How many of you believe in Sasquatch?
Asked by
judochop (
April 20th, 2008
from iPhone
I have an experience that I will share when I get to my computer.
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54 Answers
Sorry, wish I did but it’s just not likely.
The only Bigfoot I know is my ex-size 15s.
I just think we would’ve found a body by now, I mean that’s a LONG time to go without a shred of legitimate proof.
@gailcalled: LMAO
With the amount of technology we now have, there is no way that a creature as large as a Sasquatch would Still be able to remain hidden. I feel the same about the Loch Ness monster, for something that large can no longer hide from the eyes of humans.
Actually there are hairs found by footprints that do not match any DNA. As for proof of existence, they just now; 2007, proved some theories wrong about timber wolves that they had been tracking for years. When I get to my computer I will write more about it but in the mean time check out the bfro website.
Wrong site. Maybe it is .org I have it book marked so I never pay much attention to it. Sorry. When I get home I will fix it up.
When I clicked the link I was a little suprised. What would a Christian website know about Sasquatch? That site does look interesting though…
Judo, I just checked. The site is
I thought I remember there being a big story when the creator of the Bigfoot legend died.
Basically, he was this construction worker who enjoyed woodworking as a hobby and made these big wooden gorilla feet carvings for a gag. One day after it rained on the job site, he quickly made a bunch of these prints and scared the crap out of his colleagues, and wouldn’t you know it, word spread of a giant hairy monster aptly named “Big Foot.” When he finally died, his friends let the world in on the prank after all these years.
Wish I could cite the story. Anyone?
@eambos: thank you. I am currently driving back to Portland from los angeles right now. The at edge network was too slow to check it on my phone.
I am telling you all, I have a wealth of info on this and a story that got me interested in it. Gotta get to my computer.
i believe in it, i actually believe it in a religous sense. There is a little account of someone seeing him. If anyone want to hear personal-message me.
I try to keep my fantasies to a minimum and there are only room for elves and knomes in my world.
@peedub: don’t piss off the yeti.
I thought I saw one, one time. I was riding a four wheeler in the woods and glanced over at a tree. I saw something but when I looked a second time, whatever it was had disappeared. I got scared and went home then.
It was real quick and I didn’t see it too well, but I remember recalling the movie “Harry and the Hendersons” to compare the figure. Im interested to hear what you’ve got to share judochop.
i know theres bigfoots all over the place and we got to find them and tame them and assimilate them to the american culture . And we got to teach the bigfoot meat is murder only eat vegan slimjims. And make sure the bigfoot knows to never hurt anybodies feelings.
Wouldn’t that be Bigfeet? :-) And I often get the feeling that many of them have already assimilated and are living in my neighborhood.
@judo wheres that massive store of info you said you had? I’d really like to know about Bigfoot
Ok, sorry all…I have been in on a car trip up the 101 the past couple of days, anyway….
About three years ago I was on a camping trip with a few friends of mine in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Southern Washington.
We decided to head out on a midnight hike, equipped with headlamps and a can of beer and a slingshot we left.
We found an animal trail and decided to follow it, it was mostly overgrown and not easy to follow. We set down this trail for about an hour before resting in a spot where two rivers made a fork. We turned off our headlamps and popped our beer open and started plugging rocks at trees across the other side of the river (not a very big river).
We heard something large move after we sent a few rocks over that direction. It cracked tree limbs and moved rather quickly. We thought it was maybe a mountain lion. We stopped with the rocks and sat for a little bit longer….Then there was a rock thrown at us, not real close but you could hear it hit the other rocks around us. We yelled sorry, thinking that maybe someone was in the area of where we were plugging rocks. We gathered our things and set back on the trail. Just a few steps down the trail you could feel the ground kind of shake and hear a deep thud behind us, it freaked us out so we started to walk faster and so did the thud behind us. We then caught an awful, foul smell like a rotting animal corpse or something was close. Freaking us out even more we are now a few grown men running down a very small animal trail with headlamps that were weakening. As we got out of the trail and more in to the open area we stopped to catch out breath and waaalaaaa, more rocks and foot steps that we could hear just down below us. We ran back to our camp and sat around the fire freaked out. Now it is about 4 in the morning. We headed to bed. Just as we were laying down we heard a super loud scream whoop sound that sounded really close. We are now all in in one tent together thinking about what the hell to do. Then another sound and another, it sounded as if it was walking away. Then a few more minutes and another sound (scream like whoop) that sounded like it was coming from the area of where we were at during the hike. Then another one answering it and a few more rocks. Now the sun is starting to come up but it is still dark in the forest. We started to get our stuff together to pack out and head home. On the way out we talked with a ranger and told him we thought that we had the famous Sasquatch run-in and he said that we were in the right area and that it was not as uncommon as you would think.
When we got home we looged on to the BFRO website and listened to the recorded sounds and it was what we heard.
I contacted the BFRO and gave my report to a scientist who ran interviews with all of us to make sure we were not lying and then we went back to the site and we walked the trail where he found hair and could see parts of footprints.
Now after reading several reports on “bigfoot” I have found that what happend to us has happend to other people in the same area.
What spawned my question is that I was on the 101 in the Redwoods and we stopped at a store that was all about bigfoot.
Believe it or not that is my story and you can read the report on the website. I am a firm believer and I continue to research the issue.
