What, exactly, do you think a "lurve-whore" is?
Is it someone who baldly asks for lurve, as in “Hey! If you thought that was such a great answer, why don’t you give it lurve?” Is it someone who tries to craft their answers in such a way as they think people will give them lurve (pandering)? Is it someone who puts extra effort into their answers in order to make them as good as they can? Is it someone who sticks around fluther long enough to accumulate a lot of lurve?
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70 Answers
Call me what you will….just give me the lurve!
I prefer the term lurve-slut ;)
And to think I thought this site was a whore-free zone!
@whatthefluther I gave you a GA for your response since it illustrates a lurve-whore very well.
If someone flat-out asks for lurve, they are a lurve whore.
Now give me lurve.
Anybody that answers this question with something like “give me lurve” is a lurve whore..
Me included.
@dverhey Haha.
Someone that is only motivated by lurve and not by helping others.
Someone who gives cybersex for lurve? Thankfully we have vice moderators to remove it and make the seas safe for virtuous jellies!
I gave what I thought was an excellent answer on a question this morning & I didn’t get one lurve. Poop!!! :-(
I call myself a lurve whore because I love to get lurve. It’s what makes Fluther go round.
People tend to give more lurve for witty one-liners than they do for genuinely good answers. The people who say really obvious things in questions that everyone agrees with, or people that pile on in a flame war; they are just pandering for lurve.
@Ivan Very true. Since I joined Fluther I noticed that. More lurve goes to “funny” or “jokey” answers.
What tends to work best for me is a combination of the things you mention. I would truly appreciate it if everyone lurves me for this great answer (baldly asking). I have reviewed this question and given it a lot of thought and in addition to my belief that it is a wonderful, original, thought provoking question, I believe that mine is a fabulous, all encompassing answer (pandering). As you can see my answer is typo free and easy to understand and I do like to think of myself as a fluther veteran. If this answer doesn’t bring the lurve then I have not earned the right to call myself a lurve whore.
A lurve-whore is what you get when you cash in your lurve.
Wait! Can I be one then? I want to get to 10,000 sometime in the next 5 years!
And so I cry, I pray and I beg for you to
Lurve me, lurve me, say that you lurve me…
Honestly, though, I don’t pay attention to pandering. If I think ‘Huh. I like that answer/question!’ for whatever reason, I lurve it.
those are ALL “Great Answers”
someone who baldly asks for lurve, as in “Hey! If you thought that was such a great answer, why don’t you give it lurve?”
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.
I give lots of lurve.
Does that make me a lurve whore?
@SuperMouse In the following sentence of yours, “As you can see my answer is typo free and easy to understand and I do like to think of myself as a fluther veteran.”, you could use a comma between “see” and “my” and between “understand” and “and”, like so:
“As you can see, my answer is typo free and easy to understand, and I do like to think of myself as a fluther veteran.”
I’m just sayin’. ;-)
LOLLLL..some of you have taken pity on this poor widdle squirrel. And she thanks you. :-)
Evidently asking a question about lurve causes a flood of it. Everybody is getting multi-lurved, lol
It’s a lurve-in!
you had to live the 60’s/70’s, to understand, I suppose
@ru2bz46 that is precisely why I wrote typo free rather than grammatically correct, I figured I would probably get called out on something there!
@SuperMouse I’m just playin’. I’m also glad to see that somebody else makes the occasional error, too.
@all. Sigh. Haven’t we discussed this long enough to have give it a decent burial? Please? (That’s a mixed metaphor, speaking of rhetoric.)
No, I was gone for the last hour, I want a turn. A Lurve whore gives multiple answers to a question for multiple lurve.
Milo here; I don’t see MY points accumulating. You do know that I feed Gail all her good lines, don’t you?
@whatthefluther I totally know what a lurve in is. Been to one or two in my lifetime.
@gailcalled . . .Are you going to be able to extract your tongue from your cheek later?
Did I miss the lurve party? A lurve whore is one who rushes to question’s attracting major lurve and sits and waits….
There’s lurve whores, and then there’s dirty, stinkin’ lurve whores.
[ Explanation: note the first answer to the question is from the querent himself making a blantant lurve plea. ]
The best way to get lurve is to give lurve.
If all y’all wanted to bump me up to 4000 I wouldn’t mind. :)
I don’t require your lurve but I do demand your unyielding loyalty to the Fluther collective. If you choose to become a lurve whore at a later time, though, this won’t be held against you but you should expect to be taken advantage of in the most lascivious ways ever.
I am a lurve-giving-whore, but I wish I could get more lurve. haha.
@phoenyx Way to go. I hit 4000 on this question, too. (Please don’t lurve this answer; I don’t want to be seen as some kind of lurve-whore.)
Aack! You dirty lurve giving bastards! Lol!
lol I lurve how everyone get’s lurve for no apparent reason in this question. Bravo you’ve created a monster.
that said, if you’re looking for lurve, find questions Allie’s been in, girl definitely puts out…
in a Lurve sense, that it…
lol allie with an ie. but she’ll probably be more mad at me for that than you ever would, soooo…
haha I had to ask because people write my name wrong at times anyways…. if you read above I think I am more of a lurve-giving-whore haha.
I think that deep down inside, we’re all lurve whores.
Besides, it’s what makes this site go round.
As I said in a previous question, if there’s a way to work the system, I don’t know it. I have been on Fluther for 2 years now, and I try to provide well thought-out and meaningful answers. I do see that most of my responses are Lurved, but my score climbs verrrrrry slowly; so I guess that there are some that appreciate my effort, but have maxed-out on the lurve they can give to me.
Milo here; You should all be ashamed of re-groveling (I have seen various versions of the question since April 19, 2008, when my slaves set the sedan chair down in Gail’s garage. Have you no shame?
Just be magnificent, as I am, and you will get your just desserts. (May it be vanilla ice cream.)
Isn’t great we can have this kind of discussion, in THIS, THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!
please don’t moderate me
Yeah, the internet is the greatest country of the world indeed.
<——————————Example B.
Couldn’t resist tagging along after Augustlan here! I mean look at HER lurve!
She is very lurvable, ain’t she?
when you find her, send her my way. i’ve got 11k plus…
“me lurve you long time.”
No, really. I wanted to know.
Except now…. well, here’s to the lurve-in!
<—————-still waiting for @Bluefreedom to take advantage of me in a very lascivious way.
@hearkat What do you mean max out on lurve?
@Mozart there is a limited amount of lurve any one jelly can give to another (100 i believe). after that, you can give it, but it won’t count to the recipients total lurve. “free lurve”, i suppose.
@hearkat…it must have been while he was kissing you. random Meatloaf song reference. =)
@evelyns_pet_zebra: HaHaHa! (although I didn’t say that he took them “right” out of my mouth). Can you believe that album is over 30 years old!
@hearkat, don’t remind me. You’re making me feel old.
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