What are the colors of the background where there are: "Browse" "all" "your fluther","just for you"?
Asked by
flo (
December 27th, 2009
What are the colors of the backgrounds where there are: “Browse” “all” “your fluther” “just for you”. And what is the back ground where there is “Have a question?” Ask Fluther”? The reason I am asking is it seems to be different on my screen and my friend’s screen.
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42 Answers
It’s a dark green background.
Gradated Teal (closest Hex: 336666) and a gradated bluish gray (like 15%?, see F0FFF0) respectively.
Light Winsor Blue (Green)
@Mclaren7703 In other words, unless we’re in front of your monitor, you cannot show us what it looks like to you (hence my amusement with the screencap…) :P Welcome to Fluther!
No Beta Onionis, the point with the screenshot is to show that if it looks the same as flos does (which im guessing it will) it will show its colour characteristics of monitor and not anything to do with the site being different. Flo’s friend would see the screenshot the same as there own “view” too..proving moreso that its about different monitors colour most likely. But anyway, thanks for the welcome ;)
@Mclaren7703 ah! Clever. The thoughts just seemed disconnected. Thanks for putting me in my place!
p.s. ‘tis O-r-i-onis. More than a few people have experienced the same visual trick though. :)
Thanks everyone:)
@gemiwing and @janbb, could you please let me know which part of the question your answer is for?If it is for the “browse”, “your fluther“green is not the dominant color? I see dark green maybe a hint of blue, maybe a hint. Unlike the other backround which is light blue with a hint of grey.
@Mclaren7703 what do you see on your monitor?
To me they are quite distict from each other.
@flo It could also be a difference in your eyes, as we all perceive colors slightly differently, but probably not if the screencap and the front page appear different on your monitor.
@JustPlainBarb your answer is the same as mine. How about the other one have a question? “Ask Fluther”?
@Beta_Orionis your answer goes with what I see too.
@flo Winsor Blue (green) is a Winsor and Newton paint color that is a fairly rich blue. The (green) in the color name indicates that it has a slight green tint to it as opposed to Winsor Blue (red) which has red undertones. It’s the closest color I saw to the main background, although not exactly right.
@Beta_Orionis – whoops, yep did fall right into that typo sorry lol
@flo – to me the colours appear as Beta_Orionis said..a kind of graduated teal
I see a teal blend. I also have a problem with the blog that claimed there is snow on the background, and I see none.
@YARNLADY No snow! That’s a crime! What browser are you using?
I am on Internet Explorer, but I think the problem is the width of my screen. I see a little tiny piece of snowflake on two sides a few inches from the top of my screen. The rest of the screen is the question and answer section, all light blue, and some rust colored lines across the top.
@Mclaren7703 Oh, that’s pretty. Thank you for showing me. I only have two very thin black stripes down the sides of my screen, about twice the width of the white stripes.
Thank you all for answering.:)
@Beta Onion,
I have so much to respond to, but first let me just show you what happened when I clicked on Windsor Blue that you gave me, a few minutes ago:
http://www.winsornewton.com/products/water-colours/artists-water-colour/colour-chart/winsor-blue-%28green-shade%29/ . Two days ago it took me to the a site where it shows a color that is obviously blue, sea blue, but not turquoise, not hint of any other color.
I see the thin dark green close to black stripes like you said and snow flakes if I scroll up all the way. But I think it changes on which page we are on, whethere the snow flakes are in a wide background or on a thin strip.
BTW, I just clicked on the link in my posting above, it gives me error but if you click on the “windsor Blue” link that Beta Onion gave me it takes me there.
@janbb I am seeing no red anywhere in those backgrounds. Baffling.
@flo Where did I say anything about red in those backgrounds? Read my answers more carefully.
@janbb , I apologize plus plus plus.
@flo Accepted, accepted, accepted
@flo No worries because this is a visual thing many people seem to fall for, but It is Beta O-r-i-onis (i.e. the Beta star in the constellation Orion, my name sake) :)
@janbb I am so glad, that you responded. What an egg on my face!
@Beta_Orionis when I clicked on the “winsor blue”, the first time, close to the time you posted the link, I got a website that showed the color which is like bright light blue, along with the description, which I didn’t read. Since then though when I get “Winsor &Newton” website which has to do with painting materials and colors. I posted the url above, the 6th posting from this one (I wish there was a date & time next to the comments)
@Beta orionis, I mispelled your username before, sorry.
