Re: wedding & consummation status reports...just how much detail do you desire?
I’ll provide status reports via this question. Gotta run now tho! C U L8R
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it’s 2009, my man. the age of twitter, facebook, myspace and what not.
i mean, we don’t need every detail (that’s for the $19.95 a pop video, right?!) – we want to know the good stuff, though!
Surprise….Sherry is running late. I’ll report via iPhone from now on so look for brief messages.
we need a live blog cast of this thing, like Gizmodo has at WWDC and what not, complete with pictures.
lol I don’t think I’d appreciate it if my husband did that ;)
this is great, just great…have fun!
I for one would like updates through the “I Do’s” after that turn the phone off, set it on the dresser and enjoy!
@RocketGuy Groan!
Post a link to some pictures, wtf! Kiss the bride for me.
my computer says 4 minutes right now. Will this thing happen on time?
Happy nuptials, whenever they occur!
Oh boy. So exciting. I lurve weddings.
Will there be cake?
We are indeed running a bit late. The alteration to Sherry’s dress were not completed as promised. The bride is upSet.
We are still going to get married today even if we have to drive to Sacramento to have @Astrochuck do it
This is so exciting! Pictures! I want pictures!
wasn’t this an episode of Full House?~
Happy, happy day to you both!
Screw the dress. Get married naked.
@AstroChuck: Be prepared.
Poor Sherry. Please tell her it’ll be all right. It’ll be all right even if she has to wear a different dress. We like the one she is wearing right now.
This really is all kinds of awesome!
Please share pictures of the wedding. The wedding night pictures should be sold for maximum profit.
Thanks for all the updates – I feel like we’re all with you!
Oh this is so exciting! Yes, share wedding pictures. As for the other pictures, well, keep those to remember the night later. ;)
It’s so nice of you to share this important day with us. Congratulations!
When Sherry throws her bouquet let us know. The first person to post is the one who catches it. no monkeys allowed!
Ok, looks like we are next.
EEEE! So excited for you!
they should change the Dr. J logo to have a yarmulka and a broken glass in honor of the occasion!
Waiting…heart beating…breathless….
If any Flutherite has due cause why these two crazy kids should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace…
Come on, come on…... update!
They’re next! I am so excited! I can’t wait for the update!
Anticipation, anticipation, anticipation…
They are probably exchanging vows as I type! Ahhhhhh!!!!
They’ll have to have a reenactment for us later on :)
SOOOOOOO????? are they married yet or not? need updates!
::on the edge of my seat::
Maybe they take the “you may now kiss the bride” part very seriously.
I’m on the edge of my seat!
@whatthefluther remember, no tongue for the wedding kiss! ok, maybe a little
hey everybody, here’s a song for their first dance!
fyi, moderati, this is a song available freely online.
I am more interested in the cake they have bought for the occasion. Hard to focus when you are starving, keep seeing @cprevite‘s avatar and the “next activity” showing on this page for me is How do you control your hunger? Quick, which jelly was in charge of the cake?
shouldn’t it be a jelly roll and not a cake?
Anything will do at this moment. I feel like the annoying kid at the back of the car who keeps wanting to say “Are we there yet???” Don’t taunt us so, WTF and sccrowell.
I brought some pancakes and jelly donuts to have while we wait….
I am sitting in my car waiting to go in so I can hear! It’s hot out here!
oh nasty! there’s consummation all over the flutherverse!~
::on the edge of seat::
Congratulations, @sccrowell and @whatthefluther!!!
It couldn’t wait.
May I have everyone’s attention please <little cough>
Weeeeee Did it!!!!!! We’re MARRIED. Yeaaaaaa….
Gather round…
Time for the flower toss! Ok the count of three….
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY WEDDED COUPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! ahem, i waited till Dr_C posted. Don’t want the bouquet quite yet.
oh crap.. did i just catch the friggin bouquet?
Congratulations you crazy kids! Could not be happier or more excited! this is by far the coolest thing i’ve ever been witness to!
