Would you rather...?
Would you rather have popcorn pop in your pants every time you fart or have an involuntary orgasm every time you hear the word “pancake?”
Please do explain your answer for the entertainment of myself and the other readers :)
Okay, so I’m a college student—shoot me for laughing at bathroom humor.
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169 Answers
I’ll take an order of pancakes with orgasm topping, please. I am female…does this really require an explanation?
Orgasm Pancake.
I like orgasms, and I dig pancakes.
Plus, how funny would it be if someone was like,
“Hey, let’s go to IHOP and get some—”
And if you were too tired to put the work in you could just be like ”Pancakes”. Presto.
Don’t yell at me, Augustlan. I know I’m still awake. :’(
O fer cripes sake, I would take the orgasm every, every time. Who wouldn’t? Could you imagine? Every now and again I’ll give myself a little orgasm on a long drive, but if I could do it by hearing “pancake” it would make things so much easier.
Besides, women do not fart so I would miss out on the whole popcorn thing…
O’ for crepes sake, why are we still all awake?
‘Nother order of orgasm pancake for me as well.
@Nimis: Because we have problems!
Mmm, crepes.
It’s the damn election, isn’t it, keeping us all awake?
Looking at this from a practical angle (or not, depending on your point of view), if I pick the first option at least I get a free snack for my efforts.
If I choose the second option, I’m going to be Mr. Feelgood every time I hear the word ‘pancakes’ but the clean up after every time pop goes the weasel is going to get old pretty quickly.
@Augustlan: I’m willing to make that my excuse.
I think the answer might change depending on gender.
Blue: If I had more sleep, I’d probably agree with you.
Except for the having a snack part. I’m not really down with that.
@Nimis: Poop-popped corn? No thanks.
GOODNIGHT. No one lure me back frick dang it!
Haha…just kidding. G’night for the nth time.
Shoo. Off to bed with you.
No tears! Here’s some lurve to snuggle with in bed.
I already orgasm when I hear the word Pancake. Is that not normal?
@saranwrapper :: People tell me thAt is Not CommonplAce. you might want to asK a profEssional about that.
Love the subliminal messaging in your answer there, johnpowell. LOL
Exactly what blue said.
@saranwrapper – hilarious
I think I agree… Orgasm pancake, all my explanations have already been stated…
I could never eat that much popcorn.
Who wouldn’t choose the orgasm? I’d also like to be able to give women orgasms every time I say pancake. I would still like to try the old fashioned way too, but when we’re both tired it would just be whispering back and forth for a few minutes and then sleep.
But I guess the popcorn thing could be a good colonic…
I’m, of course, assuming that the popcorn is coming out with
the fart
I’m surprised I don’t hear more popcorn! Usually there are a few people who think about how annoying it would be when your friends walk up to you at lunch or at work and whisper “pancakes” in your ear. The potential for embarrassment is unbelievable.
But, I guess it’s worth it to the Flutherites!!!
I don’t know about you dude’s in here, but I can hide an orgasm. And I think that’s all I’m gonna say on that one…
@johnpowell you are my favorite fluther poet.
of the two, no matter how impressive the fart popcorn’s media campaign is, i know which stock i’d invest in.
@johnpowell Thanks, I needed that
Pancakes & rubber tighties for me.
@Chutter: Where have you been?
If I chose the Orgasm with pancakes, I’d have to carry extra underwear with me anywhere I ever went…. and I fart a bit too much sometimes…
hmm, I’d still have to take the orgasm over the popcorn and just avoid public places like ihop, or breakfast places in general, that word gets tossed around a bit much in places like that. Maybe just hit up a Waffle House if I really wanted to eat out for breakfast.
There is no way I could let my friends l figure out what the word pancake does to me. They could pull that out at any given moment while playing a video game, sport, social event at a party… would spell disaster for me. Right before winning a game or something I could see it now “PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE PANCAKE!!!” and then I would lose whatever it is that I was doing.
@RandomMrdan Personally, being a woman being married to the same guy for 20 years, I think working at IHOP during the breakfast shift would work for me!!! I would never get anything done, but what a way to start the day!!
Yes! We are having pancakes for breakfast! Life just does not get any better than this!
