide” muahahahaaaaaaaa

discover's avatar

Spidey is the best

cookieman's avatar

Spiderman is the best super hero because, despite his powers, he is the every-man.

He is not a billionaire.
Not from another planet.
Is not a god.

He’s just a kid with really bad luck, dead parents, dead uncle, girl trouble, a sweet aunt, and high school/college to attend.

He could be you. So he is relateable.

Maldadpermanente's avatar

Absolutely, he has survived lots of writers, artists, plots, sub-plots, bad movie scripts and Marvel madness.

TaoSan's avatar


All that political correctness in him makes me sick! ;)

Oh well, Lurve for compassion…

and the tights of course

discover's avatar

@ cprevite are absolutely right

TaoSan's avatar


Pertaining to “every-man”, isn’t Tony Stark much more “man”, seeing as he has all these character flaws he has to overcome?

Spidey has it quite easy. The right mix of righteous upbringing paired with just the right amount of suffering and loss. I bet it’s easy for him to be righteous.

Now, Tony on the other hand…..

GAMBIT's avatar

Now that I am an adult I would go with Batman because the blockbuster movies have made me a big fan but as a kid Spiderman ruled. I used to go around singing the theme song to the cartoon. Spiderman always had a great sense of humor and I liked when he would walk around town an say his “spidey senses were tingling” when there was danger.

The Batman TV show had very comical villains and if one looks at it now it is more theater than anything. POW!! BAM!!! BOOM!!

Zen's avatar

@Triiiple It just shows that he can sling webs and sing and dance; he’s a triple threat.

JellyB's avatar

NO!! It is Superman! Especially the Smallville one….mmmm….. :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Spidey’s cartoon show back in the day had the best theme song, hands down! And in color!

GAMBIT's avatar

@aprilsimnel – Thanks april that took me back a few years.

TaoSan's avatar

Now Superman comes in. What’s with all the tights, people???? :)

JellyB's avatar

@TaoSan LOL! Hero’s without tights aren’t cool! ;P ‘Sides, Smallville’s superman didn’t wear tights…yet.

TaoSan's avatar


point taken!

He found his taste for tighties after some intense soul-seeking :)

JellyB's avatar

@TaoSan Heh heh heh! Yeah, i’m not sure where he went soul-seeking…. ;)

dynamicduo's avatar

Would you believe I was never actually considering my avatar or username in contemplation of my support for Batman? Because it’s true!

The reason I think Batman is a superior superhero is because he was never given his gifts through a random act. He trained very hard, and uses technology and his smarts to become “super”. Sure, he was given his parents’ estate, but this was at a drastic cost to him and was the event that changed him into who he is today.

I also find Bruce Wayne to be more of a strong character than Peter Parker. Though I will admit this opinion is based on the films, as I am not a comic reader.

Regarding tights: I sure know that if I were in a fight, I wouldn’t want a huge frilly costume for enemies to grab onto. And we all know what happens to superheroes with capes.

TaoSan's avatar


I admit, Batman comes really damn close to Iron Man.

J0E's avatar

I think if you put all the superheroes in a cage match Spider-Man wouldn’t last very long.

TaoSan's avatar


R O F L! Hulk sits on his face while Iron Man gives him a mini rocket enema while Batman tortures him with blades lol

Zen's avatar

@J0E Anyday, anytime.
@dynamicduo – You are contridicting yourself with the cape thing. Batman has a cape, as does his “junior partner” Robin. And what kind of a name for a superhero is “robin?” Ridiculous. Doesn’t exactly put the fear in the bad guys hearts.
@BellyJ – Superman sucks. Period. Defend that.

@all In general, Marvel superheros are waaaaay better then D.C.


J0E's avatar

@Zen I agree that Superman sucks, but he definitely would win that cage match. Spider-Man wouldn’t have a chance, he could probably take down Batman just because of the “no powers” thing but then Spidey would get pummeled by the rest of them.

JellyB's avatar

@Zen Whoa…..!! Now just hold on here a minute….. you know that he can totally kick your ass, right? None other can move so fast, or is so strong – Spiderman doesn’t even come close, and neither does he stand a chance!
Defend THAT!

