Meta Question

jlm11f's avatar

When is your birthday?

Asked by jlm11f (12421points) July 27th, 2008

I promise not to stalk you, I was curious to see how many of us share the same date and month of birth and thought this thread could be a good way of remembering to wish people on their day! The year of birth is not needed of course, if you don’t want to give away your age ;)

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190 Answers

richardhenry's avatar

16th of January 1990

richardhenry's avatar

My bank account PIN number is…

wildflower's avatar

when’s yours?

osullivanbr's avatar

November 11th.

augustlan's avatar

August 18th, 1967

sndfreQ's avatar


fabulous's avatar

September 10th

ezraglenn's avatar

September 19th, 1990!

iwamoto's avatar

8 may 1986..

and richardherny’s phonenumber is 555…..

AstroChuck's avatar

December 14, 19Longtimeago

eambos's avatar

May 30th

richardhenry's avatar

@AstroChuck: At least you’ve got the 19 on your belt!

Allie's avatar


Indy318's avatar

march 18th, just after st. Pattys day

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

September 15th, arguably the greatest day ever.

marinelife's avatar

Put up PnL. When’s yours?

jlm11f's avatar

@ Marina and wf – Mine is 25th December (1988 born). What about you Marina?

<3 to allie and astrochuck…december borns rock :)

I can’t believe that we haven’t even found 2 people sharing the same date yet!

Thanks to all who answered so far and what about the other flutherites?

Allie's avatar

December babies DO rock. It’s called saving the best for last. ;-)

intro24's avatar

First digit of my lurve (month), answers before me (day).

Randy's avatar

January 26, 1987.

@Astro- My sisters birthday is December 14!

TheHaight's avatar

September 17, 1987 ♥

MacBean's avatar

5 March 1984

I wonder, are people who put their birthday in ##/## format in countries that tell the date with the month first or the day first? It doesn’t matter with 10/10, obviously, and 12/22 has to be December 22nd since there is no twenty-second month. But 6/8 could be June 8th or August 6th and 6/3 could be June 3rd or March 6th.

Randy's avatar

Hey! That’s a good point! What’s with that?

sndfreQ's avatar

I forgot that MacBean-Mine’s June 8th 1973!

loser's avatar

9/27 but you can stalk me!

jlm11f's avatar

@intro = my dad’s birthday is on jan 24th too !

@loser = if i ever feel the need to stalk anyone, it will be you for sure :)

@everyone= MacBean brings up a good point. Let’s have your answers in text format please? :D

gailcalled's avatar

New Year’s Eve…a long time ago. Bad day for a birthday.

shrubbery's avatar

9th April 1992 :)

lovelyy's avatar

August 24.
Mark it(:

babiturtle36's avatar

march 21, 1980
9:34 pm :)

Foolaholic's avatar

Feb. 12, 1990. Same day as both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin!

tinyfaery's avatar

March 1st 197?

I know it’s a bit late.

Seesul's avatar

Same day as Doc Holliday and Steve Martin. Year: Somewhere between AstroChuck and Gailcalled.

Since it is coming up, I’d like to have a Black Forest Cake and French Vanilla Ice Cream.

richardhenry: we need your mother’s maiden name, so we can go ahead with charging the party.

whatthefluther's avatar

May 18th, and my age matches the last two digits of the year in which I was born (and please be kind to your elders)

babygalll's avatar

February 20.

Response moderated (Spam)
klaas4's avatar

February 6. :)

Skyrail's avatar

April 17th ‘91 :]

susanc's avatar

May 6, same as Dr Freud

lefteh's avatar

April 10.
Same day as…no one interesting.
Mandy Moore and Haley Joel Osment, I think.
Also the day that the Titanic left its port.

richardhenry's avatar

@Macbean: Use full dates (DDth of Month YYYY, Month DD, YYYY) or international dates (YYYY-MM-DD). Easiest way to avoid confusion when you’re speaking internationally.

wildflower's avatar

Alright, to clarify (even though Macbean cleared me): Tenth of tenth (I’m still not including the year)

robmandu's avatar

We should likely see first U.S.-based same-date birthdays in the late summer months.

