General Question

occ's avatar

Ideas for a good vegetarian soup recipe?

Asked by occ (4182points) July 26th, 2007

Looking for something easy to make for guests. Not butternut squash soup, since I always make that. I recently got an immersion blender, so blended soup ideas would be good...

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20 Answers

sferik's avatar

I love to make (and eat) carrot-ginger soup.

Sauté onion, garlic, and ginger in a large stock pot. Add white wine, vegetable stock, and chopped carrots. Cook over medium heat until the carrots are tender. Puree. Season with lemon juice, curry powder, salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with chives or parsley. Delicious.

Perchik's avatar

Didnt you ask this question a couple months ago ? lol
Yummy easy vegetarian soup ?

I tried a couple from that post, the potato leek soup was my fave.

Jill_E's avatar

This is not a soup but wonder if you can make it a soup by adding more water.

This is our most favorite side dish....Fake Mashed Potatoes...for your soup can make cauliflower soup, I heard it exists out there.

For the fake mashed potatoes recipe

Microwave 3 Tablespoon water with a bag of frozen cauliflower for 8 minutes, In blender, put 2 Tablespoon butter and 2 Tablespoon cream cheese. Blend til smooth. Season pepper to taste. It sounds yucky (i was never a fan of cauliflower intil found this recipe...I think found this in South Beach Diet in the '90s)

gooch's avatar

cucumber soup cook down cucumbers no seeds with potatoes onions...puree ....add chicken broth boil it down add heavy hot or even better cold

TysonEdwards's avatar

this is kind of a soup, kind of not... I will throw it out there and leave it to you to make up your minds after seeing it.

Take one head of cabbage, slicing it up into ~1 inch cubes, removing the core.
shred 1-2 carrots depending on size.
slice 1 onion into 1/2 inch cubes.

Put the cabbage into a large frying pan along with a light coating of olive oil. Place on low-medium heat, cover, and let it stem for roughly 10 minutes. Stir regularly. At that point, add the carrots and onions, possibly some garlic if you would like to the pan. Season as you would like, personally I go with some ground pepper, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Continue to stir regularly.
After the onions start turning clear, add one can of tomato paste, mixing thuroughly.
Continue stiring regularly.
The dish is completed when you notice a definite liquid-soupy look in the pan when stiring.

Add a small amount of white wine and let sit under very low heat for 5 minutes or so, while stiring.

overall, a very good recipe that I learned while living with some Russians for a year.

zina's avatar

zucchini soup i mentioned in your other question - saute garlic, onion, add chopped carrots and celery, add lots of chopped zucchini, add veggie broth, thyme, salt, and pepper. use the immersion blender until smooth. cook it down for a little while. yum! it's a surprisingly different flavor.

also, vegetarian french onion soup is great for a very different flavor. (i can send you a great recipe if you can't find one)

occ's avatar

Hi Perchik, you're right--Busted! I did ask this same questionabout 5 months ago...i thought maybe people would have some new ideas for me :) and I did get some new suggestions...thank you SFerik for the carrot-ginger idea--I am going to try it!

b's avatar

Check out my Potato leek soup recipe I posted earlier. Its super tasty and easy to make.

hollywoodduck's avatar

I know you asked this months ago, but I just found it and I have a favorite soup to add.

It’s super easy, you could add fresh veggies instead of the canned, it just takes longer to cook that’s all.

1 can (32oz or something like that) Tomato Juice – Lower Sodium if you can find it
Onions 1–2 medium (in my opinion the more the better)
Celery – 2–3 stalks
Red Potatoes – about 5–6 good size ones depending on how much you like them

Canned: (1 regular size can each)
Carrots (No Salt Added)
Corn (No Salt Added)
Green Beans (No Salt Added)
Diced Tomatos (No Salt Added)
(You could add other veggies as you see fit, fresh and canned)

Salt/Pepper to taste
Italian Seasoning to taste
Fresh/dried Parsley to taste
Splash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Grab a big pot and put the olive oil in the pan. You’ll need enough so that your first veggies don’t stick but not too much. Add your onions and celery and cook until onions are tender. Then add everything else except the pepper, spices, and parsley. Bring the pot up to a boil and then turn down the heat so that it’s simmering. Because most of your veggies are from the can they are already soft, so you’ll just need to cook it until the potatoes are done enough for you. I would say this will take you about half an hour to 45 minutes. I like to add the spices later on in the cooking process that way all the veggies have had some time to intermingle and you can taste where you’re at and determine what to add.

We like to eat this with fresh Italian bread.

NummaNumma's avatar

This is sooo easy, great for a quick meal!
Chicken Noodle soup, yep in a packet!
Sliced up carrot
Sliced up spinach
Chopped up broccoli or broccolini
Parmesan cheese

Put it all in the pot and boild until pasta is cooked and you’re ready to eat!

