Help! I just unwilligly and unkowingly became a foster parent to 2 chickens?
Asked by
tinyfaery (
January 14th, 2009
When I called my wife to let her know I’d be late coming home tonight, I was informed that there were two chickens in my extra shower. She has this student (special ed) who sometimes brings random animals to school. (I now have 2 mice because of this kid.) So I have these chickens until she can either get a hold of his parents and have them pick up the chickens, or wait until Saturday so we can take the chickens to a petting zoo we know of.
WTF am I going to do with these chickens until then? As I said, they are currently in my extra shower. I am a huge animal lover, and I do not want the birds to suffer; they are kinda cute, they let you pet and pick them up, and they don’t seem to be noisy. Any recommendations? Suggestions? What do I feed them? So far I have given them a bowl of water and 1/2 a tortilla.
Just to let you know, I did google it, but I’d appreciate some advice from someone who has raised chickens.
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Chickens are actually quite nice to have. One flew into my yard one day about 6 years ago, decided it liked it and stayed. Has become good friends with my cockatiel, akita, little brown dog, crazy part dingo and Bob the cat. They will eat most anything, veggie peelings, bread crusts, they are carnivorous and will eat hamburger. I often fix a bowl of dog food for the chicken when I feed the dogs. She lays about 5 eggs a week and they are so much better than store bought! Her only problem is she wants to be a house chicken, watches the 4 legged ones go in and out their door and now follows them in. I have not yet figured out how to housebreak her, so the dog door is now closed.
My sister raised chickens, but her husband built them an elegant house with climbing roses and electricity. They need straw for poop and snuggling, a heat lamp or warm location, water and chicken feed (corn?). But I see that ropey has suggested an easier diet.
And don’t forget that you need a rooster if you want eggs. At least you don’t have coyotes and foxes in your shower.
Okay, so food is easy, but how much? Do you think I can get a small box and use the bedding I use for the mice? I use recycled paper stuff and wood shavings. Or, what else can I use to substitute for straw?
I raised chickens in our backyard for several years.
If you’re going to keep them, I recommend the book “Chickens in your Backyard.” Otherwise, in the short term…
That shower is going to get stinky and messy pretty quick.
They’ll be happy with fresh water in a shallow bowl or dish (but they’re likely to step in it and knock it over). Food-wise, a bag of birdseed and some grit will get them by for a few days. They love dark leafy greens chopped into fine chunks and any fruit/veggies with soft centers and seeds, like tomatoes or cantaloupe.
Give them an stable, elevated place to perch at night (like a broomstick between two milk crates).
And put down a bunch of newspaper!
@gailcalled: that rooster thing is a myth. They’re nothing but loudmouth bullies. You only need a rooster if you want baby chicks. We had four hens who laid daily like clockwork.
I just love how interesting your life is!
BBQ at your house this weekend!!
My family in SC has 6 or 8 chickens and no rooster. They’ve had eggs almost year round since they got them. I don’t suppose you have a nice barn hiding in your backyard?
They definitely like having an elevated perch to sleep on, hope you don’t have any exposed rafters in your spare bathroom. Shredded newspaper will be a good substitute for hay but will need to be changed before the weekend I imagine.
Looks like food has been covered. Like most animals, you’ll learn how much to feed them by seeing if they eat what you put out.
Watch out for hawks in the bathroom too, that was almost a problem for my niece.
@august Funny, I don’t see my life as interesting at all. It makes me happy that you think that.
I’ll take care of them…where did I put my ginger, lemon grass,...
I can take being uninteresting…thanks anyway :)
Update: We fashioned a little coop and perch for them out of a file box and an old curtain rod. We decided that the mice food (various seeds and pellets) was the best option for food and they seemed to like it. The wife is taking them back to school with her tomorrow in hopes the parents will come in. If you care, I’ll keep you posted.
How does this kid’s parents not know the chickens have gonr missing. I get the mice, they probably were glad they went missing-but chickens?? When your wife talks to the parents she mighi suggest no more pets. Or you might look into your own petting z00.
Yeah, I still can’t figure out how a kid was able to bring chickens to school.
Were they loud last night?
1. The chickens do not belong to the kid. He said he found them in the river bed, which is questionable.
2. This kids parents don’t really give a fuck about the kid. (my wife teaches kids with behavior problems).
3. The chickens didn’t make a peep. =)
I’ll update tonight.
No more chickens. The kids parents came to pick them up. Apparently he took them from a neighbors yard. So, hopefully the chickens are bow back home, happy and safe. Let me tell ya chickens are foul. hee hee. Now I know why chickens are not indoor pets.
“Now I know why chickens are not indoor pets.” Particularly if you want free-range chickens.
“The chickens, kidnapped and held hostage for just a day, were returned unharmed.”
Great news.
I still don’t think it was that interesting.
Which just goes to show that the rest of your life must be very interesting, indeed :)
Have fun cleaning the shower!
Oh, I am not the one cleaning it. Trust me. The wife is cleaning it as I type. 9:21pm PST.
(comic trombone)
@tinyfaery Thanks for the laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.
@gailcalled Believe it or not, my brother actually bought a couple dozen baby chicks through the mail. There were shipped overnight express.
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