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Nimis's avatar

Want to play Two Truths And A Lie?

Asked by Nimis (13260points) January 5th, 2009

There seems to be a lot of new people.
Thought it’d be a nice ice-breaker.
Maybe pull out some lurkers.
Don’t be shy! We don’t bite! (Mostly anyway.)

The game is pretty self-explanatory.
Think of two truths and make up one lie about yourself.
Other people have to figure out which one is the lie.

I guess we’d have to modify it a bit to fit Fluther…hmmm.
Let’s keep the answers via PM, so other people can guess later?

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83 Answers

augustlan's avatar

1) I am a high school drop-out
2) I have been married 3 times
3) I played Cinderella in a play

nikipedia's avatar

How about: the next poster has to guess which ones are true and which one is a lie before posting his/her own lies and truths? And at any point after that guess, the original poster can say if the guess was correct?

asmonet's avatar

@Aug: I know which is fake! I think.


Nimis's avatar

Aug: My own question and I’m already stumped. Will have to think about this one…
Nik: I thought about that. But I’d want to guess everyone’s!

asmonet's avatar

->My license incorrectly lists me as male.
->I sing the Banana Boat Song (Day-O) every time I karaoke.
->I can bend almost all my fingers far enough backwards that they touch the back of my hand.

@Nimis: You mean guess here and confirm via PM?

Nimis's avatar

Yes. I’m thinking that’d work, but am open to better suggestions!

asmonet's avatar

No, no! I think that’s fine! :D

Nimis's avatar

Augustlan: Cinderella?
Asmonet: Banana Boat?
Cprevite: Shirley?
My obvious strategy: Pick the most normal option.

1) I once rode on a wolf.
2) I once showered with a cat.
3) I once had a pet lobster.

cookieman's avatar

@asmonet: Im guessing your sex is listed correctly. no one mistakes Thora Birch for a guy

@augustlan: Not a HS dropout?

@nimis: Never rode a wolf?

1) I have a photo of my wife and I together – from 10 years before we even met.

2) I speak three languages.

3) I secretly love Shirley Bassey (Gold Fingaaaaah)

augustlan's avatar

Asmonet: Banana Boat?
Cprevite: Shirley Bassey?
Nimis: Wolf?

Triozoo's avatar

Augustlan: Cinderella?
Asmonet: Banana Boat?
Cprevite: I have a photo of my wife and I together – from 10 years before we even met?
Nimis: I once rode a wolf?

You’ll never guess it :) seriously..
stereotype pron
a) I’m an 5’ 7 asian female
b) Failed math
c) Wears black framed glasses

shadling21's avatar

@augustlan: high school dropout?
@asmonet: listed as male?
@Nimis: rode a wolf? (giddy up)
@cprevite: three languages?
@Triozoo: failed math?

1) I have naturally curly hair.
2) I was on the high school basketball team.
3) I have an AsianAvenue account.

augustlan's avatar

Trozoo: Math?
Shadling: Curly hair?

Nimis's avatar

Triozoo: Math?
Shad: AsianAvenue?

cookieman's avatar

Triozoo: Failed math?
Shadling: Basketball team?

shadling21's avatar

This is a very fun question, and a great way to start up conversations with users. Lurve!

peedub's avatar

1) I used to work at K-Mart
2) I used to have a massive sword collection?
3) I used to sport a gold tooth with a lightning bolt cut out?

shadling21's avatar

@peedub – No way you have a gold tooth with a lightning bolt.

judochop's avatar

1. I once stopped a robbery by throwing bottles of OJ and Apple Juice at a guy with a gun.

2. I have a tattoo of a unicorn stabbing a camel.

3. I can dislocate my left wrist, elbow and shoulder.

@peedub: you never had a sword collection.

Jeruba's avatar

1. I once tried to sell my little sister from door to door.
2. I passed up a chance to skinny-dip in Walden Pond by moonlight.
3. I keep a jar of feathers on a shelf above my desk.

augustlan's avatar

Peedub: Tooth?
Judo: Robbery?
Jeruba: I can’t believe you’d pass on the skinny-dipping!

