What do you think about zombies in porn?
Asked by
Axemusica (
September 15th, 2009
So, I’ve noticed recently all these questions about porn. Is this form bad? Does it take away from reality? ect. ect.
Let me set the scene for you…..
I just recently moved in with a guy (speaking in past references) that I’ve only known through a website. After about a week I discover he is part of the paltalk nation. It’s an interesting radio/video/chat thing. He basically just enjoyed screwing with people minds and so for his video signal he would display porn and thus where my question comes from.
Zombie porn lol
Ok, this type of porn has to be for comedic reasons, right? For instance, one sex scene is of a guy that finds this female zombie chained down and she’s all in her make up to be rotting or whatever. They do the deed and what not and afterwords she bites off his tallywacker. Who wants to fantasize about that? I mean it’s funny because it’s that low budget porn type and it looks like an old fashion horror, but they’re having intercourse. There’s more with like orgies of zombies eating each other having sex and what not, but I mean come on. I understand S & M, but to actually be eaten alive by a zombie, while having sex? That’s ridiculous!
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65 Answers
What precisely is your question or did you just want to write as much as you could about sex?
@Marina Well, the other questions where based on is porn bad or good, ect ect. I wanted to know about this genre of it. What’s the point other than comedic reasons?
My first thought is this is a soft sell to work porn into a demographic that thinks zombies, pirates and video games are more attractive than straight sex.
[runs very fast in the opposite direction]
@hungryhungryhortence I guess that makes sense, but aside from zombies and pirates and ect. being a ”cool” thing who would really want to fantasize about something like this? It’s just bazaar, lol.
@hug_of_war lol.
@Axemusica: I really think it’s more about the sex acts themselves wrapped up in a familiar, less intimidating, less mainstream package. Anime porn is personally freaky to my own senses but video game addicts love it! What frightens me more than anything about the typical porn I see is that more and more depicts women simulating being in discomfort and pain which is supposed to excite the male viewer; to me, young people learning about sex, maybe some who’ve not had it yet, to me this is sad and destructive that they learn to become aroused like that.
Different strokes for slightly disturbed folks.
(er, more than slightly)
I’m sorry but the whole zombie/sex/porn thing doesn’t seem funny to me. At all.
I think it’s a great idea! I like zombies and I like porn!
@hungryhungryhortence I agree. I don’t think pain is good to depict in aspects of children, but some females actually do like pain. I’m not one to judge, but pain & sex don’t mix in my book.
@Bluefreedom Well, I’m the type of person that laughs at cheesy horror movies. Of course I laugh at A LOT of things. It was just funny to me, because it was really cheesy looking and cheesy horror is hilarious, to me anyway.
Zombie porn? Zombie porn?
Well that’s just ruined zombie’s and porn for me!
have you seen “left 4 head”?
@Axemusica. I understand and I’m not trying to be judgemental or anything. I find humor in cheesy horror too but I just can’t get my head wrapped around bumping uglies with a zombie and then having them nosh on my trouser snake. Yikes!
@Bluefreedom That’s why I asked the question. In the Questionable Porn? discussion some people made some valid points as to why these “genres” are formed, but zombie porn? How? Why? and ridiculous? lol, I think so. I understand the “pet” aspect of the display of power, but a zombie? Um, no. She might be chained up, but one bite and it’s over.
I think about zombies in porn most of my waking hours and many of my dreaming ones. Still need to do more research before I answer this question properly.
@gailcalled. Make sure you get back to us with a comprehensive answer. Inquiring Jellies (think: Bluefreedom) want to know. And keep Milo away from the zombies or I’ll have to sick PETA on you! =)
@Bluefreedom: I’ll get back to you on this question only if you change your username to Boredom.
@gailcalled. It’s going to be a long wait then. I’m much too satisfied with my current username to ever change it. =)~
Zombie porn? It’s not exactly necrophilia. Oddly, there is a website
Very little. But I suppose it would make for a great Viagra commercial, if their limpness came to life.
We have a new title of nobility ;Your Royal Limpness.
Without reading the above responses
I know someone that I think would love it!
Not me. I swear.