I just had it for dinner myself!

Starburst's avatar

Hi: what do you think about cream soups, like cream of asparagus, broccoli, mushroom, or some real nice creamy tomato soup? just some ideas here.

XrayGirl's avatar

how bout just a nice onion soup? split pea, navy bean, tomato basil or potato.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Butternut Squash Soup!

Oh, and fruit gazpacho:

* 1/2 cup diced pineapple
* 1/2 cup diced strawberries
* 1 cup sliced grapes
* 3/4 cup blueberries
* 1 cup apple juice
* 1/2 cup orange juice
* 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
* 1/2 orange, segmented

In medium bowl, combine pineapple, strawberries, grapes and blueberries.
Add juices and mix well.
Cover bowl and refrigerate.
To serve, spoon into bowls and garnish with pepper and orange segments.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Oh, this one is good too:

* 2 cups 1/4-inch-diced watermelon
* 2 cups orange juice
* 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
* 1 seedless cucumber, cut into 1/4-inch dice
* 1 small yellow bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1/4-inch dice
* 1 small onion, cut into 1/4-inch dice
* 2 medium garlic cloves, minced
* 1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced (optional)
* 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
* 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, basil or cilantro
* Salt and freshly ground black pepper

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1. Process 1/2 cup of watermelon, along with the orange juice and oil, in a blender or food processor until pureed. Transfer to a medium bowl, along with remaining ingredients. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Refrigerate until ready to serve. (Can be made several hours before serving.

Zen's avatar

Easy soup that the kids love: In a five litre pot, sautee two large diced onions, add chopped garlic (maybe 8 cloves or to taste) then about 3–4 diced medium spuds – all in olive oil until slightly browned. Add water bring to a boil, add about 3–5 tablespoons of chicken soup powder and cook for about 30–40 minutes or until the potatoes are soft. Told you it was simple. De-lish.

Strauss's avatar

I made some potato leek soup a month ago. After I cut the root part of the leek, I sprouted it and I now have a healthy leek plant growing in my container garden!

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Lua_cara's avatar

Squash and Garlic Soup

450 g (1 lb) Butternut squash, peeled and cubed
4 cloves of garlic
5 ml (1 tsp) ground cumin
5 ml (1 tsp) ground coriander
500 ml (1 pint) vegetable stock
30 ml (2 tbsp) low fat creme fraiche
15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oi
salt and pepper to taste

Spread the cubed squash on a baking tray and drizzle the olive oil over it. Toss the cubes to make sure they are well coated in the oil.

Loosely wrap the garlic cloves in some cooking foil and add the parcel to the squash on the baking tray.

Bake the squash and garlic for about 30 minutes. The squash should be soft and just lightly browned at the edges.

Put the baked squash in a food processor. Unwrap the garlic from the foil and squeeze the flesh over the squash. Throw the skins away.

Add the spices and blend the mixture to a nice smooth paste. Add the stock and blend again.

Taste the soup and season with the salt and pepper.

Before you serve the soup heat it up gently and stir in the creme fraiche.

nope's avatar

PERFECT for an immersion blender: Curried Pumpkin Soup

1 large onion, sliced; ¾ cup sliced scallions (white part only); ¼ cup butter; 1 16oz can pumpkin; 4 cups chicken broth; 1 bay leaf; ½ teaspoon sugar; ½ teaspoon curry powder; 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg; several sprigs of parsley; 2 cups half & half; salt & pepper to taste.

Saute onions and scallions in butter until golden brown. Stir in pumpkin, broth, bay leaf, sugar, curry powder, nutmeg & parsley. Bring to a simmer and continue simmering uncovered for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Use immersion blender to blend soup until completely smooth. Add half & half, salt & pepper, and simmer for about 5 minutes until hot & creamy.


Strauss's avatar

Generic bean soup (tastes anything but generic!)

Take any kind of legume (beans, peas, lentils, or combination). Rinse and soak for at least an hour (larger beans soak longer, maybe even overnight). Pour off soak water, re-rinse beans and cover with water, and bring to a boil. When the beans are tender, add finely chopped onions (sautee until translucent first if you want). Then add any combo of the following: chopped celery, carrots, bell pepper (any color), and then any other vegetable you want (broccoli, any type of squash, cauliflower, etc.). Simmer until beans are tender. Season to taste with salt, pepper, a touch of ginger, cumin and /or tumeric. (A dash of Liquid Smoke will add the smoky flavor you usually get with a piece of ham or other meat, while keeping it vegetarian) Stir in seasonings and simmer for at least one-half hour additional. Serve with parmesan cheese, or any other grated cheese (cheese may be optional).

Allow leftovers to cool thoroughly before refrigeration. You can add more veggies to the stock to make a new soup. just make sure you keep the leftover “stockpot” properly refrigerated.

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