Jeruba's avatar

Aug: dropout.
Asmonet: banana boat.
cprevite: languages.
triozoo: math.
peedub: Kmart.
judochop: tattoo.

nocountry2's avatar

1. I ate off the floor of an old man’s house in the bowels of India

2. I threw my neighbor’s cat into our pool, which he somehow did not touch

3. I lost my ferret in a public park, and three confused-looking people walked by me calling, “Craaaazy, Craaaaazzzy….” into a gopher hole

Nimis's avatar

peedubya: Kmart?
Jeruba: Skinny-dipping?
(For the same reason that Augustlan gave.)
Judo: Dislocating your left elbow…?
NoCo: Bowels of India?

tyrantxseries's avatar

-I drive 2 hours to get to work
-my cat attacks coffeenut when he comes over
-I own 2000plus movies
noco lost ferret
jeruba sell sister
judo tattoo
peedub gold tooth

Trustinglife's avatar

Oh come on, I want answers! I don’t want to have to guess EVERY person’s answer, just to get a confirmation by PM. So I would love if you each posted again – which one is the lie. I mean, don’t you want to know others’ answers? Ooh, and I bet there are fun stories behind many of these truths and lies. Do tell! Jeruba!! Judochop!

1. I can play the guitar blindfolded competently.
2. I gave a speech in front of more than 1,000 people.
3. I played tennis in high school, and finished in the Top 20 at the state championships.

syz's avatar

I’ve lost rack now, what with the various guesses. Will all of us find out the answers somehow?

1. I jacked off a boar by hand (a pint! of the stuff).
2. I’ve been offered grasshopper-on-a-stick as a snack at a bus stop.
2. I’ve fallen off a cruise ship.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Augustlan: Drop out.
Asmonet: Fingers
Nimis: Showered with a cat
Cprevite: Three languages
Triozoo: Glasses
Shadling: AA account (I don’t have any idea what that is)
Peedub: K-mart
Judochop: Tattoo
Jeruba: Skinny dipping
NoCountry2: The cat
Tyrantseries: Commute
Trustinglife: Tennis
Syz: Cruise ship

1. I’ve accepted a ride from a total stranger for a 2 hour car drive
2. I met my boyfriend by going to his house after he posted something online
3. I met Bill Gates in a hotel lobby at, like, 3am and got his autograph

asmonet's avatar

cprevite: Shirley Bassey
Nimis: Pet lobster.
trio: 5’7”
shadling: basketball
peedub: swords.
judochop: I’ve seen your picture, I wouldn’t put a zany tattoo past you, I say robbery is lie.
jeruba: Walden pond. No way you pas that up. Whatchoo crazy?
nocountry: India.
tyrant: cat.
trusting: guitar.
syz: I’ve been offered a seahorse, so I can dig the grasshopper. Chinatown, FTW! I’m guessing, cruise ship.
@pixie: boyfriend.

peedub's avatar

Swords. Yes I worked at K-Mart (when I was in high school) and a few years ago actually owned a gold tooth with lightening bolt cut out.

dlm812's avatar

@augustlan: Cinderella in a play
@asmonet: Banana Boat Song
@nimis: Pet lobster
@cprevite: Three languages
@triozoo: Black framed glasses
@shadling21: Curly hair
@peedub: Massive sword collection
@judochop: Tattoo of unicorn stabbing a camel?
@Jeruba: Skinny-dip in Walden Pond pass up
@nocountry2: Bowels of India
@tyrantxseries: You drive 2 hours to get to work (someone else – carpool?)
@Trustinglife: Speech in front of 1000+
@syz: fallen off cruise ship
@EmpressPixie: 2 hour car ride with total stranger

1.) I have competitively swum in the world’s fastest pool.
2.) I have over 100 scars (however minor) on my body.
3.) I collect diecast model cars.

cookieman's avatar

OK TrustingLife, I’ll give.

