General Question

LostInParadise's avatar

How do women get away with this?

Asked by LostInParadise (32294points) November 29th, 2008

I am okay with the fact that women are allowed to touch a guy acquaintance’s arm or other non-erogenous zone but for guys it is strictly hands off.  Lately though I have noticed young women slipping their hand down their jeans front pocket. Is that the reason for the pocket? Am I being Puritanical in thinking that behavior is improper? Imagine the reaction to a guy who did that.

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73 Answers

steve6's avatar

Slipping her hand in whose pocket? Her own or his?

bythebay's avatar

You lost me on the pocket, LostInParadise. The girls are putting their own hand, in their own pocket? I wouldn’t be offended if a guy put his hand in his front pocket—maybe I completely misunderstood your question.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Lost, I’m assuming that you are asking about the appropriateness of a young woman putting her hand in a young man’s front pocket. I’m with you on this one, it is improper for anyone to reach into anyone else’s front pocket without that person’s permission. I would say this is true whether the individuals are the same sex or not.

LostInParadise's avatar

No, I mean a woman putting her hand down her own front pocket (not side pocket, which would be okay). Apparently nobody else finds anything wrong with this. I guess that makes me a dirty old man for having improper thoughts when I see this.

SuperMouse's avatar

I see absolutely nothing wrong with a woman putting her hand in her own front pocket.

steve6's avatar

You mean girls pants have a pocket where the fly is supposed to be?

MrItty's avatar

There’s nothing wrong with anyone’s hands in their own pockets, male or female.

cdwccrn's avatar

Sounds like someone is thinking impure thoughts. Pockets are made for putting things in, and we use our hands to do that.

bythebay's avatar

@Lost: If you are offended by hands in pockets, you might not want to read this:

Judi's avatar

We also put our hands in our pockets when we’re cold.

gimmedat's avatar

Why would putting one’s hand in one’s pocket be a problem?

bodyhead's avatar

This is a funny thread. Just tell those girls that you’ve got plenty of pockets to go around if they get too close.

Snoopy's avatar

When I would go out to the bars in Chicago, I kept my money and ID in my front pockets.

I mean, sheesh, do you think they are there just for decoration?

fireside's avatar

How would they get the lint out of the pockets if they didn’t put their hands inside?

scamp's avatar

@Lost let me set things straight for you. A woman cannot ‘reach” the same things when she puts her hand in her front pocket as a man can, so there is nothing untoward about this practice. Sometimes a pocket is simply a resting place for a person’s hand. Even for a man, it doesn’t necessarily mean he is playing ‘pocket pool.”

Sometimes a pocket is simply used as a pocket.

iwamoto's avatar

right now i have my hands in my front pockets…i’m typing with my nose

bodyhead's avatar

Psssh, Scamp, we’re always playing pocket pool.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I suppose if someone, male or female, is putting his/her hands in his/her own pockets in order to do something lewd (such as ‘pocket pool’ as scamp said) then, yeah, it’s a rude thing to do. But if someone is just using the pocket to hold things or to put his/her hands, then there’s nothing wrong with it.

scamp's avatar

@bodyhead ha ha! I was giving you the benefit of a doubt.

Maybe the best way to tell what’s going on is to watch the expression on the person’s face?

jca's avatar

sometimes putting my hands in my pockets is just a way to rest my arms.

bodyhead's avatar

When I put my hands in my pockets, I’m just trying to hold my pants down. You know, make sure they don’t float away.

laureth's avatar

You know, a woman’s hair can also be an erogenous zone, yet many innocent women brush their hair every day for fashion or hygienic reasons. Not many people have issues with that, either, although the women could be secretly enjoying it right under your nose.

This is crazy talk.

jlm11f's avatar

the nerve of those women! placing their hand in their own pocket. dirty dirty. the new generation has no culture, I tell you.

jca's avatar

i am still baffled at the implication of the question. why would they put pockets in clothing if not to put things into. how to get the things out if not to insert hand?

wildflower's avatar

This is possibly the most ridiculous question I’ve come across: why would trousers have pockets if they’re not to be used? and if you’re going to use them, how would you get anything in or out of them if you can’t put your hand in them?
Also, ever been caught in frosty weather without your mittens??? If you had, you’d be a big fan of pockets!!

Somehow this was the first thing that came to mind as I was reading this thread…..

augustlan's avatar

‘I’ve got one hand in my pocket, and the other is smoking a cigarette.’

asmonet's avatar

Is there something off limits about our hips or any section of the body within four inches of a vagina?

It’s her hand, and unless she starts making some suspicious movements, turns pink and starts making an o face, I think you’re reading far too much into this.

Maybe he hand is cold.

fireside's avatar

I say just sit back and enjoy the show if she is making an O face…

galileogirl's avatar

As far as actions that have different meanings for men and women, when a woman gives a man a long intense look she might be signalling sexual interest, if a guy does it he may be asking for a fight.

Mizuki's avatar

@lost—do you think that women act more and more like men?

LostInParadise's avatar

Well maybe I got carried away, but suppose a woman is standing in front of a room and giving a lecture and her hand frequently slips in and out of the front pocket of her tightly worn jeans.  I have seen this and it sure looked like she was massaging her thigh.

