My friend is acting like a stalker?
Asked by
ssarti (
December 29th, 2009
hey all. i’ve gotten myself into a really huge mess. a few months ago i bought some weed and i smoked some of it directly afterwards but then i realized what a severe mistake i had made after i got caught and had to pay the repercussions so i just stashed the what i had left in the deepest darkest part of my house. some months later i told one of my closest friends that i had it and after that he has just been bothering me to get to it. it started off with just some curiosity such as questions like how much i have, how old is it etc. he just became more and more excited about it afterwards and then in the end he convinced me to give it up to him. he even agreed to pay me for it. but i thought about it later on and i concluded that if there is one thing worse than doing drugs its dealing in them so i have just been making excuses about giving it up to him. now he is waiting in front of my house like everyday after christmas and he is hell bent on getting it from me. and worst of all my parents are suspicious about what exactly he wants. what should i do? p.s. i cant own up to having the weed as i already got caught once [the first time] and well second time no one is going to be forgiving…
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118 Answers
Flush the pot down the toilet end of issue.
Tell his parents, if he’s older then tell the cops. Be honest.
Flush it and tell him that it’s gone.
the problem is what am i supposed to tell them? i cant say that he wants to buy the weed that ‘i’ have as ‘i’ am supposed to be reformed and clean. p.s. i am reformed and i am never going to touch those things again but i just couldn’t come to throwing away what i had…
although now i think is the right time to do it…..
@ssarti if you cannot bring yourself to toss it as others have suggested, my guess is that you are not really reformed. TOSS IT!!!
i guess i just have to do that…
and what am i going to tell him afterwards? he is the kind that one doesnt want to cross….[as can be seen from his stalker behaviour]
Obviously the weed means far more to this guy than it does to you. Gee might we even say it’s possible he’s addicted to it ? He sure is persistent, isn’t he ?
Oh, that’s right, I forgot. Pot isn’t addictive…or so I’m told~
Mental note to self: Bookmark this thread for later reference for all those who loudly insist that Pot is not addictive ? Oh really ? Tell that to “Stalker-Dude”.
how about this? i toss it but if someone is to pick it up from the trash after i throw it away then its not my problem…...
So you want us to take you seriously with that profile picture?
Tell him your mother found it and flushed it. Sorry dude, nothing I can do. Can’t talk to you either, I’m grounded for life. Then go flush it yourself.
by toss do you guys mean toss in trash [my idea] or flush for good?
lol the profile pic is just a fag!
oops i forgot fag means someting else in the states i mean ciggy lol
ok i threw it…...i think that arse is still waiting outside….
@ssarti Flush. Down the toilet. Unusable, unsalable, gone.
yup down the loo mixed with some of my weewee so its really unusable
ok i have another idea – how about now i make some fake weed with some spices and give that to him instead?
if he gets pissed ill just tell him that i dont know my weed from my spices lol
@ssarti Has her possibly already paid you for this?
noooo….not yet….he was about to though
I just second, third and fourth what everybody else is saying. Flush it and tell him it’s gone or that your Mom flushed it if that is easier.
You’re not really listening to everyone, are you?
You are asking for trouble, let it go and move on.
after i came home today he was waiting with the money and i was like ok im gonna go get it and then ive locked myself in my apartment since
@ssarti you really just need to stand up for what you believe. Dont be a pushover.
man i wish it was as easy as it sounds these druggies dont listen to reason….
@ssarti If he’s someone you don’t want to cross, why in the world would you consider trying to sell him fake stuff? Go outside, tell him that you can’t help him and that your parents are thinking about calling the cops on him if he keeps hanging around. Sorry dude, nothing I can do.
@ssarti quit making excuses too. Apprently this friend isnt much of a friend then.
man you’re telling me he’s a nice guy and all but when it comes down to it he’s more trouble than its worth
@avvooooooo lol well it was just an idea i am trying to lighten a very serious and potentially painful situation!