Sasquatch has been sighted almost all over the world and has been a part of history dating clear back to drawings on the walls.
I do not believe in LochNess or Dracula or some other so called urban myths however there is just too much evidence that points to yes on the bigfoot.
You can find arguments for both sides and there are many good reasons for not finding dead Sasquatch in the wilderness. Much like not finding dead bear.
That is my story and I am open for either attack and ridicule or serious questions to the best of my ability.
Bigfoot believer forever.
Impressive. What’s your take on the Chupacabra then?
@Eambos-Take some time and read the reports. There are several reports of sightings around the sametime of the day from different people at different angles while on hikes. People that do not know eachother/
Ahh the goatsucker….I am unsure and honestly have not given it much thought. I know that most if not all the reported killings of said beast have been manged animals or sick dogs after further DNA testing.
I think it can still exisit. There are many things out there that we have not discovered yet. And to think other wise is simply ego getting in the way of forward thought.
That little puerto rican monster took half my livestock! No one has proof of El Chupacabra porque he is running from me.
As I understand it the absolute BEST evidence for bigfoot is inconclusive. I’m not familiar enough with biology to really speak intelligently about your encounter, but since you never actually directly saw a bigfoot, you can’t really rule out other things going on.
Try this, pretend you had never heard of bigfoot and go back over your story to yourself. If you had to draw a picture of the source of that noise without having a pre-conceived notion of a sasquatch, would that picture really come out looking like a giant primate/missing genetic link?
Is it possible that you were the victim of a yet-undiscovered species of rock-tossing forest elephant? The point is, you don’t know what you heard and you are retroactively applying the idea of bigfoot onto it to have it make sense.
I would have to say that I would have thought it to be a person then until I heard the whoop like scream.
Post-scream I would have guessed it to be a sick mountain lion or an animal attack of some kind.
The only thing that made me project a picture post event was the reports and audio that I read and heard on the BFRO site. The Ranger only spiked my already spiked interest.
Mental note: do not let Judochop tell me campfire stories before bedtime.
I’m camping tomorrow! At least I’m east coast.
Eambos: Read up on the BFRO for reports that have taken place on the East coast. Since the BFRO to date there have been 13 sightings in Maine, 12 in Mass, 25 in Maryland!
And of course Maryland is where I’m camping… If you don’t hear from me again please warn BFRO.
@Eambos; who are your next-of-kin?
I should speak to a lawyer and update my will, jic.
@E; you can get forms for a holographic will online; just have it witnessed by two people who are not beneficiaries. (I’d like the little Matisse, please.)
Anne Arundel county has the largest number of sightings with 8 class reports but nothing since 2005.
Aside from the safety issue, there have only ever been 2 reports of violence.
Well thank you judo. I am now bugging out completely and I’m getting more and more afraid to sleep out in the forest. I’m going to set up cameras around my site so anything that comes near will be filmed.
Make sure to watch the Blair Witch Project the night before.
You guys really want me to enjoy this camping trip, don’t you?
You can try the cameras but there are reports of cameras being ripped out of trees and tore open.
You should try taking a play ground ball. The Kalamath Indians leave them around in the forest for the Sasquatch to play with.
What do I do if I hear one of those noises??? I’m taking a shotgun with me. No Sasquatch is getting near me.
And peedub, you want me worrying about Chupacabras and serial killers! O boy, this is going to be an unforgettable night in the wilderness.
Oh god, that’s how people get shot! Might be kind of hard to argue in court… “uh your honor, I thought he was a sasquatch—but look at the guy, he’s hairy as hell, how was I to know he was just a hippy.”
Bring a megaphone and sing Rick Astley. You should know the words by now.
You should take a recorder with you. Just in case. A shotgun will do you know good unless you are shooting hippies.
The power of Rick Astley compells you! The power of Rick Astley compells you!
That’s a really informative clipping, thanks!
Gaaahhhh!!! My ears are bleeding! Thanks a lot, bulba.
@Judochop – What a coincidence! About three years ago I was in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Southern Washington. I was dressed in this realistic Sasquatch suit and started chasing around people who had headlamps and such. I was also using playbacks of gibbon and gorilla calls to make it sound even more life-like. This one guy with a slingshot ran away so quickly, it was hilarious.
Now what is more likely – my story, or your story? William of Occam is rolling in his razory grave.
even with occams razor shaving your hippy esq Sasquatch back I doubt you have even looked into it.
Hippy esq? When did Sasquatch become a lawyer? That ‘squatch is quite the brainiac.
Actually, I have looked into the existence of sasquatch(es). In my field (Physical Anthropology) there is a professor in Idaho who has made looking for bigfoot a large part of his life’s work. There are many professors who disagree with his findings, and there is no real evidence of the existence of a sasquatch. However, I don’t think he should stop looking. A highly respected physical anthropologist has said of that of all the anthropologists working in the world today, “having one physical anthropologist on the case seems a reasonable allocation of professional resources, and that [name deleted] does not deserve scorn or abuse.”
As the saying goes, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Unfortunately for you and other believers, the burden of proof falls squarely in your lap.
I remain skeptical as always, but I think it would be an amazing find.
I saw Sasquatch once and i had the nerve to tackle it, it had 2 heads, when i took one off another was in its place, and “surprisingly” it spoke a language similar to humans.
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