Do you think that Answerbag has self-destructed?
The recent format change has angered and confused many users. Many long time users have left or are threatening to leave.
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129 Answers
Without question. It’s history…for me at least.
Is that why there’s been a sudden surge in new jellies?
if my grandfather said it once, he said it a thousand times “there’s been a sudden surge in new jellies”
yes yes and yes, now kiss me and quit complaining :P
Swaaaaak! Drip. Swaaaaak! Drip.
@stratman37 I just dribbled noodles, so thanks for that!
Yes, it has. I voiced my opinion to the powers that be, but one thing I DID see on the new AB is some fancy new advertising. This means that the new format is more $$$ friendly, so what we think is irrelevant.
@stratman37 “there’s been a sudden surge in new jellies.” That’s what she said.
I see a lot of familiar AB names here now.
Oh yes answer bag committed suicide. Oh well, now I can get a life. LOL!
I did 52 levels in 30 days, then they pulled the plug on the points system, what a waste of my time.
I think they did this ON PURPOSE to RID the site of OLDER USERS! They want to start a NEW SITE with a NEW GROUP of people. BUT with many of us gone it will not be the same for a month or two.
My AB anniversary is Dec. 22nd! I will be at level 100 in a couple months! Well not anymore for either of them HOW can you have a CONGRATS Question and no friends to share it with?
OLD users? Get this….I joined AB on 12–1-09. I must be really SENSITIVE!
Well I know you are not old SirGoofy but if they can get all the newer folks that will do LESS complaining it will work to their advantage. Some of the new memebers such as yourself will leave and some will stay. But the ones that have been there for many months like the OLD way and will not flow over into the new one. The AB we knew is gone and the newbies will make it the “new” site that it is.
My initial plan was to find a place I could call “HOME”. I’m usually very good about sticking things out…so hopefully, this will be my new home. Really and truly….I need something like this for social connections. I’m just wondering if I can be just as goofy as I was on AB? Your thoughts?
That depends, Goofy, on who your goofiness offends. I heard a rumour that they PBed Firebrand for FIVE MONTHS because of her comments on the new system. FIREBRAND of all people!
I doubt this will be my new life. But hey, ya never know…
Psst, guys, you can use underscores on eitherside of the word to emphasize. :)
Whoa. Yes…I’m familiar with FIREBRAND. Well…I’m just flat goofy…but…I try not to be offensive. To me, you’ve got to have some humor in life and lot’s of it! Just makes life so much easier. You know?
I WAS a member for 2 years. AB hasn’t been the same since Demand Media took over. PBing Firebrand reminds me of when they axed Jodie and so many others. I really hope this backfires for them.
I think being GOOFY is GREAT! As long as you are goofy in a nice way! And I have NEVER seen you any other way! YOU ARE GREAT!
I also need the social part! I had many friends on AB and My HEART HURTS! I’m so sad and feel a loss of love!
I went on just now and put up a question telling others that we are on on
SEE….there’s only ONE NUNYA. There’s something special about you and I just can’t put my finger on it. You’re just so…UPLIFTING and POSITIVE!! Not a bad avatar, either.
Firebrand was not PBed. It was a site glitch.
Thanks Nunya for posting this site. It will be interesting to see if AB responds to all the complaints. This site looks more like the old AB. Hopefully it will be as uncomplicated as the old one.
Me likey!! Me likey MUCHO!!
YOU BETCHA CatLover!!!! They will nonsense it before long. But at least others will see it for awhile!
I also asked a question about “Which finger should we show the AB staff? The middle finger or the pointer finger! ROFLMAO!!!!!
it looks like it . answer bag may have just cut it`s own throat
I just read the site guidelines. There are so many good features here! Bold, Italics, strikethrough… even the little trademark™ symbol! And there’s a chat section, and they actually MODERATE questions here, as opposed to claiming to moderate and just dumping everything that’s flagged no matter how unjustly…
This site is a little better than our old AB. Maybe if enough of us join on the staff on here will take note of what made AB a success and we can have our old AB on this new site?
Hey one can dream…..
I just joined from AB – got this site from Cruiser. I’m still f,n confused! Nunya, help me. lol It’s Jonathan. How do you even comment or add friends on this site. Damn my head hurts.
This site is nothing like the answerbag we all loved but i am sure if we get used to how things work here we’ll start feeling home again. for the time being i can’t find the difference between comments and answers or categories or some kind of pointing system or anything familiar. any veterans here to help us immigrants?
Where did all you AnswerBag people hear about Fluther?
at the new forums of the new answerbag
Yes. Answer Bag just shot themselves in the foot.