@ssarti drop this dude as a friend then.
ok i guess i have to face him sooner or later what should i tell him? daaaaaamnnnn i should have just given him his weed and told him to eff off and leave me alone
cuz now i am gonna have to go outiside and face a beating
Hell, call the cops yourself. Tell them that he thinks you have weed that you don’t have since you learned your lesson and is stalking you trying to get at it.
Dont throw the weed away, you paid money for it. Tell him to f___ off and go get his own, dont do the crime if you wont do the time.
Why put yourself in jeopardy? What is he gonna tell youre parents? You owe him weed? Tell him to go away, tell youre parents hes trying to beat you up or something.
its thrown out already – i flushed it down the toilet a few minutes ago
well i would call the cops but then this is going to be all over facebook and once the holidays are over im gonna be known as the prick who cant handle his own problems!
goddamn if any potenital users are reading this then please learn a thing or two from all this
So what? That’ll last what, two weeks? You’ll survive. Take it as part of your punishment for being a dumbass and smoking weed just like the consequences of getting caught.
shite he’s brought his friends!
thats it time to call the cops
lol i dont like where this day is heading
ok i couldnt call the cops i just texted him instead and told him what i did
You are seriously dragging this out more then it should be, hes a punk kid who wants some weed.
If youre not gonna call the cops why are you gonna text him? So he can verbally abuse you back lol?
texting is taking things to the next level but calling the cops isnt?
he can do what he wants i’ve had it with drugs and all that bs if he wants to be angry so be it i’ve done nothing wrong by not becoming a dealer
@ssarti Just put on your big boy undies and do what you need to do. Call the cops.
Am I the only one who finds this whole thread reminiscent of the old anti-drug ad with the egg in the frying pan ?
“This is your brain…
This is your brain on drugs…
Get it ?”
@Buttonstc awww geee that makes me feel so much better i have a bunch of liverpool thugs on the ground floor waiting for me and you’re reminiscing the good old days
Call the cops. A parent or a Family friend. Go do it now. Stop dragging it on.
Why don’t you just FLUSH the “weed” down the toilet ?
Then; no more stalking that YOU created…... and no more chance that law enforcement wil come banging your door down yelling “Search Warrant” at 3AM…..
Get rid of that shi* like you should have done MONTHS ago and you won’t have a problem anymore…
Don’t you have laws against loitering? Trespassing? Cops, now.
man i already flushed it!
lol loitering laws?? please… europe you can go parading inside a persons house for all the cops care
Now call someone! Before I come beat you up with them.
lol ok ok! but i dunno my parents are gonna have a fit when they come back
Who cares. Deal with the consequence. You made a decision. Be a man.
If you flushed it ; there is NO problem….
Just tell this “Stalker to be” that it is GONE and that he needs to clear out of your space… and that failing to do so, will result in the law being called…..
but once they conclude their investigation wont they know i claimed to have such a thing in my possession?
You flushed it. Just be honest and you’ll be fine.
well allright then here goes nothing…..
I think @ssarti is looking for one of those lurves.
I call shenanigans. This looks like a sad attempt at getting people to pay him some attention.
the stalkers number – if anyone else wants to have a laugh about how i like attention why not discuss it with him?
you’re both up my creek anyway so im sure youll get along just fine!
ok i called the cops but i am not too sure that was a very good idea – im prolly gonna have to spend the whole night explaining things to them!
@ssarti honestly I doubt the cops will care for that long.
this isn’t even a question – it’s like a giant conversation – do you know we have a chat room?
the convo with me friend was early on today when he was still waiting outside and he asked me to come out and i gave him the excuse that my parents saw him smoking so they got suspicious. christmas pudding/chocolate cake is ofcourse…..
