What does weed do to people?
i want to know what weed does to people and why so many teens are so into them..i never tried it myself but im curious of it
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77 Answers
Its what does weed do to people*
It makes confused people even more confused. I don’t recommend it for you.
There’s a good chance it wrecks syntax, grammar, punctuation, and readability in general.
I think you still have about a minute to fix your sentence.
It’s what does…?
does it make people forget things? or like make people happier? my friends are always telling me they enjoy doing it when theyre stressed out or just for the heck of it
….just turns me into a paranoid couch potato with black lung who eats too much. Definitely not worth it. I gave it up after 3 or 4 tries.
It mainly makes you say LIKE alot. Even second hand smoke will do it.
just kidding, it actually has all of the bad affects that cigarettes do, except it has more carcinogens in it. My brother in law smokes it alot, and he coughs alot, and gets sick often. People think it is harmless, but it is not. Dont do it.
Pot is a lot less harmful then cigarettes, also stated in a question a few days ago…
…and it makes you eat yours and all your friends food. Dont invite your pot friends over after you went grocery shopping
Makes you wanna eat crap like this.
I was basing my answer of off a special I saw a few weeks back. It could have been propaganda, but I believe the part about it being BAD!!
@scamp It doesnt make you confused.
@robmandu No…
@Hollister0221 Where are you getting this?
@everyone Why make such stereotypical comments?
Gess this question is turning into a Goverment Ad on TV right now…
This is what everyone thinks when the question is asked. For those who don’t smoke, you get its bad, horrible, your going to die, and kill little girls if you do it. For those who do, you get something like, Its relaxing, calming, fun, enjoyable, giggles, ect. This is all dependent on the type you smoke. It’s not bad for you, i function normally all day with it, i can talk to people, work, drive, what ever it may be. Everyone here is obliviously to close minded about this topic to even have a real discussion. Except a certain few.
Who knows if it’s better than this.
I was mainly kidding. I don’t have any problem with it.
If anything, booze is the ‘gateway’ drug, in my mind. If I’m stoned all I want to do is stay home, not go out and do who knows what.
@steve, you can believe what you want, but its obviously not true. ever heard anyone who smokes pot that doesn’t smoke cigarettes say, dude im dying of lung cancer… you probably think pot is a gateway drug too.
EGH im hurt by all the bad rep you guys are giving weed. Look at the other side. syz you are absolutely wrong and generalizing which is never good. There are many successful pot smokers. Stevenb your also completely wrong on your carcinogens look it up.
Well to start just the act of smoking is fun. Effects aside its fun. Especially if your like me and iceblu and make all kinds of crazy things to smoke out of. Now onward to the effects ^_^.
Depending on what type of weed you are smoking, sativa or indica you will get different effects “Indica and Sativa are both cannabis strains. Indicas are notably squatter with more crystals while Sativa is more elongated with its crystals kept in the core. Indicas are much more heavier than sativas. The high is more of a body stoned effect versus a more cerebral high from sativa. Many feel that Indica is going to make them sleepier, while Sativa gets you UP”
Weed can make you lazy and want to just sit around but it can also give you amazing amounts of creativity. You’re able to think in a completely different way when your high. I tend to have a lot more insight.
Everything also seems to be a lot more interesting. This goes from nature to just stupid stuff. Milkdrop for winamp is AWESOME. Stuff also becomes a lot funnier while high.
Unfortunately the US goverment likes to lie to its people. No you arent going to get addicted to marijuana. No people do not lace it with other drugs and sell it to you without you knowing. (Seriously whoever believes this is retarded. If i had marijuana laced with PCP i would be selling it for much more not passing it off as just weed.) No you will not get cancer from smoking weed. There have been many studies showing that marijuana does not cause cancer and can actually prevent lung cancer.(joints are however bad for you because of how close the combustion is happening to you. Water bongs are good because they filter. Vaporizers are the best because it doesnt actually burn the plant just releases the THC) NO marijuana does not cause brain damage.“studies employing 100 times the human dose have failed to reveal any damage” NO marijuana does not lower your immune system.
Hmm sorry about rambling on and on there hope it makes sense. One final thing there are 100,000 deaths a year due to alcohol overdose. There have been zero deaths in the history of the world due to marijuana. Yet marijuana is viewed as a horrible drug and alcohol is perfectly acceptable. How much longer are people going to believe the lies the government feeds them?
@uber, you forgot me! me and ice built one, one night! it was the white one with the face!
Awesome Answer Uberbatman
@ppcakes Yes and we named him Abraham! =]
yep weed vs. Alcohol. I have never seen a violent pot head
@ice, whoops there goes my MEMORY, hahahha
@ iceblu I am a seasoned smoker, so I know what I am talking about.. or wait.. maybe I just got confused. Ha ha!!