Yeah!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!! Hip hip Horray!!!!!!!!!
WAHOO!!! Congratulations! Mazel Tov! @sccrowell, will you be taking the groom’s last name? Mr. and Mrs. What T. Fluther! What a lovely couple!
@Dr C, don’t worry, I just wrestled the bouquet from your hands!
Congratulations for sharing your moment with us. I feel somewhat honored.
my hands are still shaking…
ura!!!!!!! (that’s a russian ‘yay’)
Opa! a greek hooray, since Allie couldn’t be with us today
My daughter video it as well as took lots pics
hope to see the pics and video soon
@SuperMouse you may have tackled me… but now you have the future Mrs. C to deal with.. do not envy you right now
That is definitely one of the few posts you will get in without some sort of comment on the grammar @sccrowell. Congratulations again.
@Dr C, I know when I’ve been beat, I probably have at least 20 years on the future Mrs. C. Would she perhaps be willing to split the bouquet?
@whatthefluther and @sccrowell – Don’t forget to check out your gift thread when you get a chance (sooo that will be in the next few weeks? :P). I am still working on mine but it will be there tonight, I promise :)
@SuperMouse i’m sure she would be happy to :) I doubt you have 20 years on her though
stealthily snatches bouqet from @SuperMouse‘s hands
Hehe. ^^
Eh, I was gonna link to the gift thread… but @PnL beat me to it! ):
@mangeons you are going to have to fight Mrs. Dr. C and myself if you want that bouquet! I KNOW I have at least 25 years on you so in actuality Mrs. Dr. C will probably be your only challenge.
@mangeons she’s a tall girl and a fierce competitor… you’re in for it now :)
Ok.. the bride and groom need to set up a Box account so they can upload the pics and vid for the rest of us to see!
Hmm I don’t know how augustlan will feel about mangeons wanting the bouquet :P Where is your mom anyway, @mangeons? She should be part of this celebration!
Supermouse reads ^^ post and bows out gracefully, I’ll drive by the florist on my way home and pick up my own bouquet!
Has whatthefluther tossed the garter yet?
Augustlan says “Congratulations”. She is very sick and just now on her way to the doctor, but I called her to let her know. She also says “YAYYY :D”
And she will just have to deal about the bouqet.
I can take you, @SuperMouse. ( ;
Congratulations! I’m so happy and I just met you both yesterday after reading the fluther interview! Tears of joy are tears well spent!
Can’t you all just share the bouquet?
How’s it feel to be an honest woman?? [ducks and weaves so none of that stuff thrown at him will hit]
@dverhey Of course not! What are you thinking?
@daloon I have amazing aim and shall hit you anyway. ::hits @daloon with anvil::
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! I am just thrilled for you two. What a great event to be a part of! Lurve to you both.
@Dr_C, congratulations to you, too. @SuperMouse, I was rooting for you, but you’ll get a new bouquet. Be sure to tell us when to start counting down!
@mangeons, please give augustlan a sympathetic hug and tell her we will set a place for her anyway. She’s here in spirit.
WTF here…stole the wife’s iPhone. Scares the hell out of me when she texts while driving. And, it’s against the law.
::sniff!:: This is so lovely. Hugs! Congratulations, truly.
…“the wife,” he says so casually…
Congratulations, WTF! ::big huggly hug::
wtf is she doing driving? you two are supposed to get a driver and go all Blondesjon/Jonsblond over the backseat!
Did someone paint “JUST MARRIED” in the rear windshield of the car?
Another Fluther power couple. Yay!
Just try not to get any Blondesjon/Jonsblond on the upholstery…. it might stain!
Driving off into the sunset.
Well it’s about noon their time, so not really a sunset.
So, are we on the way to the reception?
@Jeruba if texting is dangerous…. also, uhm, she’s driving.
eyes on the road!
@Dr_C – but that would make a great fluther Q for how to get those stains removed! Reminds me of this informative Q.