Gone are the times when detailed answers and debates could go on for months. This is sad.
Cotton101 is spreading the news and I am doing the same. Since I have NO FRIENDS LIST to work with it is kinda slow moving. But we will be seeing more of our close friends soon!
Seek_Kolinahr is your AB name Lady Vulcan?
Anyhow, that is intresting stuff that you figured out. I’m gonna have to play with it for a bit and see what I can find that is new and fun!!!
Hey that is Lady Alathia of Vulcan. Hi, hope there is no hard feelings? :D
Hey! Of course, no hard feelings at all! I’m glad to be in the company of friends. ^_^
Thank you so much Lady A. I had been bothered by the childish way I acted towards you. Thank you again.
Yup… Which is which is why I joined Fluther =) It’s scary being a new fish in a big pond again! If any Answerbaggers read this, can you let me know that you’re here! =)
It has. Their effort to make more money has actually costed them a lot. They may get new members but the ones who have been there long term (I was there over a year) and worked their rear off to make the site a great one are gone. The real reason for AB no longer exist.
Jady welcome. I am a current and soon to be former ABer.
I was an ABer on and off for almost 6 years. @NUNYA: I gave then both central digits on my way out the door. Did you notice that they are blocking us from “blue bagging”? I think that they don’t want their advertisers to know how many members they are losing, so they are holding our names and avatars “against our will” even though we have left. When I cleared out my profile, I typed in “Account no longer active” so there could be no mistake made. The language I used in my exit message in the AB Blog should get me PBed for 25+ years.
Oh, I’ve gotta see that, Stranger. ^_^
stranger, what was “blue baggin?”
Yes stranger let us see. :D
“Blue Bagging” is when you take down your avatar and replace it with the default Blue Bag.
Now, they’re holding our avatars hostage. Which SUCKS, because both of mine are pictures of ME. I want them OFF.
Stranger, I’m trying to find your blog post…
where’d you hide it?
I think that all of us former ABers should resolve to leave whatever bickering there was on the former site behind us. @ n0_one_special: under the “old AB” if you wanted to leave and abandon your account, you shifted your screen name to “anonymous” and avatar to th default “Blue Bag”, as well as deleting your personal info and wiping your friends list. The “New AB” for some reason won’t allow people to wipe their avatars ans screen names. @ Lady A: delightful to see you again, from a former Klingon Warrior.
[mod says:] For those who are interested, Johnpowell has set up a temporary chat room for all the AnswerBag users. Here is the link:
A few people are in there now and more may show up. There are also a couple veteran Fluther users and mods in there to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.
This is the place you should go to find other AnswerBag users and chat.
A Lady A: It was a series of nasty-grams on the blogs and several comment threads. Maybe they deleted them because I got rather graphic in my criticism. That probably means I’ve been PBed or nuked, not that I care. I’ve deleted AB from my Bookmarks anyway.
Anyone found out how to create a ‘Friends’ list ?
[mod says:] Additionally, we realize this isn’t AnswerBag. We have our own rules and moderations system here and it’s worked for us pretty well so far. Please try not to come into the room and tell us how much we suck (or something like that).
OH I see Seek_K thank you.
@ Blackknight: I think they call them “lurves” here, I’m still trying to figure it out myself. My AB policy will not be in effect here. I kept an empty list on AB because of enemies. I think this is a much mellower place.
stranger I agree about the bickering to be left alone. Thank you for your response.
@ Allie: we’re just noobs and we’ll behave ourselves. We’re mostly just venting anger about how the shabby treatment we got from AB. I’ll gladly adapt to the local rules.
((((SSSSHHHHHEEEEWWWWWW))))........BOOM! One sidewinder missile at AB headquarters courtesy of Maverick!
@stranger_in_a_strange_land Thank you. We’re glad to have you all here and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to send me (or any other mod) a PM.
Hi all ex ABers its great to see you lol I am so sad about what they done to AB
@ Maverick: Setting an Exocet on the launch rails now…
Hi Everyone!!!
Awesome to have you all here!
I am on the road but had to drop in and welcome you all via iPhone.
Al our awesome @Allie says @johnpowell ( also freakin’ awesome ) has set up a chat to help you all re-connect over here.
When I get back I will drop in and get to know you guys more.
Totally AWESOME!
It’s as if ABs ownership deliberately scuttled the site.
Answerbag took the personal aspect out of the site. People like to interact etc. and AB new format would not allow that aspect! So, yes it has self-destructed! They will lose lots of good members!
Welcome Answerbag folks! Enjoy the site!
MrsD..HELLO to you my friend!