I posted the answer I did because the asker is obviously a mixed up kid who doesn’t need anymore confusion in her life right now. Look at the questions she has been asking. She needs to get her head on straight, and smoking pot is NOT going to help her do that. I don’t think you should encourage her otherwise.
@scamp i totally agree. Again i think a lot of the bad rep on weed comes from people who are clearly not mature enough to be taking mind altering substances no matter how safe they are. As you can probably tell from my answer i am very pro marijuana but it bothers the hell out of me seeing immature kids trying to act cool by smoking or just doing it in a stupid manner. Grow up. Then decide if you want to smoke or not. It should be a decision that you come to on your own. Not something someone else pushes on you one way or the other.
@scamp Well thats completely different, but i wasn’t going to back track, i see questions as current, unless they refer to an older time or era. This not being the case, but i see your point and i agree with you. If she’s confused in life, or isn’t stable, then no for the first time. But after you experience it, and you have a feeling of it, then your good to go when ever i think.
Why don’t we look at the data? I’m happy to translate any of the findings below for non-science folk:
EFFECTS ON THINKING: “CONCLUSIONS: Heavy marijuana use is associated with residual neuropsychological effects even after a day of supervised abstinence from the drug. However, the question remains open as to whether this impairment is due to a residue of drug in the brain, a withdrawal effect from the drug, or a frank neurotoxic effect of the drug.”
CANCER: “Controlling for age, sex, race, education, alcohol consumption, pack-years of cigarette smoking, and passive smoking, the risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck was increased with marijuana use…”
OTHER HEALTH EFFECTS: “Conclusion: Marijuana and tobacco smoking each produces significant bronchial mucosal histopathology and the effects of marijuana and tobacco appear additive.”
SOCIAL EFFECTS: “RESULTS: Early adolescent marijuana use increased the risk in late adolescence of not graduating from high school; delinquency; having multiple sexual partners; not always using condoms; perceiving drugs as not harmful; having problems with cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana; and having more friends who exhibit deviant behavior. These relations were maintained with controls for age, sex, ethnicity, and, when available, earlier psychosocial measures. CONCLUSIONS: Early adolescent marijuana use is related to later adolescent problems that limit the acquisition of skills necessary for employment and heighten the risks of contracting HIV and abusing legal and illegal substances.”
ADDICTION AND WITHDRAWAL: “Abstinence from active marijuana increased ratings such as “Anxious,”“Irritable,” and “Stomach pain,” and significantly decreased food intake compared to baseline.”
It makes you feel Happy & Chill! It is no worse than drinking alcohol!
It makes you laugh histerically that first few times then it sort of chills you out. Some get paranoid and spacy, some get creative and artsy and some get so fucking stupid that it takes hours to find a pair of keys that you accidentally kept in the door the night before.
well missbabyboo? Did you get the answer you were looking for or is your head spinning?
@ uber and iceblu. Thanks for your response. I wouldn’t want some little girl making a bad life choice because of something she read on Fluther.
nikipedia posted some very good information. I lost a friend to heart failure because he smoked pot more often than I smoke cigarettes. He never touched a cigarette in his life, and when he had his first heart attack, the doctor told him he needed to quit smoking because it showed on all his tests. He told the doctor he didnt smoke, and the doctor answered, “Well you’re obviously smoking something. You may enjoy it, as I did and occasionally still do, but it is not as safe as you make it sound.
We have to be careful how we answer these questions because we never know who we are influencing or how. I would hate to think this young lady would read this thread, then go get high and do something really stupid and life altering, know what I mean?
@scamp But how are we to know who is a little girl and who isn’t? Fluther doesn’t tell us ages or anything else. This case is different, but other ones. For all you know I’m 13 pretending to be a 18 yr. old. Or vis-versa. Also im sorry about your friend.
That’s exactly my point iceblu. We don’t know. but if you click on her profile and read her questions you will see that she isn’t even in high school yet, and is very confused about a number of things. She has posted 16 questions in a day. And now she wants to know about pot. I am worried about this kid. I want to reiterate something in nikipedias post just for her.
SOCIAL EFFECTS: “RESULTS: Early adolescent marijuana use increased the risk in late adolescence of not graduating from high school; delinquency; having multiple sexual partners; not always using condoms; perceiving drugs as not harmful; having problems with cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana; and having more friends who exhibit deviant behavior. These relations were maintained with controls for age, sex, ethnicity, and, when available, earlier psychosocial measures. CONCLUSIONS: Early adolescent marijuana use is related to later adolescent problems that limit the acquisition of skills necessary for employment and heighten the risks of contracting HIV and abusing legal and illegal substances.”