@JOE :O Yeah, he would kick ass, alright!

TaoSan's avatar


Stark Industries has just announced the release of their new “Kryptonite Sprayer” :)

JellyB's avatar

@TaoSan Nah ah! No external gadgets allowed in this match of course….

Zen's avatar

@JellyB @J0E Whoahoho: What’s that green thing I have in my, er Spidey’s pocket? Not feeling so good now, eh Supes? Batman – shut up and stop whining, the web is indestructible and will hold you til I’m good n ready to cut you down. Play with your fake nipples and pipe down. Here, I’ll free your hands so you can play gin rummy with Stark over there while I beat up Hulk.

JellyB's avatar


J0E's avatar

@Zen Where is a poor college kid like Peter Parker going to get some Kryptonite?

TaoSan's avatar

yeah, and BTW, Spidey-Tighty doesn’t have pockets :)

Zen's avatar

@J0E Pay attention, please. Stark had some, now he’s in the web and I have it. @TaoSan I think you are displaying tights-envy. Nonetheless, in my utility belt, which I snatched from Batman, there’s a pouch for kryptonite just for these special occasions when Superman pisses me off. I won’t kill him though, just neutralize him and send him off to another dimension.

mattbrowne's avatar

I think Data can take on Spiderman ;-)

JellyB's avatar

@mattbrowne LOL! Anyone can take on Spiderman!

Zen's avatar

@mattbrowne LOL buddy. You would bring Data into this. That’s almost sacriligious.

adreamofautumn's avatar

I’m throwing in my agreement that Iron Man is where it’s at. As far as the movies go…Iron Man was awesome and I do love the Spider-Man trilogy (I could have lived without the Batman movies, I really just don’t think I give too much of a crap about him really).

Aside from Iron Man I might be inclined to throw in my support for various X-Men and Avengers. I don’t even know which one’s I want to pick though! The choice is too hard!

cookieman's avatar


re. Tights: Spidey is actually one of the only heroes tights make sense on as he is, basically, a gymnast.

re. Iron Man: I agree that it is much harder for Tony Stark to be a hero. He is inherently selfish, so doing the right thing does not come as naturally. His journey is more interesting when you’re an adult.

As a kid though, Spidey was much more relatable.

re. Superman: The problem with most DC superheroes (with the exception of Batman) is that they are icons first and people second.

TaoSan's avatar


point taken…

Fully agree on DC!

what can I say? I’m a sucker for inner conflict :)

fireside's avatar

You guys are all wrong.
Everyone knows that Captain America is the greatest, gadgets or no gadgets.

adreamofautumn's avatar

@fireside he’s dead. I think that puts him out of the running. I mean I don’t know the particulars of this question, but I would cast my vote for living superheroes. Though if he does count then I could cast a vote for him, he’s pretty cool.

asmonet's avatar

As I said in the other hero question:

I was gonna say Batman but then I saw this.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i like spidey because his ‘non-superhero self’ is not an asshole – he’s awkward and i wouldn’t mind hanging out with him haha. and he actually looks different when he changes into his superhero self (aka NOT like superman).
ironman is a close second, though i think that’s just because of the movie (robert downey jr absolutely makes me swoon).

Zaku's avatar

Um. Well I appreciate the thoughtful comments and find I can sympathize with many of them (I tend to prefer Batman to Spiderman in many ways, I haven’t liked what I’ve seen of the Spiderman films because my sense of physics and human responses balks and disagrees with what’s shown), but I don’t think it’s possible to ultimately answer this in a single consistent way. I do enjoy the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny video though.

Zen's avatar

@Zaku Thanks for the clip!

El_Cadejo's avatar

Aside from batman, yes, spidey is the best. The new spiderman series is especially good IMO

Zen's avatar

@uberbatman It’s pretty good. I miss the comics and show from the seventies, tbh.

Nimis's avatar

Perhaps not the best. But certainly most tragic
and most definitely my favourite, Silver Surfer.

Forget fighting in a ring.
Galactus will just consume your puny planet.

My second favourite would be Batman.
Third?....Dr. Doom on a fucking unicorn.

asmonet's avatar

Nimis, leave your husband.
Run away with me.

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