@Beta Orionis, @Mclaren 7703, On my last posting your usernames did not turn red. How do you ensure it works everytime, is there a trick?
@flo – when you type @ in the box, a list of names appears below it, where you can choose the required username. Otherwise you just have to do @ and type the persons username in full, and spelt correctly.
@Mclaren7703 I type @ everytime and sometimes the menu shows up in which case it works I think, all the time.
BTW’ the menu shows up on the side of the box, and the “check your work, then Answer” lifts itself up and obstructs part of the list of usernames.
And when the menu doesn’t show up, I type the whole name (see above 2nd line from last) it didn’t work.
I just noticed your username has no space in it, maybe that is why it didn’t work but what about @Beta Orionis, I just left 2 sapces in it to see what happens.
@flo Maybe a browser issue stops is showing and working everytime, and causing the obstruction..but thats just a guess. Personally im using Mozilla Firefox and have no probs with it working each time.
I believe the reason why Beta Orionis didnt “turn red” for you is because there is actually an underscore “_” between the two words, rather than a space. Eg: Beta_Orionis
@Mclaren7703 thank you. You are right re. the underscore, which doesn’t show up in the usernames under each posting here, because they are underlined, I guess.
Thanks again.
@flo I have that problem with the @s @ times, too.
@flo I too have the @/menu problem. And @Mclaren7703 is correct, there’s an underscore. It does show, but it’s extremely subtle, a very slight thickening of the line. Had I thought a little harder about the consequences, I would have left it a space. I’m just stuck in the past, when the allowable characters in usernames were much more restricted.
@janbb thank you.
@Beta_Orionis thank you. I don’t see the underscore no matter how much I am tried, I even used a magnifying glass.
-I find it time consuming to scroll up and down to search for one particular answer among the few answers that one answerer has given, (not this thread though, another question I answered which has a lot of answers) How do you think I can solve that problem?
@Beta_Orionis now I see which location of usernames where the underscore would show. It is in the text when it turns red. . I was talking about the our usernames to the left of “Great Answer” under the answers,it doesn’t show there.
– BTW, I meant ”...I tried…” in my posting above this one.
@flo I was speaking of the display beneath the avatar as well, but weird! Maybe it’s just a browser difference, but I can see it on mine, especially with a magnifying glass. /shrug
As far as finding answers, If you remember some phrase, then you can always “ctrl-F” your way to the answer. Otherwise, if you hit the ”@user” in a response, it jumps up to the last quip from that user.
@Beta_Orionis I have used different computers, probably use different browsers, and it is the same, the underscore is in 1)after the @, and 2)in the list of usernames that automatically appear – it is not underlined there so it is obvious – never in the diplay beneath the avatar. I hope other users chime in.
-Can you please give me the exact steps of using the “you can always “ctrl-F” your way to the answer”.
Thanks a lot.
@flo, It is there (beneath the avatar); I can perceive it, even in the usernames of users I’ve never encountered before.
See: original size && enlarged to show subtle pixel width shift. In the second you can see the barest shift in width and a very subtle change in color beneath the underscore. I can detect this at a glance at normal resolution. I can’t possibly be the only one that’s noticed this. If you’re having trouble seeing it, even in the screencap, try viewing your monitor/screen from below the center line (i.e. look up at the image with your eyes at desktop/keyboard level.)
“finding things” step by step:
1. Remember some key phrase from an answer (i.e. “visual trick”)
2. Hit Apple/Crtl + F together
3. Type or paste your word/phrase
4. Hit “find”
5. Cycle through results until you find the post you’re looking for, or try another word/phrase.
@Beta_Orionis thank you. What is the altermnative to “Apple” in “Hit Apple/Crtl + F together”.?
@flo ???
It’s either Apple+F for Mac OS
or CTRL+F in Windows and Linux Systems (as long as the latter’s key-map hasn’t been reconfigured.)
Not sure what you’re asking for…
@Beta_Orionis I just tried to go and answer you questions, but they have already been answered, the are 1 and 2 months old. I hope I will be able to return the favor in the future.
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