We have compared pot to alcohol in many threads here. Both have their dangers if not used by mature people and in moderation. But if used by people that know what they are doing, they can be fun. I am not debating whether or not people should use either one. it’s a personal choice. But in her case, it wouldn’t be a wise one.
trust a pro weed man to espouse the greatness of it. I to have had friends who only smoke weed die from lung cancer, andI have MANY friends who have tried to quit repeatedly and not been able to. Now they say like everyone does, I can quit if I want. Its all lies though, yep. Keep on puffin
@stevenb Marijuana is not addictive psychically like tobacco or cocaine but it is psychologically addictive. If your weak minded yea you will most deffintly be addicted to it.I smoked weed for a couple of years and then quit for 3 because the person i was with at the time didn’t approve of it. Its not the same type of addiction. Yes i wanted to still smoke weed but i didnt need to like one needs a cigarette its just like how if you ate candy everyday you would be in a withdrawal if you decided to stop.
As far as the cancer thing. If you use a vaporizer you will not get cancer as i stated above joints aren’t a safe way of using the drug.
@nikipedia you do pose some interesting links but the problem with most of these drugs is they are poorly researched and understood. The reason for this is our once again the government and biased research..I know that some of the links i posted are probably based on biased research also. Since marijuana is a SCHEDULE ONE (yes considered worse than cocaine and PCP which i think we can all agree are much worse) Means that you can not do research on it without special permits. This leads to a lot of faulty research from government funded researchers. A good example of this would be MDMA(ecstasy). Remember those “scoops” it takes out of your brain. This was based off a study done on rats. The scientist was adminstering the drugs to rats. Turns out the “scoops” of the brain were actually showing serotonin amounts in the brain (what causes emotions) not actual scoops. Well the kicker is that the scientist wasnt even giving them MDMA it was actually methamphetamine. When this was first brought up he said that it was a labeling error but under further questioning he said he was told to lie about it to keep getting funding. Yet for some reason in schools across America students are still being told that MDMA will take scoops out of your brain.(yes i know mdma will mess with your serotonin count but after a couple days it will return to normal)
The point is if you really want to know the truth about these substances research has to be allowed to be done. By everyone. Not just those who the government sees fit. That is how science should be.
@stevenb Thats all an opinion buddy. Your friend might have had lung cancer, but it wasn’t caused by weed. Maybe it’s the amount of blunts and joints he smoked that caused it?
egh not psychically rather physically my bad. Downsides of marijuana, damn grammar errors lol.
@uberbatman: The government does not fund specific findings and it does not fund publication. If you could come up with whatever finding you wanted to in a lab, we wouldn’t call that science, we would call it “propaganda” or “magic”. I work on an R01 (government-funded) grant now and have for my entire research career, and I have never, ever, under any circumstances altered data or conclusions to tell my funders what they wanted to hear.
And that study you cited (with the methamphetamine/MDMA mixup) is famous as a scandal. It was a horrible mistake that has been since retracted. It is not famous for being an example of something that happens all the time in science.
I know he used binge at home, but I think he used pipes the rest of the time. He wasn’t big on rolling joints. When my brothers andI were young we would spend time with him in Montana. He had HUGE fields of weed. We would make pottery pipes for him and my aunt. I think u actually still have one. He was a true hippy from the 60’s. Lived basic and clean, but loved his weed like a child. I remember walking around his fields one time chewing on a piece of “grass” I picked like an old farmer. I woke up a couple of hours later in a creek where I had somehow fallen asleep. When he died it hurt me. He was an awesome uncle. His wife is now a nurse, and while she used to smoke weed heavily, she won’t go near it now. She knows the doc that did her husbands autopsy, and has said how bad his lungs looked. They looked like he had smokes at least two packs of cigarettes a day for years. He had NEVER smoked anything but weed. I know he did harder drugs in his youth, but nothing you smoked. WEED killed him. No matter how you look at it.
I know he used bongo at home, but I think he used pipes the rest of the time. He wasn’t big on rolling joints. When my brothers andI were young we would spend time with him in Montana. He had HUGE fields of weed. We would make pottery pipes for him and my aunt. I think I actually still have one. He was a true hippy from the 60’s. Lived basic and clean, but loved his weed like a child. I remember walking around his fields one time chewing on a piece of “grass” I picked like an old farmer. I woke up a couple of hours later in a creek where I had somehow fallen asleep. When he died it hurt me. He was an awesome uncle. His wife is now a nurse, and while she used to smoke weed heavily, she won’t go near it now. She knows the doc that did her husbands autopsy, and has said how bad his lungs looked. They looked like he had smoked at least two packs of cigarettes a day for years. He had NEVER smoked anything but weed. I know he did harder drugs in his youth, but nothing you smoked. WEED killed him. No matter how you look at it.
@stevenb i am sorry for your loss. Im not doubting anything you said but you did mention making pottery pipes. You do know that, thats very unsafe right? And releases a lot of carcinogens. This is why they usually use glass.