For the Euro folks, likely a spring date.

flameboi's avatar

December 14th. 1983 (I’m turning 25 yeah!)
same day as Astro chuck and randy’s sister
I love being the archer :)

wildflower's avatar

That birthday paradox stuff still makes my head hurt…...but more importantly, when’s your birthday?

robmandu's avatar

Hey now, you know I don’t answer that kind of thing directly in the wild. I’ll PM a reply to those close enough, though.

wildflower's avatar

Ah yes, you are the secretive, masked man ;)

gailcalled's avatar

(“who was that masked man”?)

Allie's avatar

Yeah! A match… AstroChuck and flameboi both on Dec. 14th.

jlm11f's avatar

yayyyy finally a match! december 14th will be a great fluther day to celebrate! and yay for flameboi being a december born :D

flameboi's avatar

@PnL :) thanks! It seems everybody loves December

gailcalled's avatar

Except me. Next time around I am picking anything but the last day of the year, certainly a non-holiday and preferaby a time when it is not -30˚.

gailcalled's avatar

And I should add that growing up, we celebrated my mother’s b’day on Dec. 6th, then Hannukah, then Christmas, then my dad’s on the 27th. Then everyone made plans for a blow-out New Year’s Eve or collapsed from exhaustion. (As least we skipped Pearl Harbor Day – Dec. 7).

I didn’t get toothpicks in gift-wrap or someone’s old socks, but it was like “Sixteen Candles” without the ending.

For a big birthday two years ago, we planned a party but all got caught in a huge, impassable blizzard all thru the NE; we rescheduled soon after and the same weather kept us all at home.

scamp's avatar

September 9th, the day before fabulous’s!

fabulous's avatar

ahhh so close scamp soooo close

scamp's avatar

Yep! You and I could have a two day celebration!

mzgator's avatar

@Gail: My dads birthday is December 27th also. My daughter’s is January 5th. No one ever feels like going to a birthday party after the holidays. She was born on my grandmother’s birthday. Since my grandmother passed, my mother is always in a depression on my daughters birthday. We always do whatever she wants on her big day to make it special for her.

Knotmyday's avatar

April the Second, Year of Our Lord Nineteen-Hundred-and-Something.

jlm11f's avatar

@gail – i know what you mean about holiday birthdays. Being a X-mas baby, it’s always first Christmas and then my birthday. And I get ripped off with the gifts too ! But my mother has it even worse, since she is born the day after me (Dec 26th) and since we are just done celebrating my birthday, no one is especially excited for hers :(

@everyone – thank you for sharing!

fabulous's avatar

I like your thinking scamp two full days of non stop partying. Nice

AstroChuck's avatar

That’s okay, flameboi and I will just have to party twice as hard on our one day when we both turn 25!

fabulous's avatar

Ok then I am thinking the

Party Challenge

Who can party the hardest can you the pressure Astro can you. Haha

fabulous's avatar

oops my bad I ment to say handle the pressure.

Parrothead's avatar

AstroChuck, when you turn 25? Ha! You wish!

AstroChuck's avatar

Glad you got a good laugh, Becky. Now, shouldn’t you be in the kitchen making dinner?

AstroChuck's avatar

Oh yeah, aren’t you a little further from 25 than me?

2madifab's avatar

my birthday is December 31 talk about saving the best for last.

gailcalled's avatar

@madifab) : I have found that having a New Year’s Eve Birthday ^^ is not fun. If I were 21, perhaps, but now everyone I know is either exhausted or snowed in. I have a half-birthday party in June but it is not the same. I am thinking of celebrating 364 unbirthdays as another possibility. (How old are you?)

ccatron's avatar

February 13

jrpowell's avatar

September 26

whatthefluther's avatar

@Melonking…Happy Birthday!!!

2madifab's avatar

@gailcalled i am 13 years old and where i live it does not snow so i love new years eve

gailcalled's avatar

(2madifab: you have some good times ahead of you. Where does it not snow?)

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

I am June 30 my eldest is Feb 14 (someone matched that) and my youngest is Jan 26 (another match)

klaas4's avatar

Happy near-birthday, then! :)

Divalicious's avatar

@klaas4… thanks!

sweets's avatar

August 18th, and thanks for asking :D

mightymite's avatar

September 13th

@Divalicious – Happy Birthday for Saturday!