Wherever the beloved, there is the perfect honeymoon spot! (Or consummation spot.) It is best to practice a lot in order to perfect your old marrieds technique!
@Dr_C, congratulations on coining a fabulous new noun—and new fluther meme to add to the list.
@Jeruba YAY! i finally coined a fluther phrase! that made my day :)
A Love For All Time
Breathless kisses
Burning touches
Soft-spoken words of love
Urgently spoken words of passion.
A man and a woman
One complete love
Since time began
Predestined to be as one.
We’ve been together before
In other lifetimes
We’ve fought dragons
And have been torn from each others arms
Yet our love prevailed.
We’ve walked on this earth many times together
Perhaps for a moment
Perhaps for years
But our heart is one heart
And we were meant to be.
So when our time on earth
Once again comes to a close
Have no worries my dear
For we will find each other again
And again
And again.
For our love is ageless
A love for all time.
- Dawn Choike -
@eponymoushipster “try not to get any Blondesjon/Jonsblond on the upholstery…. it might stain!”
@eponymoushipster, you had it first as an adverb, but it is easier to use as a noun. You two should share the credit.
@Jeruba i was about to say, i should at least get the assist on that lay up. haha
Shared bouquets! Shared suggestive euphemisms! Shared hugs! What a party!
@Jeruba: Just so long as there’s no shared Blondesjon/Jonsblond.
The bride and groom can keep that between themselves.
@cprevite, surely you don’t imagine that anyone here wants to invade anyone’s PRIVACY???!!!
@Marina – “lay” or “lay up” depends on what position they choose. Hopefully both.
@fireside hopefully they have the kama sutra. then they can really do the sexy monkey.
Are you going up the coast to Santa Barbara for the honeymoon? This is so incredibly cool!
Congrats, you crazy kids!
Congratulations to the happy couple!
@Dr_C & @eponymoushipster 10% credit for inspiration?
@PnL “Just married” will get them lots of surprises! We had it written on our truck when Jon and I drove to Gatlinburg,TN for our honeymoon and we were mooned 3 times during our trip. :)
@jonsblond how about 20% for being such a great sport!
Great sport, that’s me! Jon told me I was a great sport on that limo ride of ours. ;)
@fireside, the poem was beautiful—a sublime moment amidst all the delicious ridiculous.
Congrats, Congrats, Congrats. I wish I had something more brilliant or beautiful to say but since I don’t I’ll just say it again: Congrats!!
They’ve stopped communicating. Whataya suppose they’re up to?
Congrats! This day will go down as one of the happiest in Fluther history!
@eponymoushipster: So we’ve skipped the reception and gone straight to the honeymoon.
Waiting patiently (ahem) for the garter throw…
Congratulations, I was reading through this as fast as I could, trying to catch up before the service. I didn’t make it. I will toast the both of you tonight with an ice cold miller lite.
@cprevite i don’t know, i’d be pretty receptive to what’s going down right now. hehe.
@chyna so, in other words, “Congratulations! Hope you like crap!”~
Congrats! You two are so great!
@chyna tis. sorry, i’m a beer snob.
@chyna—Really, Miller Lite for a toast of this magnitude?
Sherry has been crafting a response for quite awhile. Do you think they got busy with other things and laid the phone down?
@chyna they got busy all right. biz-AHAY. freaky-like.
They are supposed to post updates on the consummation as well. What gives?
Shoot, I just woke up, slept thru the whole thing, sorry. But….............
maybe they just took a nap…
Hey, guys! The woman has a few more things on her mind than us today!
While we’re waiting, I’m heading for the hors d’oeuvres.
ooh look, scallops wrapped in bacon. ::nom nom nom::
I’m heading for the strawberries dipped in chocolate.
speaking of hors d’oeurves, my guess is that @sccrowell is looking for the sausage right about now.
@aprilsimnel: Oh yeah. I love that. Nothing like fruit wrapped in pig.