It’s days like today I dream about this being a possibility.
(crosses fingers and says “pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!)
Popcorn sounds a little cool actually. Only problem is that the popcorn would taste like fart…
I would pop pop-corn when I fart and scream pancakes so then will have an orgasm.
The orgasms would lose their joy after a lot of them, but popcorn always tastes good!
@jackm: The orgasms would lose their joy…
I doubt it.
There’s a pancake party this weekend!!
@MissAusten pancakes aren’t going to help our award, riddle hunger, hehe.
Pancakes with chocolate please.
@MissAusten You pooper!! But the one is already closed so i’m not sure if I can. I am so slow with riddles!! Ick, Ick, Ick!!!
I’m a girl – it would have to be pancakes all the way.
Do we need to go to ALL the pancake questions to get our awards back??
This is the only pancake question @Judi :)
Yes, it is the only “pure” pancake question, but others do exist.
Definitely pancake orgasms!
Pancakes are already pretty orgasmic… :D
I would also choose pancake. If I hear pancakes will I have multiple orgasms? And what if someone said cake in a pan, or cake in a frizzer, or something like that, would I still… you know?
Pancakes! Oh god pancakes!
Popcorn. Otherwise I’d be too easy to control.
Pancakes fo sho.
damn you Bendrewim! You give us all of these new awards to figure out just when I decide to not spend most of my waking hours on fluther. You’re evil!
I think I’d go pancakes, but I’m not sure if I’d tell anyone about this special power. At least not the general public. Of course, I don’t have kids. I could imagine that getting awkward really fast.
Mommy can we have pancakes for – Daddy, something’s wrong with Mommy…
Someone’s whispering the word ‘pancakes’ in my ear right now. I’m about to let go and I have no shame. At least not for the next 90 seconds anyway.
“Uuuuh, uuuuh, Pancaaaaaaaakes!!!”
<<smokes ciggy>>
Lol @nxknxk, GA for “If I hear pancakes will I have multiple orgasms?”
But what sound do pancakes make?
@Darwin hssssssssss, scrape, fwop, hsssss…
Now I want pancakes, damn it.
I call them panclarks every single time now. Darn you Adam Sandler Then I associate Adam Sandler with orgasms…this is not natural..
@Clair LOL! Adam Sandler can be a very sexy man… If you squint real hard and tell him not to talk.
@Clair Ok, maybe I take that back. I tried to find a pic of Adam Sandler where he was looking remotely sexy and squinted real hard… Didn’t work. Sorry. ;D
@Clair It was worth a shot. Too bad it just can’t work. Some people need a paper bag for their heads. Some people need one for everything. Oh well.
My wife makes the best pancakes!
Blueberry pancakes are one of da’ best noms! :)
I’d rather have an involuntary pancake. I’m a very quiet chef.
Rather than having an orgasm at every pancake, it’d be nice to have pancakes at every orgasm….the hunger-diminished! OR if you had both…HAHAHAHA, oh my gosh, this is ridiculous.
@pjanaway: No! You must choose. There can be only one.
Can I chose pancakes for me and popcorn for my husband? I’d love to put all his ass gas to good use.
Popcorn flavored pancakes at IHOP for the win!
You really ask that?PANCAKES!because that would just be a waste of popcorn.I mean ewwww.And you cant waste words.
ah ha!!! pancakes definitely with chocolate dipped strawberries and real clotted cream :-) x
Tall stack of pancakes and resilient underwear to go please.
Monday is Pancake Day where I work.
But I’m on vacation! Dang
@Yetanotheruser, perhaps you’ll have to celebrate it by yourself, or just with a friend.
Definitely pancakes. No contest.
Pancake… *I’m having difficulty seeing why would anyone choose the popcorn option?
@Seek_Kolinahr, at first I missed your comma and thought the sexy pancakes were for serious people!
@augustlan @Seek_Kolinahr Let’s go out and find some sexy pancakes! Or better yet, why don’t you two come over to my house and we’ll have a threesome with sexy pancakes!
Just remember to flip when it’s nice and hot!