AstroChuck's avatar

BW&M- If you had been born only two days later then you could have been perfect.

oceansmist's avatar

November 24th

2madifab's avatar

@gailcalled it does not snow in mobile,alabama.

Indy318's avatar

@2madifab- what about the time when Scout and Jim made slushy snowmen in their backyard? Was that the same night their neighbor’s house burned down? Gail, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

gailcalled's avatar

Yup… (reaches for walker.)

Indy318's avatar

@gail, since you do, can you help me ease my mind by reminding me the name of the neighbor. Was it Miss Dubose but I think its someone else?

AstroChuck's avatar

It doesn’t snow in Sacramento either. And thank God for that!

gailcalled's avatar

@Indy; Tomorrow, if I can. I am having guests; two friends (of my daughter’s) who left their car here 10 days ago and bicycled from here (east of Albany,NY) to Niagara Falls. They plan to collapse at my door and I expect that they will need feeding and watering.

Indy318's avatar

@Gail, sounds like story time at your crib. Hope they’re in fine health when they reach you. I would love hear of their experience on the road and of any advice they could share regarding the journey.

Allie's avatar

AC: When I was in 8th grade it snowed at our school in Davis. Very rare, though.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’ve known it to snow but the flakes melt as soon as they touch the ground. But it’s been a long time. I do remember in the early 70s enough snow to blanket our lawn. I was even able to make a homeless looking snowman. I remember wondering if they would cancel school as a result. LOL. What fools we are in California.

Allie's avatar

Haha, I wondered if they’d cancel school, too! Cancel school for our pathetic excuse for snow – it’s really just lumpy slush. I just wanted a “snow day.”

klaas4's avatar

Be glad you have some snow. We haven’t had any snow for 2 years now. :(

Allie's avatar

klaas: If you’re talking to me (I’m not sure), eighth grade was about six years ago..

klaas4's avatar

I was talking about snow in common. We don’t have any because the earth is warming up.

Knotmyday's avatar

We have snow in Arizona, but not my part. And the earth is warming up here too, usually does ‘round this time of year

mzgator's avatar

In south Louisiana it almost never snows. I remember a snowfall about thirty five years ago( I was four!). It only stuck to the tops of cars or in beds of trucks. On Christmas eve a few years back we had a couple of very light flurries, but nothing stuck. We Cajuns were all set for a white Christmas. If it gets barely even remotely icy or we have the lightest flurry school and work are canceled!!

El_Cadejo's avatar

october 6th

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

Happy Birthday Diva

autumn43's avatar

September 20th.

Happy Birthday a day early Diva!

amandaafoote's avatar

@Divalicious- Our birthday is tomorrow! :]

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too amandaafoote

Divalicious's avatar

happy birthday amandaafoote! and thank you for the good wishes, Mitsu!

amandaafoote's avatar

Thank you Mitsu & Diva! && happy birthday to you too Diva (o:

AstroChuck's avatar

Happy Birthday, Diva!

AstroChuck's avatar

Happy Birthday, Amanda!

AstroChuck's avatar

Thought you should each have a seperate “card.”

Divalicious's avatar

Thank you, Chuck!

breedmitch's avatar

Happy birthday, Amanda and happy birthday and welcome Ms. Diva!

Divalicious's avatar

Thank you :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

November 17 :)

jcs007's avatar

@AlenaD: we have the same birthday! November 17 1987

MissAnthrope's avatar

1976. Cool. :)

cak's avatar

April 1st!

wilhel1812's avatar

It’s in my username ;)

Allie's avatar

January 8th? August 1st? August 12th? January 2nd?

gailcalled's avatar

Wilhel: Tchaikovsky wrote “The 1812 Overture” in honor of Russian beating the tar out of Napolean’s army, and the US had the War of 1812 against GB, for whatever that is worth.

