Here is the original question:
I know, a version of this question has been asked before here, here, here, here and here (sorry, I beat you to it). I am a quote junkie and see new quotes that I love all the time. I also have noticed there are quite a few new people on here so I thought I’d ask again.
This question was pulled because:
The question you asked on Fluther, What are some of your favorite quotes?, was flagged by a moderator because:
Your question is a duplicate.
Your question is an open-ended survey.
My response was:
(1st response) So the five other open ended surveys are ok but mine…no?????
I realize it is a duplicate as is many of the questions that hardly ever get pulled. I just thought there were a lot of new people recently on Fluther and good quotes are endless.
I have agreed with every other question you have pulled but this is BULLSHIT. Is this being FAIR? Do you treat everyone equally???? hmmmm….....
(2nd response after first was not responded to) p.s. it is NOT a survey question. Do you like quotes? is a survey. Wow, you are SO bogged down you can pull questions and answers left and right but have no time for “disgruntled” (yet LOYAL) users? I guess I have the “choice” not to come back, huh? Fluther’s answer to everything that goes wrong….
So I apologize for using the word “bullshit” in my response. I wasn’t aware that your virgin ears were so sensitive since I see many responses containing words a lot worse than this that do not get moderated.
And @Breefield, as for the term “client” I used it to mean that if someone is making money through our clicking on the google ads, then we are the client for those who make a living through our clicks. Unless I am really unclear of how the google ads work. Which is a distinct possibility. Please someone correct me on this one if Fluther does not make money by the placement and the click count for the google ads.
As for the point about people not being treated fairly, I see it all the time in the awarding of lurve to some and not to others. If you guys don’t see it, then I am just insane, but I have PM’d others who do see it. I see questions where one person will provide the same answer as someone else and the first will not get lurve and the 2nd will. I see some responses getting moderated and some others, that are just as wacky or off the point or sarcastic not getting pulled. I see people getting great answered for saying stuff like “yes” or “happy” or meaningless (rather than well thought out) simple answers. All I want is for there to be consistency from the moderators.
@Marina: As for the part about “acting like fools to get attention”, I remember melonking most vividly. Granted, at times he was a real idiot, but boy did he get the collective moving! I expect to be treated fairly and to be answered without having to resort to publicly asking a question on why I didn’t get an answer.