[FAKE MOD SAYS] Ahem, this is in the general section, ladies…
[REAL MOD SAYS] Yeah, but this was asked in 2008, before the guidelines changed. So hah! :p
Dammit. <hangs head in defeat>
Fine. I’ll just poke you again. Hah!
[REAL MOD SAYS] Hey, someone better poke me!
Poking and orgasm pancakes… we are on a roll!
A heaping helping of pancakes, please! Oh. Oh. Aaaaaaah!
I like flapjacks and I cannot lie, you waffle eaters can’t deny that when a round griddle cake smell hits your face you get sprung!
Okay, so when you’ve spent to the point of exhaustion and utter dehydration from copious mentions of pancakes is there a safe word you can utter before you pass out? Something like brussel sprout, or ASPARAGUS!!!
If pancakes verbalized creates an orgasm, I shudder at what French toast would do.
<suddenly screams and goes limp as a ragdoll>
<Gets out the vapourised chocolate and waves it under @WillWorkForChocolate‘s nose>
Move along folks. Nothing to see here. Just a French Toast episode.
Oh my gods… Yes… Yes… YESSS!—toast…
<offers the lady a light because I’m so suave>
Oh my goodness even churches are getting into the act! Check out this pancakes and porn article!
I just gave this a great question to push it up to 69 GQ Points. Nobody else click great question now.
Only you, ETpo. Only you. ;-)
It is NSFW Friday, isn’t it?
If it’s Friday, it’s @ETpro ‘s NSFW day
I would be living at IHOP
This is an “either or question”, we don’t like those on Fluther. Had this been in social I could make up my own third option as neither of these are that appealing .
pancakes. oh, more pancakes. chocolate chip pancakes. yes. chocolate chip pancakes with Hershey syrup. pancakes pancakes pancakes PANCAKESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssss…........................ licking chocolate syrup from fingers.
Could I have a second helping of the pancakes please? Speaking of pancakes, there’s a diner where I live that has potato pancakes, sweet potato pancakes, blue corn pancakes, buckwheat pancakes, johnny cakes, and the traditional flapjacks…
I finally stumbled on the legendary pancake question!
@ibstubro, if I knew you were looking, I’d have sent it to you. I thiught you’d been here long ago.
I was not looking, @Jonesn4burgers! That’s what made finding it so cool. Like looking at old books in the public library and finding a poem written written by your grandmother. Okay, maybe a limerick written by your grandfather. Unexpected gem, in any case.
It is a great thread to behold indeed…
So this is how that pancake thing was born on Fluther.
Well I might have seen this before, just couldn’t remember.
@Hypocrisy_Central If you look at the original date of this question, you’ll see that it was posted in 2008. This predates the “general”, “social” or “meta” categories.
@AstroChuck This Q has been around so long even the vacuum of space could not suck the PANCAKES fun out of it!
Is this thread still going then?? :-)
I guess. It hasn’t been archived or closed!
PANCAKES in the frizzer!
Can I get banana pancakes or is that a special order?
I just had 84 orgasms reading this thread….I need to go lay down for a bit.
I thought that this questions was archived a long time ago.
It was fun to re-read and see all the names. I miss you guys.
@wilma I have to laugh as somehow this question is in the General section….lets see our answers get modded! lol
Right! Thats it! I’m going to flag you for even mentioning that!
Absolutely no flagging on this question!!
I am pretty sure this question was written before the General section was created and I did a quick search and it seems all of the before the creation of the 4 categories was defaulted to General.
@rojo I will remember this in my will!
Ahhhhh! The thread that will not die”
Pancakes, Augie! I said PANCAKES!
<Fans self; smokes a cigarette>
God, I’d forgotten how much this question cracked me up.
I forgot how much this question made by eyes roll or my head explode…..all that for pancakes, and not even real ones, 7 years later and the bar hasn’t risen…...oh well <sigh>
Kringles or krinkels?
Cuz I always thought Chris was a kringle n cake was a krinkel….
Gah! Now I’m all confuzzeled : \
Spent. Reaching for a smoke.
Solemn experience, going down through this thread nowadays.
I never gave my answer to this one.
I’ll take the pancakes with a side order of Depends please.
Wait! You can skip the Depends! There’s no mess after a prostatectomy! Lucky me!
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