RE: all the August birthdays; Nov. is a dreary and slow month…what better way to pass the time?

hearkat's avatar

20th of May

poofandmook's avatar

day after mine, hearkat :)

hearkat's avatar

… and we both live in NJ and have cats for pets! What else do we have in common?

ava's avatar

march 17th, St. Patty’s Day 1979. Will be turning the big 3–0 soon!

klaas4's avatar

@Gail: If you trust my grade for history in school, and the war between the US and Great Britain wasn’t fought, the US would be a colony of Great Britain now.

GoldieAV16's avatar

March 31

Red. Velvet. Cake. sigh

breedmitch's avatar

@Goldie: Be sure to watch your doorstep for cake!

wilhel1812's avatar

@allie, none of them ;) a hint is that i’m european.

wildflower's avatar

18th of December (it couldn’t really be 12th of 18th, now could it?)
And Wil, don’t forget them awkward Swedes like to use yymmdd format. Not all Europeans have the same take on formatting dates…

GoldieAV16's avatar

breedmitch, that cake question is too funny!

wilhel1812's avatar

That’s right :)

jvgr's avatar

13 August, on a Friday

Emilyy's avatar

October 6.

eambos's avatar

Happy Belated!

breedmitch's avatar

@Emily: You share with Uberbatman. He’s cool.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Hah Go us Emily :P

How old did you just turn? (20 here)

iwamoto's avatar

congrats jackson, didn’t know you where such a youngster…

El_Cadejo's avatar

lol dude your like two years older than me, and thanks

iwamoto's avatar

2 years can mean the difference between bragging to your friends and getting arrested…catch my drift? ;)

asmonet's avatar

Thursday, August 21st, 1986.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

January 12th :)

and i seem to be the only one!

AstroChuck's avatar

No. I’m pretty certain there are others who share your birthday.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

i ment that posted..

breedmitch's avatar

@Chuckie: John Singer Sargent, Ira Hayes, Ray Price, Kreskin, Haruki Murakami, Sheila Jackson Lee, Kirstie Alley, Rush Limbaugh (same year), and Oliver Platt to name a few. Can you tell I’m bored today?

AstroChuck's avatar

Happy Birthday, Flameboi!

wilhel1812's avatar

In four days :)
how did you write with a different font, AC?

jlm11f's avatar

Happy Birthday to both Flameboi and Chuckie <3

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t see any July birthdays posted.

jlm11f's avatar

Is yours in July, Jeruba?

Jeruba's avatar

Yes. July 15th.

Are you the birthday cheerleader, @PnL?

Allie's avatar

Yes, yes she really is.

jlm11f's avatar

birthdays mean cake. what’s not to love? =]

Allie's avatar

Cake is not to love. I do not love cake, but you already knew that. The rest of you can fight over my piece of cake.

jlm11f's avatar

there will be no fighting. you know you already promised me that piece long ago

eambos's avatar

Noooo! I wanted that cake!

Allie's avatar

@PnL Ha! Right then, it’s all yours buddy. <4

eambos's avatar

lol4rl <4

shrubbery's avatar

I’m having cake pie for my birthday.

eambos's avatar

Today’s your birthday? Happy birthday, Alison!

jlm11f's avatar

noo her bday is april 9th!

eambos's avatar

ooohhh… Well, happy early birthday!

El_Cadejo's avatar

jesus christ, you make it a point to remember everyones birthday dont you?

jlm11f's avatar

don’t be silly jackie. i’ve only committed yours to memory. the rest are on facebook duh :P

eambos's avatar

I lie on facebook. That is neither my hometown nor my birthday. Take that, stalker!

Allie's avatar

Remember that time you told us it wasn’t your name either? That was funny. Good one.

eambos's avatar

That was a lie. What I just said was true.

klaas4's avatar

Why are you all typing so small? :)

eambos's avatar

——Double small doesn’t work =(——

Allie's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

Dork – noun.
The penis of a whale.

Great word!

shrubbery's avatar

sorry, I should have said, I’m going to have cake pie on my birthday. my bad.

iwamoto's avatar

may 8th, i even made a question about it but it got rejected, happy birthday to me…

iwamoto's avatar

@robmandu awesome, thanks :D

Allie's avatar

Happy belated birthdays, @Kiev749 and @iwamoto!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Next year, now…...

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