How does Fluther know that my desk is messy? (and incidentally that I look good today?)
A little scary, but nice anyway.
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36 Answers
Seeing those messages makes me feel happy….............
Fluther knows everything.
they baked me a cake!!! they didn’t ask for my address though…what does that mean? and is the cake chocolate? i really hope it is…
Haha, PnL, you and chocolate!! Geez.
Apparently Fluther doesn’t know everything, Rich. Mine currently says that I am hitting my stride when actually an incident happened which totally screwed up my stride. My stride is a gimp now.
I just refreshed and now it’s telling me to take my shoes off and stay a while. I can’t even wear a shoe on one foot!!!
I refreshed again.. now it says I never cease to amaze them. Finally, one I can agree with. ;-)
Lucky you. I apparently have some spinach between teeth. At least they warned me before I went it..
fluther told me this, quite a boost of confidence
p.s. gail, i’m working on your mail
Hahaha I’ve never gotten either of those :P
Just be grateful for the magic, KMD!
i was wondering…maybe there is a different set of greetings for the two sexes. though i am sure both have some common ones too.
Fluther doesn’t ask your sex (or for it, for that matter) so how would they give you gender-specific greetings?
what, ryan, she told you?!!....damn it, last time i trust the collective with my size…
oooooh it doesn’t? well there goes that theory. thanks for the info eambos!
Edit – no fair ryan and iwa! i want to learn how to change the greetings like that :(
When I got that one, I thought it meant the size of my brain! ;)
@PnL You could do it with MS paint if you wanted.
If you have photoshop, all the better.
those aren’t real? disillusion
I want to make one that says I rock a pink cast like none other.
javascript:document.body.contentEditable=‘true’; document.designMode=‘on’; void 0
Paste that is the address bar. And hit Enter.
@jp – that didn’t work for me.
JP: I can’t get that to work. =(
Try a copy and paste from here.
I can’t get it to work if I try to copy and paste what I posted either. I’m not sure why that is.
wowowWowWowoWOWOWOW… that works in Firefox, Safari, and IE7.
Nice find, @jp!
I’ve seen that somewhere before… Now jp has provided a practical use for it.
Mine says they kept a seat warm for me… if I leave it long enough to go cold!
Why, yes Fluther, I have changed shampoos.
ooooh Fluther is right on the target. My hair does look really really good today.
Why thank you. I actually have lost weight.
Dangit! Why am I always it ?!?
Now, who wants to be tagged?
We must have a tag-team. It says I’m it too!
Not to blow my own horn, but the greeting referred to in the original question was one of mine!
Well, it was no surprise to me to read that I have “that certain je ne sais quoi.” People have been telling me that for years—along with “You are teetering from eccentric into weird.”
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