Meta Question

robmandu's avatar

Can the Fluther Collective make a decent Muxtape?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) June 6th, 2008

Let’s upload songs and create a Muxtape that represents the uniqueness of us, the Fluther Collective!

– One upload per Flutherite.
– Music only, no jokes or bits or commercials, etc.
– Respect the Muxtape terms of service.
– Total of 12 songs is the maximum allowed.

Access Info:
– user name = fluthermusic
– password = fluther

When we’re done, the music will be available at:

Oh yah… and post here what song you uploaded, if you want. Thanks, all!

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22 Answers

shockvalue's avatar

hmmm, never had a muxtape before!

robmandu's avatar

I uploaded Lay Me Down by The Frames.

They’re an Irish band… makes me think of @wildflower.

The music is primarily acoustic guitar, snare drum, violin, and banjo… hiya @playthebanjo! (nice tilt to the icon, btw).

The song’s about dying. My grandfather-in-law recently died… so that’s me.

And funerals have flowers. Nod to @gailcalled.

jballou's avatar

I’m uploading Reckonerz by AmpLive.

It’s a remixed Radiohead track featuring Charlie 2na from Jurassic 5

wildflower's avatar

I uploaded Mannaðbarn – Eivør Pálsdóttir

playthebanjo's avatar

I am uploading Cluck Old Hen (a traditional appalachian tune) to represent GailCalled’s icon

robmandu's avatar

[ Removed by myself ]

wildflower's avatar

You can remove a song through the ‘Organize’ option. Although for the sake of this exercise, please don’t remove another flutherite’s upload

And the story behind my song:
Simple, Eivør is from the Faroe Islands, like me. And I think it’s a beautiful song. It means manchild.
Anyone wants to listen to more Faroese music, can check out my muxtape

El_Cadejo's avatar

Seventeen Years- Ratatat

scamp's avatar

I can’t wait to hear it!! Great idea Rob.

playthebanjo's avatar

Looks like room for 6 more tracks!

eambos's avatar

Well, i was going to upload Seventeen years, but since Uber did, then i’ll upload Be yourself By Audioslave. A very laid back, cool song

wildflower's avatar

By the way, if anyone else, using Mac OS X, is having trouble uploading (i.e. it just doesn’t seem to complete), what works for me is:
1. Quit & relaunch Safari
if issue still persists:
2. Reset Safari
if issue still persists
3. Log out and back in of your user

Also, do not open other tabs with streaming, flash or java sites while uploading (this could be my imagination, but it seems to affect it).

gailcalled's avatar

Thank you, Rob and Banjo (I love the idea of both “Cluck Old Hen” on the banjo and a funeral dirge by an Irish band. Now if only I had a clue as to what a Muxtape is – although I could probably take an educated guess.)

No, no, don’t tell me. Please.

robmandu's avatar

Whoa! Hold on! Back the bus up!

I totally left out an important Flutherite in describing my Muxtape tribute: @mirza!

He designed the interface there. And I am glad for it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

unfortunately the answer to your question is no. We only made it to six and its a shame because i thought the playlist was awesome so far. Should we all add 1 more song? You know, finish what we started.

playthebanjo's avatar

maybe repost the offer?

bulbatron9's avatar

I uploaded Bad Astronaut – The “F” Word

I hope you enjoy it!

jlm11f's avatar

I uploaded my all time favorite song Bure Bure (its a Persian song with a little Hindi in it)
i already posted this on the newer question, but in case we wanted all the songs listed in the same thread, i pasted it here too

jballou's avatar

Considering I’m listening to this muxtape almost non-stop, I’m gonna say “Yes- the fluther collective CAN make a decent muxtape”

robmandu's avatar

Yes, indeed!

Thanks to all contributors. All y’all rock!

Now I got my soundtrack for Flutherin’ (and apparently, for watching the WWDC).

Thanks, again!

timothykinney's avatar

Where can I download the mux?

robmandu's avatar

… oh… it’s so good. Good times.

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