Which fellow Fluther(s) have you made out with?
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69 Answers
What?! Haha… none.
I wish I could give kisses to several of them though.
well, my digital rendezvous with wildflower didn’t go as smoothly as i hoped, but i’ll get my chance, like a cheetah in the high grass, im just biding my time to strike
I got brain hickies from a couple, but I don’t remember their names…
Brain hickeys?!
We need to have a big Fluther spin-the-bottle session, apparently, based on the responses thus far!
I just emptied one…lets get it on
Haha, just kidding..
I did is pointing to you…(joke)
Oh no! I have an emo-stalker!
Ooh! Ooh! I’ve made out with blueberryme! <blush>
Seriously though…....was this question meant realistically? Are Flutherites actually hooking up?? (I’m not really sure I want to know if that is the case, it’ll just make me feel like a third wheel)
Well, I know some Flutherers are actually couples so there are for sure some Flutherers who make out. I have a few of my friends in real life on here. I’ve almost made out with two of them before. On separate occasions, of course.
Fluther is the new dating site?
Did I miss something?
No way my boyfriend would go on Fluther, so no.
TheHaight: I think some Flutherers were dating before, then joined the collective. There’s probably at least one instance of a Fluther love though… I don’t know.
my girl melly…... I love her.!!
Existing couples is what it is (like whatthefluther and sccrowell), but people getting together over a site like this…...am I the only one starting to have second thoughts about this place??
I don’t believe it’s unthinkable for jellies to want to get together. One of the nice things about Fluther that it’s not a dating site but you get to know someone through their thoughts, ability to articulate them, their character, and do so over a period of time. Because it’s topic based, you’ll find yourself in the same threads with others who share the same interests, which is also important in a relationship.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if some jellies who have met on Fluther hook up together in real life. It seems quite logical to me.
For me it’s not a possibility, since my husband doesn’t visit any longer. But we were still making out when he did visit the site.
That’s a fair point DQ…....still find it a little disturbing to think people are reading Q’s and A’s to size up potential partners.
hmm, reading DQ’s point i’m guessing i’m digging the grave for my potential love life…
I am married to a fellow flutherer. Is flutherer a word? Can I say that? Can we say that?
I believe flutherite is the accepted term.
@ judochop ~ whose your flutherite spouse?
I find the mind to be the most attracting part of a person…their personality and wit/humor are big turn-ons. My momma always said I’d marry an attractive and intelligent woman.
@wildflower If they come to Fluther and happen upon someone, as many have, with whom they may feel a small connection, a shared interest, a shared thought or belief, if a person is available, there may be a tendency to see if it might lead somewhere, even if only a friendship. There are plenty of threads that support this, “Who’s your favorite person on Fluther,” for example, that indicate that people develop a degree of fondness for one another. But if you’re available and open to the possibility of a relationship, then everyone else who is open to a relationship is a potential partner too, pretty much as it is in real life.
I think Fluther is unique in the way that secondary to giving responses is that it allows the character of people to be revealed, most will give honest answers based on experience or personal belief or sometimes information. Time reveals consistency. If someone reads someone that they grow particularly fond of, it’s only natural to want to see if there may be something more to it, if the possibility for both parties exist.
Threadjack coming…
@Eambos, since when is “flutherite” the accepted term? That’s fine, but I love “flutherer.” If it’s the accepted term, I don’t accept it. :)
@Judochop, I’m curious who your spouse is too!
@trusting, I think that the term was coined a while back, before you or I was part of the collective. I it in a a thread and all of the well seasoned members use it, so “flutherite” is the most used name for one who fluthers.
I can see your point. And it’s always cute to see young love flurish.
I make out with a flutheree on a regular basis, it’s pretty hot and I am a lucky lucky girl….
I am married to nocountry2. We do it!
tell me about it. I had the most romantic 1-year anniversary EVER. ;) ;) ;)
I’ve made out with fabulous. Actually might again tonight, never know.
Right! Either I get my husband to start fluthering instead of WoW’ing (can you say: unrealistic optimism?) or I’ll just go hide in the boot – where the spare wheel belongs.
husband? but i thought…oh man, i even screw up over the net, this makes iwamoto emo!
@wildflower I agree, it is nice to see. Before the love for shoes unfolds.
I recently introduced my wife to fluther….she’s kind of mad now that she has one more addiction. (first it was myspace….then facebook….now fluther…...where will it end?)
May i add DAMN he’s good.
With myself doesn’t count, right?
if it did, i could say i have a very healthy sexlife, hahaha
OK, I confess, it’s true…sccrowell and I have made out many times. It’s frankly a matter of location and attraction: we bump into each other often and I’m simply irresistible!
ive made sweet lurve to trance24 :)
and iwamoto on a couple occasions but lets not talk about that.
OK! OK already…the truth is sccrowell is more than irresistible…she’s an absolute angel, heaven-sent just for me! I’m a very lucky guy! When we are seen together, people often say “WTF?”...hence, my name.
jackson, damn it, you told me you’d keep quiet, how will i ever impress ladies like wildflower and delirium when they know i touched your…“lobster” ?
I am one half of Acrazycouple. Supernutjob is my sister and NVOldguy is my papa. We are a Fluthering Family!!! What’s really funny is when NVOldguy answered a question about the 14-year-old mooning others and he didn’t know it was his granddaughter’s tookie out there! He gave some sound advice.
@gimmedat I remember that thread! How did he react when he found out who she was?
@scamp He actually gave some pretty sound advice! He raised six of us solo and was a middle school teacher forever, so not much is shocking. It’s funny, though, I avoid answering some questions, lest I get a phone call from the papa or big sister.
I have been Maude to a fellow fluther’s Harold. Bliss.
Goody. I have now been called both cool and hot. (Or does that make me lukewarm?)
No. Seems like sublimation must be in there somewhere, instead. :)
Good to know that there is some other Flutherer-loving going on. @wildflower and TheHaight, I was more curious about the scenario Allie described: existing couples who Fluther. I don’t want anyone to be creeped out by thinking that this is a dating site! Clearly, it is not, but as it is a social site, it seems logical (and I’m glad) that there’s been a little bit of hooking up going on! :)
Well, Harold and I are a very odd couple.
@Mangus; who’s doing the sublimation, me or Harold? Love, Maude/
Hmmm…seems like you are sublimating, if you were cool and hot in quick succession. :) But, the exact nature of the sublimation is probably only known to you and Harold.
@Mangus; my knowledge of the word sublimate doesn’t make sense in your context but there may be some new definitions.
Aha, I see that there is a chemical one; “To cause (a solid or gas) to change state without becoming a liquid.” Is that what you mean/ I love learning new words. Thanks
Like I eat food and it turns into gas?
@Gail: That is exactly what I was getting at. It’s kind of a magical thing, the solid turning into a vapor.
Hahahahahaha, I don’t know if I should be laughing, but out of the four of my friends who use Fluther, I’ve made out with three of them :P
AstroChuck asked me not to say anything, so I’m going to keep my mouth shut. I don’t kiss and tell…oh wait, I just did. shit
Chuck only licked my earlobe and said that i was cute, but he was afraid people wouldn’t understand…we stayed friends though
@Iwamoto- ahahahahaa! oh it hurts to laugh now..
Ooer, I don’t want to get anyone into trouble…
But, my true ‘Fluther Crush’ has been gone for awhile, now returned. They don’t know about me, but fantasy has played its part.
Augustlan and Queenie were involved in something that makes my cyber-self blush rather (Valentine’s day…). We don’t use the term ‘making out’ much here in the UK, but it sounds naughty…
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