@nikipedia yes it is propaganda. And im not saying that people just mess with data. But when its involving things as important to the government as drugs, scandals do happen. What do you research? Im guessing not something as influential as the future of legality for such drugs.
@uberbatman: Propaganda is not based on data. Science is based on data. The articles I showed you are all based on data. Here’s some more data for you:
Also, do you honestly believe that people who have addictions are just weak-minded? Do you also think people with other mental illnesses are just being weak and should get over it?
@nikipedia actually yes i do believe a lot of addiction is weak mindedness. I believe you can do anything if you truly set your mind to. And im not just talking about addiction, i mean anything in life. If you have the motivation and the will power to succeed you will.
@uberbatman: Have you ever had any experiences with any kind of mental illness?
No I didnt know, but I was only 6 or 7 at the time, so my knowledge was pretty limited.
@nikipedia my aunt took care of a mentally ill person for a while. I felt bad for him and knew that he couldnt do anything to help his condition.
I have another aunt whos an alcoholic. I have no sympathy for her.
@uberbatman: Why do you think there’s a difference? I thought you said you can do anything if you truly set your mind to it. Why couldn’t the mentally ill person just get over it?
@nikipedia the mentally ill person i spoke of was very old. I think if you work with someone from a young age they can indeed learn to conquer their problem. The problem is people with illnesses often dont get the attention they deserve. My friend has ADHD and was horrible constantly talking out in classes and causing problems. After a lot of work though he was able to conquer his illness and now has no problems at all. Some people have illnesses that cause them to not really have a functioning mind. So no they cant will their selves out of it.
Stop trying to twist my words. Addiction isnt a mental illness. Yes you can be prone to addiction but just because you are doesnt mean you will be addicted to something, it just takes more effort and will power.
i come together like voltron when i puff. arm to the leg leg
i smoked right before my ACT and i made a 31
@uberbatman: Addiction is a mental illness. I’m glad that you’ve never had to struggle with mental illness, but maybe if you had you would understand it better. Until then I encourage you to educate yourself on the matter.
oops I missed this discussion… Is my answer to late? First, and foremost..please be mature about it if youre going to smoke pot. Missbabyboo, be careful if you do. Set rules, also its all about moderation. I smoke, but not all the time and only if I know the next day I don’t have to be at work or school early. I still think alcohol Is worse, but thats my opinion. Like what peedub said.. I think alcohol can make you angry, and smoking makes me want to drink strawberry milk (mmm) and watch south park. I wouldnt recommend it to you missbabyboo unless you really wont let it get out of hand. but nobodys stopping you
I think weed makes people get into very long discussions about the pros and cons of weed.
“Weed makes you hungry, happy, sleepy.”
as kat says.
@uberbatman and iceblu: I am not generalizing, I am reporting my personal experience. I cannot comment on how it affects others but I can assure you, my answer is correct in exactly the manner that I describe.
who wants strawberry milk!!!
@syz Well come to my couch and we can be potato’s for a day. =D
did anyone say strawberry milk!!?
Double mmmmmm. Im going to go buy some. Peedub youre the best!
@peedub HOLY SHIT THEY MAKE A MIX!!!!! ive seriously been looking for that forever. They only carry the prebottled banana milk but its like impossible to find. My favorite drink hehe.
Here’s the deal, guys, I have a theory that it is geographically limited. Not every market has it.
i wish i could drink milk without the horrible consequences =/
@ppcakes i know, we suck =[
@ice, come pick me up im home and bored.
Everyone has different opinions about weed. I myself smoke most days. I notice my short term memory is not that great but that is the only thing I have noticed in the time I’ve smoked and heard a lot of friends and other people say the same.
It has many effects. First few times I ever did it I was happy, laughing alot & paranoid. But depending on your surroundings is how you will feel. If you do it in comfortable area like your own home, a friends home etc. you will enjoy it a lot more.
Also a lot of people try it and hate it because they over do it. It’s like alcohol, there is a certain point you hit and its awesome and then not far past that point is the edge and when you hit the edge you feel sick and just want to sleep. It’s exactly the same as weed in that way.
I’m not going to tell you to smoke it but what the government and people have made it out to be is far from the truth. If you read up there are studies saying it is not as bad as it is made out to be.
To all first timers play it safe and DONT over do it or you will kill the fun!
weed is fun at first. You’ll have in depth conversations about interesting things such as the universe with your friends on numerous occasions. Your mind will go bonkers, meaning you’ll think all sorts of crazy thoughts and you’ll think they’re the best ideas at the time when in essense they make no sense.
Other than that, it gets old and you’ll start to notice you need to smoke better weed or more of it just to get high. It makes you lazy and laugh a lot, but it’s a stoner like laugh, low hahahas. You start to not enjoy it as much and you’ll experience more paranoia and get sick of it after a while
just to answer the question….it is dangerous on levels…just depends on what kind and how much
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