*** For the record: today is June 19, 2009, and all this came to fruition today. ***
***To add to that, @sccrowell posted the “We’re married” comment at around 12:30 pacific time. ***
@chyna . . .I’ll drink one of those crappy beers with you.
@whatthefluther & @sccrowell . . .Enjoy today and the honeymoon for all they are worth. It can get away from you quick and you don’t get a do over.
@Dr_C & @eponymoushipster . . .I’m going to require 15 cents every time that particular phrase is used. If you both would like to PM me your credit card numbers I will set you up on a “pay as you say” program that will automatically withdraw the above amount from your accounts.
For a flat, yearly rate of $100 you can have unlimited use of the phrase. Again, I would be happy to automatically withdraw this from your credit card.
don’t make me sic the blondelawyers on you
edited for blondesjon
@asmonet . . .You and I have had our differences but we have always been civil. This time a will not sit idly by and let this happen.
The one thing I WILL NOT TOLERATE is the use of the word work in any of it’s vile forms.
For shame.
Congratulations to both of you, I think you’re both equally tremendous.
And what a great wedding story, if no one believes it, you’ve got the documentation.
@Blondesjon: Oh, I apologize – I am shamed. Isn’t there like a universal man rule of forgiveness and favors on weddings days and junk…can we like, stretch this mob rule out?
@Jeruba if he’s an eponym, he owes me money!
@asmonet . . .Aww shucks…I reckon I forgive ya.
@Jeruba . . .My team of blondelawyers pay me for the honor that title bestows. My blondekids give me a fifteen percent cut of their allowance (that’s standard, I’m not a monster) to use the moniker. I think the monkey and the doctor can cough up some fundage.
You have a point, @epony. I’d call it a standoff. Anyway, this is a wedding reception. No quarrels!
How does this question only have 6 GA’s? Lurve, people, lurve!
@Jeruba: If no one’s fighting it ain’t a reception. ;)
Hell, I might splash some rum in my Coke right now in celebration! I’m scrappy.
You wanna fight? ;)
@asmonet . . .My Uncle David says that all the time and he should know. He’s had eight of his own.
@EVERYONE. . . @Jeruba is right! It’s a party and it’s time for a toast! TO THE NEWLYWEDS! MANY MANY HAPPY YEARS! CHEERS!
@cprevite Grab one of those Angels on Horseback for me. Shall I toss you sausage-stuffed mushroom?
@bj and epony Back off!
They haven’t cut the cake yet without me, have they?
I’m so gonna go grab that rum.
Yo, guys, people be toastin’ you around the world.
You’re like famous and junk. :D
THE CAKE!!! My gosh, Marina is right. Where’s the cake, and has it been cut yet, or is it still in the frizzer?
@Blondesjon I was attempting to preempt any more comments on things being sausage stuffed. I probably expressed myself badly. (Hangs head.) I did not want to dampen your enthusiasm.
@Jeruba I bet no one has searched it yet.
@Marina, well, what in the world have they been doing, then?
<—- I’m giving a piece of toast.
@Marina . . .Oh. My comments were directed at a conversation, earlier in the thread, that referred to something that happened between my wife and I on our wedding day. You have my word you will see not a single “sausage stuffing” post from me.
And pick your head back up. If I hung my head every time I expressed myself badly I’d never know what the sky looked like. :)
@Jeruba: ... You really want an answer?
so 185 responses…
not going to read all of them… just figured I’d say one thing to whatthefluther…
Bow chicka wow wowwwwwww….
brown chicken brown cow.
okay, i’m seven.
Congratulations to the happy couple!!
Well, @asmonet, look at the original question. We never answered it! We’re all here with our tongues hanging out, awaiting every detail. Footage! Mirrored ceilings! Coy angles! Fun in the spa! What’s not to salivate?
@Jeruba: True!
I would like as many details, as you possibly can give, even the squelchy ones.
…sorta. ;)
lurve, guys.
