Ever have constipation so bad that it hurt to move?
Asked by
judochop (
December 17th, 2008
from iPhone
I don’t know if it’s the flu or some weird constipation thing. I hurt from my stomach all the way down to the goods. On a scale of 1–10 it’s at least an 8. I took some exlax about 12 hours ago.
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74 Answers
might I add that it feels like I swallowed thumb tacks. Awesome!!!! Please tell me that you have experianced this. I never have. I need to relate on this one. I’m a little worried.
one time I didn’t go for 2 weeks. MAJOR constipation. I almost had to go to the hospital.
I do how it feels. How long has it been since you’ve gone?
Smooth Move tea (sold at Trader Joe’s and health food stores) works great according to friends who’ve used it.
I’ve been using the bathroom but in small rabbit amounts. Ugh. Ugh.
I think I know what you’re talking about. Where specifically does it hurt like thumbtacks? Does your back hurt a little or feel like cotton if you try to touch your toes? If you touch the area in front of your bladder, below your bellybutton, do you feel pressure?
mad pressure. Hurts in the stomach (some slight burping), hurts below the belly button pretty bad.
You’re just stressed out. I had something similar, and at the same time I was seeing a psychologist. I vented and everything felt ok. Are you in finals? Just sit on the toilet and relax. And don’t let people in the bathroom. Take a few extra minutes, or a few extra hours just sitting on the can, and it will come out. It’s mainly due to a shitload of gas (pardon the pun). Don’t try burping it out, it won’t happen. Don’t force your farts either, you can get hemorrhoids that way. Just sit on the can and wait. And relax and get some sleep.
Part of my colon doesn’t work at all so I deal with it all the time. It makes me throw up because the pain is so bad. Ex-lax is a really painful laxative, though. If you start puking and running a fever I would go to the ER because I thought I was constipated once and my appendix had ruptured. They insisted I was pregnant and having complications because the pain was under my belly button but really my appendix was in the wrong place. Sometimes it takes ex-lax a while to work.
slight fever. No vomiting though.
Ex-lax is really harsh. Try some glycerin suppositories or a Fleet enema..safer and quicker. And next time don’t wait so long. There are safe things to do regularly; Metamucil, Senokot tabs, lots of water, exercise, high fiber diet, etc. Smooth Move tea is also fine and helpful.
Constipation causes and treatments
Water. Fruit (mango, pears). Fiber. Maalox. Senokot.
good luck
oooh. Good one Soap Chef.
thanks all. It was stupidfor me to wait so long. I’d noticed that my BM’s changed this week. I’ve not been eating enough and barely drinking water. Tons of tea though. My stomach would hurt a tiny bit for the past couple days and then last night it just tore me apart. I’m going to give it through the night and if I still fell like this in the morning I’m going to head to see a doctor. What a crazy kind of pain though. Ouch!!!!
@ Snoopy Just trying to help. ;0)
I feel like I just got to know you all a liitle bit better. Thanks for sharing such an icky story or advice.
@Judo: It is silly to suffer through the night. Send Mrs. Chop to pharmacy for Fleet enema. It is easy and should work unless you are really impacted. If so, head to ER soonest.
Judo. Sorry to come so late to the game. I suggest you seek medical attention as soon as you can. It sounds like you have low grade fever, severe abdominal pain, a change in your bowel habits, and that it hurts to move. This constellation of symptoms can indicate a number of things like appendicitis, diverticulitis, small bowel obstruction, pancreatitis, and other things. Consider going sooner rather than later. I hope you feel better.
lurve for you. I’m headed to the hospital. Scared. I hate hospitals.
Don’t worry everybody, I just got him into good hands
@nocountry and judochop. Do keep us updated. Best wishes.
at the hospital. Gearing up for a catscan. Shaking. Nervous. Feeling like a baby. Appendix, they think.
Oh, good luck Judo! Please keep us posted.
I’m glad you are getting a thorough evaluation. As my brother the radiologist says, you will benefit from a trip through “the tube of truth” (i.e. the CT scanner).
Good luck, Judo!
Thanks for getting him to the hospital so quickly, Nocountry2!
surgery. Appendix burst. Talk to you all after the surgery.
Thank you for your insistence, Shilolo. For saving my husband I am forever in your debt.
I don’t think you all no my biggest fear::::::::: surgery. Ugh. I’ll be fine right?
Ug. I feel your pain. Good luck guys.
It’s fine. You will wake up and feel much better and be glad that worthless organ is gone.
yeah. What the hell does that thing do anyway?
No one knows, precisely. This kind of surgery is about as routine as surgery goes so I’m sure you will do fine. Sorry this had to happen to you since it sounds like you’ve really been suffering. Best of luck to you.
Oh, man.