I don’t speak three languages.

My wife does.

asmonet's avatar

@dlm: I say cars is a lie. :)

augustlan's avatar

Because I don’t wanna’ send any more PMs, here are my answers:

I am a high school drop-out.
I did play Cinderella in a junior high school play
But…I’ve only been married twice!
And I’m going to keep it that way. I’m sticking with husband #2!

Nimis's avatar

Tyrant: Drive 2 hours?
TL: Tennis?
Syz: Cruise ship?
Emp: 2 hour car ride?
Dlm: Diecast cars?
(It sounds like I don’t believe anyone rides in a car for 2 hours.)

Cprevite! You’ve got to tell your I have a photo of my wife
and I together from 10 years before we even met story!

peedub's avatar

Round Deux:

1) I changed my middle name to Midas
2) I have gold braces
3) I own a taxidermied bobcat with gold teeth

cookieman's avatar

OK, ‘cuz Nimis asked so nicely:

We were going through a shoebox of old photos at my folks house – we found a photo of me standing with a little girl at a county fair around 1977 (I was 6). My wife glanced at the photo and said, “Hey, that’s me. Where’d you get that?” We didn’t meet until 1987. What’s weirder is that we grew up in different cities and my wife spent much of her childhood in Italy.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@peedub you sureeee do have a thing for gold dontcha?

asmonet's avatar

Round Two: (thanks Peedub!)

—>I wore jeans, a t shirt, and flip flops to my sophomore homecoming dance.
—>I’ve dressed as Ziggy Stardust for a halloween party.
—>I can play ping-pong with my eyes by crossing them.

@cprevite: Clearly, it was meant to be. :D

shadling21's avatar

@nocountry- throwing the cat in the pool
@tyrant- 2000 movies
@trustinglife- guitar
@syz- cruise ship
@EmpressPixie- Bill Gates
@dlm- the world’s fastest pool
@peedub- Middle name Midas.
@asmonet- homecoming dance attire

Because I’m LAZY, I will say which one is a lie. I never played basketball in high school.

asmonet's avatar

Heehee, I won the Shadling game!

Nimis's avatar

Hey! I just thought of something.
PMing people with answers may just be too much work.
How about writing your answers upside down?
Kind of like in magazines. Does that work better?

Peedub II: Midas?
Smo II: Ping Pong?
Syz II: Motorcycle?

syz's avatar

Ok, you guys got the cruise ship. Next round:

1. I’ve gone >100mph on a motorcycle
2. I had a zoo job that included handling venomous snakes.
3. I’ve rappelled off the side of a mountain

˙ʇı ǝʞɐʇ ʇ,upıp ı ʇnq ‘qoɾ ooz ǝɥʇ pǝɹǝɟɟo sɐʍ ı

asmonet's avatar

@Nimis: Works for me!

ʎʇɹɐd uǝǝʍollɐɥ ɐ ɹoɟ ʇsnpɹɐʇs ʎƃƃız sɐ pǝssǝɹp ǝʌ’ı :ssǝuıɥʇnɹʇun ʎM

@syz: Zoo.

shadling21's avatar

@Nimis – That is a very cool tool. Thanks for the link!

@syz- motorcycle

Nimis's avatar

Round: Two.
Theme: Crazy Family

1) I dropped out of school to find my missing sister in Germany.
2) I failed a background test because my dad used to smuggle drugs.
3) I got evicted from my apartment because my brother stole my identity.
˙(ʎllɐnʇuǝʌǝ) noʎ ɯd ll,ı ‘ssǝnƃ noʎ ɟı :ǝıl ǝɥʇ

Syz: Sneaky zoo option!
Peedub: Round Deux made me think of this.

asmonet's avatar

@Nimis: I call lie on Germany!

Trustinglife's avatar

This is so fun!!! Nimis, crazy family! I guess the lie is your dad smuggling drugs.