The thought of doing it to a corpse scares me.. It’s a dead person, the flesh is rotting off, the stench will be horrid, you’ll probably encounter maggots (would you like maggots in your mouth?), body parts may fall off at random, and you’ll probably get some horrible disease.
How about something more innocent like dancing with zombies? Michael Jackson did it.
Wait this shit really exists? Ahh the internets knows no bounds… or the human psyche for that matter.
Who can has a pleasure from this stuff,than he is of the hooks.My focus on this is-nice dead to be shaggying in to dead.I mean to the end of your live.If I would choose haw to die than I pick this one./(((If the zombie look worth it)))
^^^^^ I’m not sure what to make of @pathfinder‘s answer. I need help on this one please.
“Whosoever can derive pleasure from this stuff is of The Hooks (a rock band). My take on the subject is as follows: It is nice to die while shagging the dead, in other words shagging them till the end of your life. If I could choose how I would die then I pick this way (if the zombie’s attractive enough).
Maybe I haven’t read the thread closely enough but has anyone pointed out that there are no zombies, hence no zombie sex, hence no zombie porn.
@Axemusica what I find more interesting than your bf’s obsession with unsex over realsex is your decision to move in (and be intimate?) with a comp;ete stranger. Evidently the what you have most in common is your tenuous hold on reality,
@Saturated_Brain. Thank you very much for your assistance. You’re translation was distinct and comprehensible.
I’m obsessed with zombies and I’ve had many dreams involving sex as a zombie. Sex mixed with blood turns me on, for some strange reason. Watching it, that is. I haven’t had any sex involving blood or zombies. Yet.
This reminds me of the time when a few buddies and I were having a sex party in a swinger’s motel and apparently everyone in the place was either too stoned or too busy to call the office and complain about the offerings on their one and only porn channel. There was a whole tape of undead monster sex, followed by another one with puppets, clowns, guys in gorilla suits, a midget named “The General” in toy truck, and a guy in a black leather corset with long black fingernails saying, “I am the Chicken Man, and you are in my world now. Hee haa, haa, haa, haa, haaaaaaa!” as he clicks and clacks his fingernails together like a big black lobster. (Actually he was kinda cute.)
Relax. These are just some porn actors having a goof, probably making a tape for the Halloween party market. Its not intended to ring your bell, scratch your itch, or park your Buick. Its suppose to make you say, “I can’t believe what I just saw.” Trust me, it makes a whole lot more sense if you get ripped to the nines, because then you realize that the actors are too.
At least that is what we think at the Department of Porn Studies here at F.U. Of course, we’ll have to do some more research in order to be sure, but we’ll get right on it just as soon as our grant comes through.
@galileogirl whoa, I’m not gay. I said I moved in the the guy. There was talk of being intimate with him. I was in a rut & needed a place to stay & he offered. I don’t know where you got this idea, but you totally came out of left field. Lol.
You sounded very much like a gf who is concerned about a bf’s libido. Sorry, I never met a guy who was so interested in another guy’s sexual preferences. Live and learn, I guess. I still think it’s hinky to move in with a total stranger and then finding about their perversions.
@Axemusica correction~ there was no talk of… Funny just commented in another question about there should be exceptions for errors when using a mobile device. Maybe I should wait until I’m home respond in the future.
@galileogirl Well it might have been his pervertions but I said he liked to screw with peoples minds. I’m glad I got to meet him, I see him as a brother now. He’s a good friend.
per⋅ver⋅sion /pərˈvɜrʒən, -ʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [per-vur-zhuhn, -shuhn] Show IPA
–noun 1. the act of perverting.
Never try to correct a teacher’s spelling, kid.
I didn’t try to correct you. Another reason why I shouldn’t post from my iPhone. I can’t spell. If you would’ve been following this question you would’ve known that. Nice way of pointing that out though.
One more thing. I’m no kid. Quit making assumptions & judging me, you’ve already done many in just this discussion that were wrong.
“I tend to do over-indulgent descriptions. It’s great for the internet, in fact it’s how I used to write my blogs with plenty of funny/descriptive/example pictures. Although, I tend to be overly descriptive in day to day life as well; some people just can’t handle it. I usually can tell when I’m telling a story. I’m quite good at reading body language so my stories usually start out very descriptive and then about half way through I just throw out the rest of if, because I noticed their boredom, lol.”