I have never felt the urge to rest my hands in my pants pockets. Jacket pockets are another story and that is only for keeping my hands warm on cold days.

wildflower's avatar

It’s very common to stick your hand in your pocket when presenting if you’re not comfortable and used to it!
Even if she is massaging her thigh…....exactly how is that sexual or inappropriate? Would you feel same way about her rubbing her neck?
And did she have alternative ‘resting places’ for her hand? (jacket?)

galileogirl's avatar

Sorry, Lost, like a lot of young guys you seem to be so focused on women that you may be overthinking what women do. Like someone else said, women’s front pants pockets are not deep enough to reach the interesting bits let alone their thighs. Sometimes a pillow fight is just a pillow fight and a cigar is just a cigar.

Mizuki's avatar

@lost——there are no activities inappropriate for women. We can rub, stroke, and prod any and every orifice and appendage. The problem is those dirty male SOB’s that stare….

fireside's avatar

Guys scratch their ass and crotch in public. Ever watch baseball?

Sounds like the lecture wasn’t interesting you enough to keep from getting distracted.

chicadelplaya's avatar

It’s probably a nervous thing. Just like playing with a pencil, wringing your hands, squirming in your seat, or getting the jitters. Whatever. Getting up in front of a room full of people and speaking at any length is totally nerve racking for just about everyone I know, including myself. Think about it.

Judi's avatar

Shees! Now every time I scratch my thigh I am going to wonder if some guy is geting his jollys off! UGGGGG!

galileogirl's avatar

Judi-They’ve probably been doing it since you were 12. It’s just one more thing we have to block out of our minds in order to survive, like how that turkey ended up on the platter and what filth we are exposed to every day.

fireside's avatar

that was a very sexy answer, galileogirl ; P

galileogirl's avatar


SuperMouse's avatar

@Fireside, is that your hand in your pocket or…

Um never mind.

fireside's avatar

I was just counting my change, I swear!

scamp's avatar

Don’t let him fool you. He’s only got twenty cents in there.. ha ha!! J/K

LostInParadise's avatar

Okay, okay! In the future I will purge my mind of impure thoughts when I see a woman putting her hand in her front pocket.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I stick my hands in my pockets all the time. I’m shy and I never know what to do with my hands. Sometimes it’s awkwardness, sometimes it’s because it’s comfortable.

scamp's avatar

@LostInParadise Ha ha! I bet the next time it happens you will think of fluther instead!

MissAnthrope's avatar

This has to be one of the most random and entertaining threads yet.

Mizuki's avatar

When I wear my low rise jeans tomorrow I’m going to laugh.

iwamoto's avatar

tonight i had my hands in the coat pockets of my girlfriend…is that wrong ? is this a sin ? (i’ve sinned so much that the master of imagination wouldn’t mind this one)

generalspecific's avatar

Aww… this thread ruined pockets for me. :(

and what about back pockets? is that dirty as well?

Snoopy's avatar

@general Oh yes. That is just as bad…back pockets make your boobs stick out….On purpose.

Shame, shame, shame.

daisy's avatar

OMG, I put my hands in my front pockets this morning when I was in church. It was just a place to rest my hands. Do I need to go to confession now?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

This is the second thread I’ve read today where I couldn’t muster anything more than “Wow…”.


La_chica_gomela's avatar

What in the hell are pockets for if you’re not supposed to use them?

galileogirl's avatar

Almost anything humans can invent has multiple purposes. Almost always there is one that ladies and gentlemen don’t discuss openly…wtf am I talking about, this is fluther!

bodyhead's avatar

I totally agree with this question. Every single time I go in my pocket, it’s for masturbatory purposes. I can’t even get my keys out without quivering with pleasure.

galileogirl's avatar

Wear your keys on a lanyard around your neck or will that make you quiver too? lol

bodyhead's avatar

Shoot, galileogirl, that’s like getting to second base with myself anytime I need to drive somewhere in my car.

galileogirl's avatar

You actually get into the back seat and make out with yourself? Leave the windows open a couple of inches. Police officers are drawn to fogged up windows.

Mizuki's avatar

Remember “orgasim man” on SNL from a few years ago? oooohhhh, yes, I remember…

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@augustlan, that is better than any response i could ever think of. alanis morisette is perfect for any situation.

SeventhSense's avatar

ummm…uhhh…is this really a question?

jessicar's avatar all are funny as hell. I rest my hands in my pocket all the time and if I cant I sometimes feel insecure cause I dont know where to put them.

SeventhSense's avatar

Every single time I go in my pocket, it’s for masturbatory purposes. I can’t even get my keys out without quivering with pleasure.
You fuckin’ rule.
Dying from LMAO self induced laughter orgasm.

Lupin's avatar

Isn’t that where most women carry their Beretta 950s?

VS's avatar

I don’t HAVE any front pockets on my jeans! What the hell am I going to do with my hands NOW?????

KatawaGrey's avatar

@VS: Stick them into your pants. :)

VS's avatar

@KatawaGrey – a la Al Bundy? oh, yeah….

Xena's avatar

‘Pocket’ is one of my favorite words. It’s fun to say with a British accent. It ends up sounding weird if you say it or hear it often enough (like this thread).

wilma's avatar

@Xena I agree,

MilkyWay's avatar


28lorelei's avatar

Why would this be considered wrong? Tell me.

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