General Question

fireside's avatar

Is there anything more frightening than this?

Asked by fireside (12368points) October 15th, 2008

Here’s a clip of Sarah Palin working the crowd in Ohio as she stops at Wal-Mart to pick up diapers and hop back on the campaign bus. ”Sarah for President” just makes me shudder…

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22 Answers

shilolo's avatar

She forgot to get diaper wipes… How incompetent. :-)

poofandmook's avatar

maybe Mavericks just use their sleeve?

galileogirl's avatar

Campaigns bring out the silly. Gov Palin picking up something at Walmart is not scary, it’s ridiculous. Are we supposed to believe that candidate Palin gets the kids breakfast and walks them to the school bus, that she takes the baby to work every day and changes and feeds him between meetings, that she shops for groceries before going home where she prepares dinner, supervises homework, does the housework and laundry before ending up the day as Todd’s hot little mate? In other words she is just like every other working woman, dontcha know!

GAMBIT's avatar

If all you believe are your eyes your eyes will just tell you lies – Bob Dylan

How stupid do they think we are please give me a break.

aidje's avatar


EmpressPixie's avatar

@Gambit: Or: I cannot believe my eyes, how the world’s filled with filth and lies—Dr. Horrible

Also in this small town in Indiana I’ve been canvassing every weekend (taking a break this weekend—I deserve it), the McCain/Palin banner in front of headquarters reads:
Sarah! (very large lettering)
McCain*Palin (much smaller)

GAMBIT's avatar

@EmpressPixie – I like that one I will put it in my memory bank. Thanks

Dorkgirl's avatar

I’m nauseated by the overt use of the baby as a prop. Doesn’t she have someone who could hold him while she works the crowd? Couldn’t he be left in the car with a caregiver while she glad-hands and buys diapers?

EmpressPixie's avatar

@Dorkgirl—I can’t go look, but I disapprove of bringing babies to things where it is likely they will get sick. And I can’t think of a better way to get a baby sick than shaking everyone’s hands and putting their grimy germs on your baby.

susanc's avatar

They want the baby to die? After it serves it purpose?

I know this is a terrible thing to say. I know.

jvgr's avatar

Perhaps Sarah is trying to figure out exactly what a small business (the backbone of America) is, so being the fair and balanced person she is; maybe Wal-Mart fits?

aidje's avatar

Lurve for Dr. Horrible. I couldn’t help myself.

Dorkgirl's avatar

@ics007—hee hee.

sndfreQ's avatar

This link is probably NSFW; if it gets flagged, so be it.

After searching Fluther to find the appropriate thread I thought this disc would be most fitting:

Disclaimer: may not be safe for work; ^^ Palin sympathizers probably should avoid this link, but it nearly brought me to tears it was so funny (all except for one depiction of a deer being hunted-but it’s just an animation).

btw requires Flash to be installed on your browser to view

El_Cadejo's avatar

@sndfreQ shilolo showed me that in chat the other day, hilarious. Whats great is that they update everyday. Joe the Plumber is now in there lol

sndfreQ's avatar

@uber: as you were typing, I had just realized the drip and puddle on the table-awesome!

fireside's avatar

I love how her ex brother in law is tied up inside the desk.

El_Cadejo's avatar

anyone else notice if you click on the front center of the desk it makes tally marks, definitely one of the best jokes in there.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Personally, I don’t think there is anything much more frightening than what George Bush did to the U.S. for the last 8 years. But that’s just me.

zen_'s avatar is hysterical guys, thanks!

Edit: @uberbatman then the tally marks say “wolf kills” – too funny.

josie's avatar

There is plenty more frightening than that. Feel lucky you don’t have it to compare to.

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