What slang or figures of speech "raise your hackles" or annoy you?
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“raise your hackles” annoys me ;)
y’all really bothers me though. ain’t get’s me too.
figures of speech? I’ll have to think about that part.
when people say ”..you know” more than once every ten minutes.
and then using ”...like” as a linguistic crutch. “I was like, ‘excuse me biiitch I cn like wear whatevs that i wnt, and like, who cares if my skirt iz shorter thn ur belt, that like, just means I gotz hawter legs thn u lol4rl, like, pce betch”
Hella. That and when people use the word “gay” as a synonym for bad.
@ABoyNamedBoobs03 yeah the hackles thing gets me too.. wtf is a hackle.. who says that? (yes, i know a hackle is neck hair or plumage or some such.. that’s not my point xD)
“Raises my hackles” is derivative and boring. “Wtf” is original and innovative.
Fixin’ ...as in: I’m fixin’ to take a shower in a few minutes
a friend of mine used “sad” in a text the other day, as in…
s uck
d ick…
seems like the confusion just isn’t worth it on that one…
Youins our yins. not really sure how to spell it but ” how are yins guys doing today?”
a sort of variant on the new york slang, you’se. like “how are you’se guys doing today”
when people say “that’s hot” or “aight”
anything people say in texas.
“fixin’”, “y’all”, etc.
also, when people speak in txtspeak… “El-Oh-El”. “Oh Em Gee”. etc.
I hate youse, I really seriously dislike hearing it.
But I say y’all all the time because it is not gender specific, I use it instead of you guys.
Sorry @ABoyNamedBoobs03, I’ll try not to say it in front of you!
Grip – “I haven’t seen you in a grip.” WTF is that? I get it, but it’s way off from my liking.
Likewise, ‘minute.’ “I ain’t done that in a minute.” Really? A minute, or a few months? Ridiculous!
These girls I used to work with would use ‘totes’ instead of totally. “It’s totes gonna be a good time!”
LOL. You guys are coming up with some good ones… none of them really hackle my raises too much.. i just think they’re funny.. people never cease to amaze me
@darbio16 “yins” is mainly in the Pittsburgh slang and I hate it. They also call candy sprinkles (for ice cream and other treats) “jimmies”. That’s the one I can’t stand.
I also hate it when people ask a really obvious question in order to engage in a topic.
for instance, if a guitar case is next to me when you walk by, do you really need to go “you play the guitar eh?”
nope, that’s where I keep the baby heads…
i keep my baby heads in a target bag.
@eponymoushipster i find you can’t really get more than four or five in there without serious risk of bag breakage, the guitar case? 25 easy.. it does leak though, which is a work in progress at the moment…
ever try and return the bags afterwards?
@ABoyNamedBoobs03, I totally second that one. People here will ask you what you’re doing even when it’s obvious—like up on a ladder, painting your house.
baby heads + spear = noggin’ kabobin’s
dropped my case down some stairs at the subway once, they get kind of rubbery after a while you know?
I hate to hear “conversate”....since when does a slang word contain one more syllable than it’s legitimate counterpart, “converse.” I don’t get it. See ya….Gary aka wtf
Anything ending in “izzle”. Damn you rappers! (shakes fist)
When people say “the proof is in the pudding”. That doesn’t even mean anything! The original phrase was “the proof of the pudding is in the eating” and when people say it, they aren’t even thinking about what it means.
I also hate when people say things like “irregardless” or “I could care less” or when people mispronounce things like saying “pointsetta” instead of “poinsettia”. Or when certain people insist the phrase “could of” is a valid substitute for “could have”.
Also, I can’t help but doubt the sincerity of the phrase “no offense, but…”
@Ansible1 I said “totes” in junior year. Totes magotes. Slang doesn’t seem to bother me for some reason.
When people combine the names of two celebrities who are in a relationship – Brangelina or Mayerston….absolutely wretched
I hate that in Texas people use Coke instead soda, pop, or soda pop, even when it’s not a Coke. It could be Sprite or root beer and they’ll still call it a Coke.
I hate it when ppl say “lets bang it out” I mainly hear it from construction workers : ok boys that wall need to go up “let bang it out” real quick or when ppl change a word to give it the eer sound “scuurd” its fuckin annoying!!!
I would have to say when people say “like” all the time, y’know like, that was like totally uncool!
also the term “raises your hackles” is irritating for some reason.
also when people say “yo!” and “sup?”, “dude!” and “pound it bro”
i get irrationally angery anytime i see the words “peoples” or “monies”.
There are several. all Y’all is one. It is what it is is another. What is what it is? WTF does that even freakin’ mean?
The greeting “S’up Dawg” is just annoying. “yo peeps, my peeps, those peeps, etc” Peeps are a traditional Easter marshmallow candy, and to use the term for anything else is retarded.
I also hate when someone in charge says Okay, listen up people that just grates me. Another one is when the nurse or receptionist says “Doctor will see you now.” No one says lawyer will see you now, or judge will see you now, so why can’t they say the word The ? Damn, that annoys the shit out of me.
And that ‘izzle’ and ‘eezy’ crap started by Snoop Dogg. Put the fucking pipe down, asshole.
