General Question

peggylou's avatar

What is the relationship of my first cousin's child to my child?

Asked by peggylou (1141points) December 21st, 2006
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14 Answers

Supergirl's avatar
I think that child is your child's third cousin
sjg102379's avatar
no, they are second cousins. And your first cousin in your child's first cousin once removed.
gailcalled's avatar
sig102379 is right. Start w. the horizontal relationships. My aunts' and uncles' children are my first cousins. My kids and those of my first cousins are second cousins. My grandchildren and my second cousins's kids are third cousins. However, then go vertical.
gailcalled's avatar
My kids are my first cousins' first cousins, once removed. My kids, forget it.
gailcalled's avatar
After typing "cousins" so many times, it began to look really weird. For cousins' tree and several really confusing schematics and lots of words on the subject of consanguinity;
frydeyes's avatar
first cousins, once removed
zina's avatar
so.... second cousin
babygalll's avatar

Second cousins! Nothing removed..what ever that means.

littlebits's avatar

my niece is having a baby, what would my relationship be to that child?

babygalll's avatar

I believe you will be the Great Aunt.

whorleyj's avatar

No. To my cousins son I am 1st cousin once remomoved so my son would be second cousin to my cousin and to his son second cousin, once removed.

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