Salt is a necessary diet item for people under stress, like farmers, soldiers, etc. It was also used as a food preservative, so food was frequently already salted before it was cooked or prepared. A number of cultures have pepper as an important part of their cooking. Not only does the flavor hide lesser spoilage, pepper is also an irritant and causes the stomach to feel fuller than it actually is.
Salt is the most basic spice: it enhances existing flavors, rather than creating a different one. One can't really cook to great effect without it. It allows you to adjust the 'volume' of your flavor.
Great lemonade from real lemons benefits from adding sugar, but it also works very well when you add some salt! Also, fruits with salt are even fruitier.
I think salt is a no-brainer. Nothing like it, biologically necessary, and most things taste better with it. It’s not an herb or a spice…it’s just salt and there’s a reason people have been carrying it all over hell and gone since time immemorial. Pepper on the other hand, that’s a fantastic question and I have no idea. I mean it’s good, but not uniquely so. I reckon it’s more habit and culture than anything else.
salt is usefull some say it is neccesary
pepper is better for taste
some say its unneccesary waste
salt is good in the summer and the winter and the fall
pepper is good with all the seasonings OH HAHAHAHHAHA
Salt is the only rock you can eat. It has lots of taste but is odorless. It’s one thing that’s price hasn’t risen much in years. And it looks good on a counter next to pepper.
Salt-N-Pepa helped raise awareness in the mid-80s. Be it ordering fans to “push it” or suggesting that we all talk about sex, Salt-N-Pepa were pioneering females with a headstrong vision and a positive message. They caused a sensation, taking on hot button topics such as AIDS and abusive relationships while delivering witty put-downs to poorly-endowed lovers. Essentially they revolutionized hip-hop as a legitimate and recognized means of spreading a message. Be it political, socio-economical, environmental or whatever. what’s more they showed that women could be heard as loud and clear as any man.
part of that was taken from a biography I read a while back
1.It kills the taste of rancid food
2.It can be used to help preserve food
3.It is complementary in color to each other
4.We have been raised eating it so we are trained to want it
bm- That’s a great way to refer to it. It’s our Mecca.
Unless, of course, one’s Muslim. Then Mecca would be their Mecca.
Did I just refer to you as bm?
Salt has magical drawing powers. It’s mere mention can bring people from far far away. Inquisitive people from other sites will come to marvel. They will then see the family of jellies and be oddly drawn to this place. Soon it will be their home. Oh yeah.. don’t forget to add water so the jellies don’t dry out!!
I think it’s worth noting that “Salt & Pepper” is not necessarily a worldwide phenomenon. In many countries in the middle east, there’s a shaker of Zahtar on the table. But why pepper here in the West?
Also, here’s a weird, nonsensical riddle from the Wikipedia article:
I am black on the outside, clad in a wrinkled cover, Yet within I bear a burning marrow. I season delicacies, the banquets of kings, and the luxuries of the table, Both the sauces and the tenderized meats of the kitchen. But you will find in me no quality of any worth, Unless your bowels have been rattled by my gleaming marrow.
Actually, referring to salt and pepper with the “S” word is considered highly pejorative. They’ve reclaimed the word, though, and it’s okay when they call each other that.
I speak for all those serious Flutherers who sometimes merely lurk. We are there, reading your responses, long after a thread has died a slow, lonely death…
I’d love to see traffic stats for this question. When someone gets curious about what the first question was, and digs it up, they’ll probably post a little something. And then the hundreds of us that are following it all come and see the 5 new responses :).
Salt could have originally been used as “protection” against illness / curses. Not only does it cleanse, but it was also used by witches. A simple superstition could of easily made it to the kitchen table. As far as pepper goes, I’m going with the sneezing explanation. ;)
Salt is one of the major building blocks of life. You can taste it from the very start of life, even in the womb. Pepper is but a poor newcomer, entering the human food chain around 4000 years ago, and it didn’t even reach Europe until about 2000 years ago. Pity poor pepper.
Without salt in the sea there would be no jellies to Fluther. Salt is placed on tables is in honor of jellies worldwide.Pepper is just riding on the coat-tails of salt.
Without salt us jellies won’t survive. Pepper has the same effect on you as Yahoo! Answers, if you are exposed to it too much, your body will reject it.
If you put salt on meat that you put in a crock pot, where does all the salt flavor go? Unless you salt the everloving crap out of it, it’s still bland in the end. Hmm..
its easy to understand what is so special about salt. it makes EVERYTHING TASTE 20 TIMES BETTER. in my opinion anyhow. i’m told i over-salt my food. i’m going to die young, probably, but i hope not.
Wow, the first question. I wonder, if I sat here and just kept hitting newer, how long would it take me to get to the most recent question. Salt is great on lemons by the way, give it a try some time.
@dalepetrie I do it with tequila, but on it’s own? I do love lemon though, but it makes my teeth sensitive. I would love to eat lemon like an orange, but I don’t dare to.
@oratio One time I was driving with a woman I didn’t know from SF to Denver and the truck in front of us smelled bad so she made me cut a lemon that she happened to have to freshen the air. So I felt bad letting it go to waste since it was off of her own lemon tree, so I ate the whole thing. I got the worst headache I’ve ever had in my life. And I was stuck in a car…for about 12 more hours…it was really a pretty terrible experience. So if you dig into a lemon, just don’t eat the entire thing.
I probably eat 3 or 4 lemons a week, sprinkle some salt on them and eat them up. I probably eat too much salt, but I’m on bp meds because of diabetes which makes my bp high, and the meds bring it down to really low, so I figure, at least there’s no carbs and you have to pick your battles.
@deni Oh. I’ll try to remember that. I worked as a bartender for a couple of years, and I ate citrus slices now and then, but not that much. Her own lemon tree… sounds fantastic. I wish I had a lemon tree, an olive tree and an avocado tree. There are times I wish I could move to the US. @dalepetrie Ah, that’s a lot of lemon. No damage to your teeth?
Nope, never lost a tooth, I have a lot of fillings, but I think that’s because of my sweet tooth and the fact that I wasn’t the best at remembering to brush my teeth as a kid.
@augustlan – I’m not a beer drinker, just not my favorite beverage, but I do have 3 or 4 cans a year, I’ll try that next time the opportunity presents itself.
Though, in my opinion, salt and pepper are the best yet simplest flavors to enhance a food’s natural goodness. A salad with olive oil, salt and pepper is oh, so tasty. Also, my potato soup’s only flavors are simply salt and pepper and it’s delicious.
@TitsMcGhee I honestly can’t remember.. i do however know that you were also the first person to reply to one of my quips and the first person i added to my fluther. Also… i remember loving your reactions on a thread about steak and blow job day!