Hmn…I think a lot of slang used today is simply in fun – I ask friends “water you derrin?’ just for fun. I may also throw in a ‘fo shizzle’ just for fun. I guess it just depends on whether the person saying these things is serious, or how the person hearing it is perceiving it.
That’s what’s up.
No, it’s fucking not.
I say that all the time. :(
Man, after looking at this thread, I can’t say anything. :P
Ok here’s a big list, in order:
like seriously?
over excessive text speaking
nos way
when people mean to say fuckin or fucken and they say fucking-ex. That is fucking funny!-UGH!
lil instead of little.
suga referring to someone, can’t they say sugar?!
any words rappers use-mostly about sex and money.
touche ugh!
There’s more but I’m too lazy to type them.
“Just be sure to be there in time, okay?”
– “Most def.”
The one I hate or annoys the shit out of me is whoes your daddy ! When boys say it to girls ! I can’t stand it! Dislike the fact daddy is used in that kind of way. Sexual kinda term to discribe your other half !! Ewww
I sit in the sales department at work. All day long I hear “touch base” and “my man.” It’s starting to drive me nuts.
‘Proactive’ makes me want to punch someone.
When people say “EPIC WIN/FAIL” whenever something petty happens or all the time
“Dude! I got a 72 on my Biology test! EPIC WIN!”
“Totally, brah”
It’s not cool when you say it out loud and you sound like a dork.
Completely agree with so many of you. Who are these people that don’t? XD
(secretly wonders if everyone is tired of his overuse of ”...” and “XD” )
Agreed with @teh_kvlt_liberal about EPIC WIN/FAIL. So annoying, please stop!
Also, primarily while I was in SF I noticed people like to put HELLA in front of everything. It is so damn stupid.
But the one that really gets me is FML. Unless you just got sentenced to life in prison, or someone close to you died, that saying is nowhere near appropriate. I hate when I log in to facebook and I see “So and so has class from 3–4 FML!!!!!” or “I had to wait 10 minutes at the tanning salon….FML seriously” Oh god, it’s so irritating.
And also, being from Pittsburgh, I cannot stress enough how annoying the word “yins” is. I wish I would never hear it again. It sounds so stupid and hick-ish.
I also hate the constant use of the word “like”.
I also hate all the text message/computer slang. I just can’t bring myself to used lol or rofl etc
@SheWasAll_ : The sprinkles are (and were) called jimmies in the Brigham’s ice cream parlor chain in and around Boston. It was the word of choice. High-end ice cream and real chocolate jimmies.
I’m not quite sure what this is, but when people say “idear” it annoys the hell out of me.
I HAt3 Wh3N PEoPL3 TalK LiK3 THiS! and like @ABoyNamedBoobs03 said in his first response. Ugh!
@cyndihugs I don’t mean to get off topic, but, shouldn’t you be at school? :)
@Tink1113 You should be at school, young lady! Practice what you preach!
@Tink1113 I go in at 10:00 and I just live on front of my school. haha.
Just Mondays :)
Ha! I go back in September :P
today I’m wearing my fluther tee :))
@Tink1113 Heck yeah. Who wouldn’t?! My backpack is blue and brown. I am matchy today. :)
Hey, you two. Forget school…———-> chatroom, please.
Oh and “if it was up your ass youd know” my brother-in-law says this all the time, ” hey wheres the salt?” ”if it was up your ass youd know” it makes me wanna punch him if the face everytime, and dont forget “dome” as in “ima knock you upside your dome”
aghhghgh i hate that, my fucktarded brother says that a lot too
Ok this one just happened to me today and it raised my hackels…when ur on facebook or myspace or some kind of account online and people you don’t really know or never even met send you a message with the subject sayin “hey you!!” like they personally know you. To me that’s something you say to someone you haven’t seen in a while or something along those lines…
My ex husband used to use the phrase ’ shits & giggles.’
I always thought that was so disgusting!
Also, I loathe the term ‘cougar’ for older attractive women…ugh!
Screwing boys young enough to be my son, is just so, so….pathetic to me.
Also…older women ( like a 50 something friend of mine ) that still wants to be called ‘hot.’
How undignified! lol
One annoying example is when people say irregardless (which is not a word) for regardless. Another one is confusing the word mortified (which means humiliated) with horrified. People who confuse the word abscond (to leave, while taking someone or something with you) with obfuscate (rendering something unclear or obscure). People who say cavalry (a military horse brigade) instead of Calvary (with regard to the church) and using the term prostrate (stretched out flat on the ground, face down, usually in submission or adoration) with the word prostate (which is a gland in the male reproductive system).
And politicians or bosses saying that the information and details that they give to us will be transparent. It never is.
And the word axe, being mis-used for the word ask. Along with ‘sup? and yo and ho.
Haha..you’d love a couple of my friends and their crazy word mix-ups.
One bought a self ’ compelling’ lawnmower, and my daughters friend went shopping for some ‘Albuquerque’ tuna! lololol
@Kardamom – your list sounds like a Norm Cosby routine. Is he still alive, is anyone besides me old enough to have heard of him?
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