Go kick some surgery ass, Judo.
best wishes to you judochop you are in my prayers. I am glad that you went in!!! please keep us informed at how you are doing. but most of all make sure to get plenty of rest.see you soon. :)
Well he’s in recovery – everything went swimmingly, it hadn’t actually ruptured yet, and the surgeon even gave me a picture of it. Thank you all for your well-wishing. :)
I’m out of surgery. Woot woot. Fluthering from my hospital bed. I feel better already. Thanks everyone. And a bigger thanks to Shi and my wife. Shi convienced me to go to the hospital and my wife has not left my side. It’s funny how things go. You all are awesome. Thanks.
That is so great to hear judochop!! Don’t over do it so that you are well for Christmas. :)
Glad to hear that everything went well! What a story you have to tell, now : )
Wow, glad you listened to wiser ones than the likes of me.
(elton john) Fluther saved my life tonight…
well Dave, I do now have smooth move tea at home. I hope there is never a next time but if there is I’m pretty sure it’ll be constipation and I’ll be in need of the tea.
The marvels of modern medicine and technology. Appendix removed not more than 12 hours ago, now happily fluthering away… ;-)
I’m glad everything worked out for you.
Get well soon to judochop!!!! and thanks for keeping jellies safe to shilolo :)
this thread is what fluther is all about
Glad you’re alright judochop, that was a close call! Well done Michael, you are awesome.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, judochop; high five to shilolo and everyone.
I passed over this question yesterday, didn’t seem applicable to me at the time.
Now that I’ve read it, I nominate it for the best Q. of the year. Freaking A, Shi. Awesome, Judochop.
Press release: “Best Online Answer Site on the Web Helps Save Life,” story at ten. I will be monitoring CNN for this one.
thought I would check in. I just went for my first walk. Dispite all the pain in my side I feel pretty good. Thanks again Shi, and to my wife and everyone else. I feel like I owe everyone on here a little more than just a great answer. I don’t think I’ll ever see fluther the same again.
[gingerly hug]
So as not to cause any more pain.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Aww, gingerly! I need to hear that more often.
so glad you are up and walking around. just becareful not to over due it. christmas is coming and you have to be there to spread your good cheer. you have alot to be happy about this year. celebrating your life is safe. that is the perfect time of year to do it. bless you!!
I got my appendix out a couple years ago right around now. I remember having to wear sweat pants all Christmas long. It was good because after I ate I didn’t even need to let out any buttons:)
Wow! I’m glad you’re ok Judo. shi really saved the day! It’s cool to think a life was saved on fluther. I didn’t see this until just now, but I’m glad things turned out ok. I hope you are back to your old self soon Judo!
So late to come to this thread but I just wanted to say GOOD JOB SHI and I’m glad you’re ok judo!! Get well soon.
Yeah, I’m late also, but this is a great thread. Glad someone was able to really help. Yay for Team Fluther!
I am really relieved, Judo, that you are now fine after that truly nasty scare.
And I am bestowing five golden scalpels on Shilolo’s shingle.
Wow. I saw that this question was nominated for Best Question of 2008, and came over here, and my jaw dropped. I’m even more in awe of the power of Fluther.
@Judo, I’m so glad you’re ok! Are you healing well?
@trustinglife: yes I am healing quickly and well. I never touched a narcotic after the surgery, only Tylenol. I think that helped. I was scheduled to stay an extra day but I was up and walking around with a walker today for about 20 minutes. It hurts to move and it should. Other than that I am fine. Thanks everyone for your concerns and prayers. Where is this best question everyone keeps talking about? Shilolo and my wife, nocountry are the heroes in this thread. I was gonna sit for another 24 hours. Thanks to Shi I got to the hospital via nocountry and the rest is all posted. Again, I am deeply in debt to the fluther community on this one.
@judo. I think people are just happy that Fluther achieved a very tangible purpose in this thread, rather than answering hypothetical relationship questions or mocking someone about a frizzer.
yeah. I kind of get teary-eyed. Everyone deserves a pat on the back.
Judochop! It is good to hear you made it through and you are back home. How are you healing?
just wondering how you are doing judochop?
Golden rossi bear thanks for asking. I am moving about much better and I am allowed to take a shower today! Yay! I think I may even attempt to clean the house a bit and possibly drive down the road. I am feeling a bit of the cabin fever. My stomach has returned to its almost normal size and my incision is starting to pucker a little. I have now halted all intake of pain killers (tylenol) and I’m feeling a wee bit anxious to move about more.
oh that is so good to hear judochop!!! just don’t over do it ok? we enjoy having you here too. be safe sweety!
I had this problem, too. Terrible days. I never had to go to the hospitol, though. I just avoided carbs (my favorite thing). Carbs make you crap friggin marbles.
Charming, kid. You have a lot of experience for being 14, I must say. At that age, your GI tract should work better. (—hospital).—
Goodness, I’m glad I stumbled upon this. I went from :/ to :] to D: to :D in a matter of three minutes.
Holy crap!! This was when Judo Chop was new! Is he still around…?
@Dutchess_III – He is around. Just not here. He hangs out on my site a bit.
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