My lie: I could play the piano blindfolded competently growing up, but not the guitar. Definitely need my eyes open for that.

Truth 1: I gave a 5-minute speech to 2,700 people – my entire high school – as the keynote speaker for a Memorial Day assembly. I loved it. People still give me shit about it. :)
Truth 2: Yup, I kicked ass in tennis back in the day too. Top 20 in doubles in Illinois, two years in a row.

I was so tickled that all three statements got guessed as a lie. Yay!

peedub's avatar

@Nimis: Holy eff!!! That is amazing!

Nimis's avatar

I figured you’d appreciate it.
A friend of mine was snooping on my wish list and gave me the funniest look.

Trustinglife's avatar

Round: Two.
Theme: High School. (I’ll post my answers later.)

1. I played varsity soccer.
2. I played oboe.
3. I was the president of my temple’s local youth group.

cookieman's avatar

Round Two: High School (stealing idea from TL)

1. I graduated second in my class.
2. I shoved a kid down an entire flight of stairs – by accident.
3. I went to a Voc/Tech HS – and majored in Auto Body Repair

(I’ll post my answer after a few guesses. Sorry, the upside down thing is giving me a headache)

TrustingLife: Did not play varsity soccer
Nimis: Did not pursue lost sister in Germany
peedub: Your middle name is not Midas

syz's avatar

@Nimis Is that a retainer? And the zoo question was was kind of a cop out. But I’m having a terrible time trying to make up lies! Who knew it would be so hard?

nocountry2's avatar

@cprevite – 2nd in class?

…and mine were all true. I cheated. Muahahaha…

Jeruba's avatar

Ah, me. Everyone must think I do have a jar of feathers on the shelf above my desk. Well, it’s true: both at home and at work.

But I never tried to sell my little sister. I heard someone else tell that story and figured it sounded plausible enough to borrow. Tyrantx wins that one.

So the truth: my date and I sneaked into the Walden Pond State Reservation late one warm June night, long after closing time, with a blanket and an illegal bottle of wine. He suggested skinny dipping, but there was no way I was taking my clothes of with this guy, even in the dark. So he slipped into the water alone. Thank you for believing I couldn’t have passed it up! But I was 24, and I never imagined for a second that at this late stage of my career that decision.would be among my great regrets.

Jeruba's avatar

@cprevite, do you know the Car Talk guys??

cookieman's avatar

@Jeruba: Tom & Ray, Click & Clack the Tappit Brothers from Car Talk. I don’t know them personally, but they write a monthly column for the same paper I write a semi-monthly column for.

And I love your feathers in a jar idea. If sounds beautiful.

@nocountry2: Nope, I did graduate second. Try again.

and I can’t believe all if yours were true – no fair. ;-/

Jeruba's avatar

@cp: Cool! I love their show and I love the way they laugh. If I were still in Cambridge, I’d get a car instead of riding the T just so I could take it to them.

Feathers: I need help remembering to keep it light. They’re my reminder. Every now and then I give one away when I see that someone else needs a reminder too.

cookieman's avatar

@Jeruba: That’s one of the nicest traditions I’ve ever heard of. I may steal it – if it’s OK with you.

augustlan's avatar

Me, too. Very cool idea!

Jeruba's avatar

Here’s a handful for starters. Help yourself, and freely. Mine are just the little colored downy feathers you can get in packs at a craft store. I arrange them like flowers in a tiny vase. You can also push two or four of them into buttons (also from a craft store) and make pretty color combinations. My kids did this at preschool and brought them home, and that’s what started me. I have bunches of those in a container at work, and now and then I give one to someone who is feeling disheartened or blue. Because to me they always say “keep it light,” just looking at them helps me stay in balance.

augustlan's avatar

I have always wanted to get a feather tattoo, but could never think of a good reason to. Now I’ve got one: “keep it light”!

dlm812's avatar

I am far too tired right now to PM my lie… I do not collect diecast model cars, but my fiancee does and I often buy them for him. My truths explained – I swam competitively as a child an had many meets at the IU Natatorium at IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis). Also, the last I counted (I was very bored) I had over 100 scars on my body (and that’s just where I gave up counting)... I guess that’s what happens when you grow up on a farm!