@ssarti Great job man flushing down the toilet and getting it out of your life. So it sounds like you’re waiting inside with the cops coming and guy standing outside your house with his friends right now. Is that accurate?
lol yes thats quite right! should be here any minute now [unless ofcourse theres a brawl downstairs itself lol]
Ssarti, This is a great lesson the joys of honesty. It sounds like you led your friend on though you may not have intended to. I hope when this is over, you’ve learned a lesson…
i suppose so yes…..i did give out the impression that i was ok with him taking it [when really i just knew it was wrong]. i dunno i guess it was just looked cooler that way….but ofcourse that was a dick move…...
@ssarti I’m rooting for you. Hope everything works out
You told him you flushed it?
I would tell him you went to get it and it was gone from the place you stashed it. Your parents must have found it and tossed it. Sorry, man. BTW, my parents are a little freaked by you standing out there all the time and I think they may call the cops – just to warn you.
Did this kid beat you up yet? Can we get pics or video? I need entertainment, its like 20 degrees outside and i dont wanna brave the cold =D.
This is just another chapter in the book of what illegal drugs do to people. both the user and the buyer.
well thats that…..the police came over and well i guess they didn’t take this very seriously all they did was just give us all a long talk! anyway i cant say that i’m disappointed though i guess all he’s going to be is pissed for a while! whatever its better than having the stash traced back to me i guess
Until he kicks youre ass for calling the cops now, OH NOES!
lol no offense but i am not your average stoner – i am lean, fit, and am well aware of the dangers of drugs!
Dunno… Looks a little wimpy to me.
hahahahahahh 67 kilos of pure fat and muscle with a 34 inch waist and 16 inch biceps! lol you know you want me
Nah, who cares about muscles? Not I.
ooooh so you’re the in-denial kind eh???? nice i like a girl who doesnt give in so easy!!!! lol im just kidding!
@ssarti lol that kid looks like a d***he
@willbrawn Lol, nah! ‘Course not! <snort>
@ssarti I like my men big and a little fluffy.
@ssarti oh lol my bad, thought is was the weed kid.
has anyone ever pulled someone’s chain on this site? loll
As I mentioned earlier:
Egg, Frying Pan
This is your brain…
This is your brain on drugs…
Get it ?
Just a little reminder for all those who insist that pot isn’t addictive-why else do you think stalker-dude was putting in all that time and energy ?
As John Pennington said earlier…
Just give it to the guy.
Solves the issue of having it there.
Solves the issue of the ‘stalking’.
Solves the issue of paying for it.
Look, if you flushed every bit of it down the loo they it is gone, as in no longer in your possession. If you stalking friend wants at it tell him he can commit sewerside and dig for it in the sewer. If you fear repercussions from him, call the police, tell them you did not want to keep it and you would have brought it to them for disposal except for fear of legal problems from they and violence from this stalker.
Agree to submit to a test for recent cannabis use, but ask for protection from this stalker.
Why can you not do that?
You shouldn’t be having Weed or any drugs in the first place.
tell your aggressor to find a real drug dealer
I’ve gotta say I really cant see what the issue is. If you dont want the grass then give it to him, he clearly wants it. & try to keep things in perspectave, it’s abit of pot, hardly makes you a criminal mastermind!
truthfully i considered that too at first and i really was about to do it. but then i remembered some stuff that he did and i thought, well he isnt a bad guy, but he is just not trustworthy enough. last term, on several occasions we got into minimal trouble [ie getting caught listening to music in class or not having the balls to own up that he used the photocopy machine without supervision] so i always ended up with the blame. frankly if he reacts like this to such small things then i just knew that he would end up crediting me when he invariably gets caught with drugs somewhere down the line. And please, dont try to defend drugs and their spreading as there is never any justification for it.
at least not to me after having been suspended for three days with possession of hash
@ssarti what ended up happening bro? After the police came what happened?
@ssarti… Hehehe, so abit of a flake is he. In that case just bin the stuff. No point in you getting in trouble over something this innocuous.
Tell them to “back off and LIVE”
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