Just poking my head in to say Congratulations! Sorry I missed it. :(
I’m leaving the reception quickly… I don’t want to pass on my sickness to the newlyweds and all the lovely guests!
@asmonet, lurve for the toast with a wink to Brad and Janet.
@Auggie, we all hope you feel better very soon. You’ve been missed. <Blowing you kisses>
::eating Marina’s mushroom::
@augustlan: So sorry your feeling ill. We’ll save you some cake.
::nom nom nom::
@Jeruba: Yay, someone got the reference. :)
All day long on a day that for millions on earth was just another day we shared a special event with one of the most romantic couples on earth.
May your marriage be blessed and your days together be full of joy and intimate delights!
Hey guys…anything interesting happening today?
@whatthefluther: nah, not mu…are you kidding me?!
Only the best day in Fluther history. Congratulations again. How’s your bride?
@whatthefluther Dude- you totally missed it! It was history in the making! The most romantic…. HEY WAIT! What are you doing HERE?
Just here for a quick break. I’ve convinced Sherry that the consummation is not complete until we have tried every one of the positions nicely shown in 3D graphics on the link @fireside was kind enough to share (see above).
Thank you all for the kind words and the dirty thoughts. It has truly been my pleasure today.
Garter toss in 3…2…1…TOSS
caught it! oh wait…Is a girl supposed to catch it?
ducking to the side since I have already found my soul mate
watching as garter arches gracefully across the room…
Why do I have this garter in my hand?
I need a drink.
S’all yours @chyna. I’m hitched.
A girl can catch the garter if a guy could catch the bouquet.
@chyna….That’s good by me. Find a nice gentleman to share it with. Perhaps this website will give you some ideas of what you might do with a gentleman and a garter.
Hey, wtf, here’s a vital question. What’s the wedding day musical track?
A Toast!
To Chyna! Who will be the next to find her soul mate. Right after she gets a drink.
@Marina….The theme from The Never Ending Story…wtf
I’ve not yet made it over to check out the gift question….will do next break
Drink in hand, checking out the male guests…
@Marina….Interspersed with Love is a Many Splendored Thing
Get back to Sherry. She’s waiting for you wtf!
And of course every song mentioned in that damn monkey’s question earlier, here
@jonsblond….Will do as soon as she returns from the liquor store (smokes for her…B&B for both of us she gets the hiccups from champagne)
Cheers to the both of you. You make a great couple.
Tomorrow- or maybe the next day- or maybe next week we would dearly love to see pix of the event and the dress.
And I am sure @eponymoushipster would want honeymoon pix but I can pass on those. :)
Even if I did get a black eye from @mangeons in her quest for the bouquet, this is best wedding EVER!
You two crazy kids enjoy the wedding night and thank you for sharing your special day with The Collective! A great time was had by all – especially those who were there in spirit and via the internet!
I have a couple of sites to peruse before I hit the hay for the evening.
@whatthefluther, yes they really do sleep on haystacks here in The Cornfield! Have I mentioned how much I miss So Cal?
I think someone is getting atpounddollared.
@elijah yet another of our favorite fluther terms :)
Good morning! Anyone for pancakes?
Yes please. Shall we see if the happy couple wants some or just wait til they roll out of their room?
@Dog: I’m pretty sure at least two of us already had some.
Who’s up for seconds?
I missed so much! Congratulations you two crazy flutherites! When can we expect you’re own fluther of little jellies?
If the consummation is going as well as we all hope… ;)
I trust the consummation went well.
Lets not disturb the newlyweds- I am sure they are exhausted. ;)
Damn! Can’t believe I missed it!! But all the same: Big congrats to you both!! Enjoy the honeymoon (whether you’re going anywhere or not, I’m sure you’ll have one ;))
Dammit, I’ve been absent lately. Congrats again to the newly wedded couple! Much lurve to the both of you from your jelly family!!!
Soooo sorry guy’s…. I’ve been quite preoccupied lately. So I’m playing catchup with lurve. You were all so very awesome.
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