@Axemusica: That’s your quote, isn’t it? Why not learn from an experienced teacher such as galleogirl rather than get defensive? It is exciting to learn something new each day. Then we’re dead.
If you are “overly descriptive.” perhaps you have something to learn, rather than your listeners. They are also the ones who decide what is amusing and what is hyperbole.
@gailcalled Um, I got defensive, because she jumped to conclusion to conclusion. It had nothing to do with the fact that I spelled perversion wrong, which I did spell it right there and thnx.
If you read the earlier post in that same thread I wrote, ”...but yes, I do tend to have bad penmanship skills, which I wish were improved and do in certain ways when people do correct me.” So, I liked the fact she corrected me even if it would’ve never happened if I was on my computer, but that wasn’t why I got defensive.
I got upset at the fact she thought I was gay, when I left no sign of such in my question. It also had nothing to do with being interested in his interests or perversions and there’s also nothing kinky about being in a state far away from people you know and could give a lending hand when the shit hit the fan.
It really bothers me when people think they know me and then jump to conclusions.
Besides, being overly descriptive is part of who I am and I like that trait. It lets me know that people are that much closer to getting the picture, but if there’s something to learn I’m always interested, but I don’t see what I’d learn from not being so descriptive.
@jeanna But since you are a zombie, isn’t all of your sex zombie sex?
@Axemusica: Figuring out how to interest your readers or listeners is an art; what is either too much or too little information? It is like Goldilocks and the Mama bear; just right.
@gailcalled good analogy, lol. Ok, well I’m always open to suggestions. I would say that’s too little information. Examples?
What biographies or autobiographies have you enjoyed? That’s a start. And with too little information, you are, perhaps, hungry for more instead of ending up in a stupor.
I guess the closest thing to a biography or autobiography I’ve read is a Clifford A Pickover book. Most of what I read is non-fiction type books. Like I have a few on Japanese history and business, also some about how the mind works and what not. Fiction doesn’t rock my boat and never really thought about trying a biography and such.
@benjaminlevi THANK YOU for getting back to the question. I was about to stop following because of the petty banter. To answer you, I suppose it would be. Man I can’t wait. I’m going to reinvent the meaning of ‘zombie’!
@jeanna: “But since you are a zombie, isn’t all of your sex zombie sex?” and “Man (sic) I can’t wait. I’m going to reinvent the meaning of ‘zombie’!” is serious discourse?
@gailcalled Well, the topic is about zombie porn, lol. So, I guess it is, kind of. I wasn’t actually trying to excite anyone by this question. I just wanted to know how this type of porn could be fantasized about or if it’s only for shock/gag factors, but I guess some people could get off on it, lol.
Portney, in Philip Roth’s landmark novel, Portney’s Complaint, got off on raw liver. So anything’s possible.
@gailcalled Yes. If your “serious discourse” is regarding my “petty banter” comment, then you don’t seem to understand the meaning of “banter”. You were engaged in a petty (my opinion) argument that was off-topic. Hence my remark. My response to benji was ON-topic.
Banter, and you might want to read your last two posts. You were the one who said, “petty banter.” When originally you said our digression was the petty banter.
Although, getting back to actual topic on hand is a good point, so….
How do you suppose you’re going to re-invent the zombie?
@jeanna So you are going to use sex to reinvent the meaning of zombie?
bad hygiene is enough of a turn-off, rot is a total no-go.
Just adding some more…there are 2 Bruce labruce films that involve “zombie porn” : “Otto” and “L.A. Zombie” while the 2nd one has someone I admire- ( Francois Sagat )- I am still not turned on by it or really all that interested in viewing it still. My previous statement still stands, even when someone I find attractive is involved.
Some unique business I’d say. I’ve seen some of it, although it’s usually just more goofy than anything else. A zombie with a great big boner and a huge grin…not very appealing, but it’s still entertaining.
There’s also “erotic” literature about zombies, which includes butt secs.
Holy cow. I wish I saw this question when it was still active.
Haha, yea it’s still probably my most popular one. :)
This question isn’t active any more? Is it a zombie?
@filmfann haha, people still seem to find it and respond.
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