Ahh, Hello everyone!! :) I just joined Fluther, and I am exploring everything. Good to see all of you!!
Yep, so much for Answer Bag. Bye Bye
Absolutely! How very sad..=(
@toomuchcoffee911 : We heard about it from… each other. We’re discussing the changes there, too (oh, you betcha!), and several of the users apparently already knew about fluther. That’s why I’m here. (I like this site better already, too. Wish I’d known about it a long time ago.)
@Blackknight999 You “add to your fluther”. I’m still trying to figure out exactly WHAT a “fluther” is, but I’m not complaining. (I also really appreciate the wit of whoever linked to Wikipedia “narcissism” definition when you attempt to ‘add yourself to your fluther’.) I like this site a lot already.
@CyatonicWasp ( awesome name) There are a lot of hidden funny things around. When I am able to – or maybe someone else can- I will post a link to the unofficial Fluther Wiki. It has a list of the funniest questions and a lot more. :)
Sadly yes, all the fun of it is gone.
@Dog Thanks. “Cyanotic”, though—because when I tried to sign up with that at AB years ago “Blue Hornet” was taken.
Apparently, something has gone wrong, since so many Answerbaggers are now here, as were Askvillers before.
I am late, but would just like to welcome all the Answerbaggers to Fluther. I hope you like it here and become part of the lovely jellyfish community. Remember – the mods are friendly people that want to help out. PM them if you have any questions. Check the guidelines to learn more about the culture here and also to see the mod list. =)
I think that it is a bit early to tell. However it would be a great time to tell them how you feel and if they do nothing. . . then we won’t be missed. That’s okay too.
I made it to starfish level. is that a good thing? What does that mean?
@Dog :: That is my doing. Here is the link.
Yes it has, unfortunately. =(
What could they have been thinking?
Fortunately, I stumbled upon a post that pointed me here.
—Hope the’re not planning any changes…!—
@no_one_special…I eat only Sushi!...I think you’ll be safe as a starfish :)
The answerbag we all knew and loved is gone, only to be replaced by a monstrosity that will soon collapse under the weight of its own teenyboppers that will soon flood the site.
@SABOTEUR LOL. I never really got into the points on AB. I have been on AB since August 18th 08 and never cared about the points until October 23rd of this year. Only because some really felt bad about not getting points. It made me see it as a moral obligation to give points at times.
So I want to get familiar sooner rather than later about the point thingy on here.
OH wait the comment addressed to @SABOTEUR was supposed to be @POLICE . Still getting used to this site….....obviously.
They knew exactly what they were doing and knew how us refugees would react.
@Zacky – That would be totally unlike the Askville team – they don’t know what they are doing at all.
Here is the best answer I heard from anyone on AB, well the one that makes the most sense. From ‘MISS AWESOME”
Quote, “Because the old site looked very old-fashioned compared to sites like Mahalo Answers or Yahoo Answers. Above all, this site is still a business venture whose goal is to make money. And to do that, they need pages and content that will drive new people to the site.”
Quote, “Because they want new people to come to the site (and hopefully click some ads). They don’t want all of the social interaction that had kind of taken over AB. This is why they have the forum now and private messages. They want new and reliable content that will show up in google search results. I think with a few adjustments, it will be better than ever.”
Though I completely disagree with Miss Awesome on, “I think with a few adjustments, it will be better than ever.
Yesz, AB killed itself. I will miss the old Bag. Not this new crap.
I’ll give you a couple of hints:
1) I am here at Fluther
2) AB-Rich has a request to delete my account.
Seeing you here is nice Jerv
Jerv was one of the top members on answerbag being an expert in so many categories about cars engineering and computers (software hardware etc)
Fluther is getting much richer with such users joining in
Answerbag wanted to get rid of its hostile members. it worked. they hated what it became. get rid of most the people and start over. that is what they wanted. that is what they got
having no people with knowledge over there to answer the technical questons and whatever questions anyway is going to lead them nowhere. only teens for members? i believe the prestige of the site fell greatly. that is why they hired proffessionals to do the job on the most difficult categories “professional researched”...
So Answerbag’s change was really a pogrom? An ethnic cleansing of all of us so they could get down to the nitty gritty again without all the social networking? I hope they enjoy their teeny boppers with their 2012 pregnancy questions, they’ve made their bed, they can roll around it and moan!
Yes jerv is an intelligent man. We never did finish our evolution debate.
Ah there it feels a little like the old AB. J/K :D
Glad to see you here jerv. I remember you earned my respect.
jerv AB Rich really wants to delete your account? On what grounds?
Thank you @Sebulba for telling us more about @jerv!