I’ll guess more lies for others in the morning :)

Nimis's avatar

TL II: Oboe?
Cprevite II: Stairs?
Syz: That is a gold retainer. I was going to say that the best lies are the ones based on some truth.
But NoCountry2 totally bested me! Apparently the best lie is the truth—when you’re not expecting it!
NoCo: Please tell us more! I want to know about the cat!
Jeruba: I love that you have jars of feathers. =)
Dlm: Whoohoo! I guessed right!

Trustinglife's avatar

The Reveal:

Lie: I played oboe in HS. But I did play it as a pimply junior high school student.

Yup, I played varsity soccer.
Yup, I was the president of my temple’s local youth group.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I played ice hockey when i was a kid.
I once rode a llama.
I have a tattoo of an octopus on my forearm.

Trustinglife's avatar

@Uber, Lie: ice hockey. I can totally imagine that octopus.

cookieman's avatar

As TL said: “The Reveal”

Lie: I did go to a Voc/Tech HS, but – I majored in Architectural/Mechanical Drafting

1) I did graduate second. This kid Carl graduated first.
2) We were hanging out on the top landing in a stairwell and this kid was being a relentless goof. At one point he’s dancing around poking this pencil in our faces. I reached out, grabbed the pencil from his, snapped it in two. I said, ” Cut the s#!+ before somone gets hurt” as I backhand slapped him on the chest. Well apparently he was a wee bit too close to the stairs at the time…I felt horrible, but my friends were thrilled. I can still picture it.

Trustinglife's avatar

@cprevite, Ouch! I can’t imagine the guilt you felt. I wonder what felt worse, your guilt or his bruises and broken bones.

asmonet's avatar

@uber: I’ve ridden a llama..those chances don’t come around often. I call llama lie.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@asmonet: You can ride a llama at the Toronto zoo. Um, or at least, you could when I was 3.

@uber: I call ice hockey!

dlm812's avatar

@uberbatman: I say ice hockey as well

cookieman's avatar

@TrustingLife: He amazingly didn’t break anything – just really banged up. I felt SO guilty.

@uberbatman & asmonet: We have a Llama here at the farm – there is no way in hell I’d try and ride that thing. Belle is one angry Llama. I’m gonna say the Llama riding is bogus.

Jeruba's avatar

@cprevite, you live on a farm in Boston?

cookieman's avatar

@Jeruba: I work on a farm in Lexington (just outside of Boston for those who don’t know).

El_Cadejo's avatar

˙ɥƃnoɥʇ ooʇʇɐʇ ou ˙pıʞ ǝlʇʇıl ɐ sɐʍ ı uǝɥʍ ɐɯɐll ɐ ǝpoɹ puɐ ’ʎǝʞɔoɥ ǝɔı pǝʎɐld ı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ

cookieman's avatar

@uberbatman: Drat. Foiled again.

Do you and the llama still speak or was it a clean break?

Jeruba's avatar

@cprevite: I was going to ask, “Sudbury, maybe?” Lexington doesn’t show up on your profile! I would hope anyone who has studied American history has heard of Lexington. And Concord.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@cprevite more of a one night stand thing.

i am thinking about getting a tattoo of an octopus on my forearm though. Good to see everything thinks its fitting and would match me :P

Trustinglife's avatar

Yes. And that way you can blame it on us in 20 years if you decide you don’t like it. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

EXACTLY it was those damn jellies that made me get this tattoo, i swear!

Nimis's avatar

The jellies spoke to you and told you to get a tattoo of an octopus?
I don’t know. If I hadn’t heard of Fluther, I might lock you up for that one.
Sounds like you’ve been hanging around your fish tank too long.

PS You got me. I guessed ice hockey.

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