Welcome @jerv!
Also this question is a really cool place to post and read to get to know one another. Please feel free to add your responses!
So Answerbag wanted to “get rid of it’s hostile member’s”, huh?
So instead of simply removing their accounts, they change everything that members grew to love and appreciate about the site.
The ‘ole “Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water” maneuver.
Makes sense to me.
@jerv – You might want to check out the orphan questions. I have noticed that 99% of them are computer-related.
You could make some Flutherites very happy.
Answerbag over did it ! Instead of fixing some things that needed adjusting; they revamped the entire thing and fixed things that did not need fixing. THUS; they destroyed their own A/B.
I went on there last night and posted in my profile there and in a question . Hopefully; will bring more A/bers on over here where it is a LOT less complicated.
@no_one_special – The reason Rich wants to delete my account is simple; I asked for it!
No bull! I contacted him personally and requested that it be nuked.
@darwin – on my way :)
@Sebulba Since they included the “professional answerers” in the initial roll-out, it shows that they knew the experts members would leave. They wanted us out so we’re out. They should at least have the honesty to let us delete our names and avatars, but they’re afraid the advertisers would panic at seeing so many departing en masse.
According to some AB members they are attempting to change the site back to the old format. Whether that is true or not IDK but that is what I read.
@augustlan – My sentiments exactly.
The response to my nuke request was (in part):
“Demand owns the content and hasn’t
budged from the stance that they’ll let us delete a few personal things
as a courtesy to departing users, but that mass-deleting content isn’t
allowed. People who’ve tried to manually delete answers just get them
restored from backups.”
…as a courtesy… ?
...restored from backups??!!
Yeah, it’s a little fucked up.
Well, I understand not removing your answers and such. We actually don’t do that either, as it disrupts the flow of the threads. But you can disable your actual account anytime you like.
I don’t believe fluther claims all the rights to the content, either. Is that the case, @augustlan?
Not just the old users are leaving. I doubt that the site is doomed, they will be getting the younger crowd and the advertising dollars they want.
@daloon We have some limited rights to the content. For instance, we can edit it if necessary and use it in a blog post or something. But we don’t own it… it’s yours to use as you see fit.
Actually, I think it’s okaaaaaay, but I do like checking out fluther as well.
I think that Ab is bleeding and going to die soon if there is no improvements .
Hey Alquest, found out today there is going to be a lot of changes! So much negative, they are changing things. The site has been down this morning. So, expect some changes. And, totally agree with what you said! Take care!
too little too late ithink
no matter what they change they way rhey treated to us cannot be changed. I will be very happy to see answerbag closing down having 100 users finally. No matter what they do now even if they get it back to the old version i am not going back
I have been on AB from 28 feb 2007 till the World Humanism Day 2009.I liked the way everything on AB was well organized and kept well structured and neat,but lately things changed overnight.People are not able to log in,some are PBed for months together and others are disgusted with the re-degining.Talking about the design,the way they hurried it up,was quite unprofessional.They should have taken their time and done it slowly by adding or removing features along with public poll.
It’s said that if anything’s permanenent in this world, then it’s change,but change has it’s own course and pace.Changes happening all of a sudden are not always welcomed.
Talking about some of the noted member being denied the access,I’d consider it bad workmenship.As a software engineer,I know it very well how the development of a website takes place and what else are required to maintain it working without bugs or glitches.Oh yes,What’s happening on AB is not a glitch,glitch is always short lived.The fact is the site developers lost their way completely in the course of re-engineering.Database wasn’t maintained with care and the way it was called by using the webservices to sink it up with the interface, would break all hell loose(Of Course , on some users).Just having a look at the site on 11th of Dec,the first thing that came to my mind was,it won’t function properly and I wasn’t surprised when I saw the flaws and people fleeing away.
Now the question that remains is,for whom did they did the enhancements(If you could name it as enhancement).Did they think about the users?The first and foremost goal of every development job is the user response.Did they ever thought about it?Atleast,did they bother to take a poll?If they think they rule the site and they could make any changes they wish,they got the deserving returns when the juice of the AB crowd abandoned it and gathered at Fluther.
Well Wolverine i am more than happy to see you here. AB now pays for “professionally researched” answers knowing that people like you will leave. I hope you’ll continue to help here on engineering problems. I have not seen many questions of our favorite categories but I’ve not searched this site very much yet
I also offered the two digit salute and got a blue bag for my effort. I also changed my profile to reflect my disgust as I left…. I’m sure they are happy, following the trendy trends… Ignoring who brought ‘em to the dance.
@Sebulba :Yes, We don’t see much from our beloved category questions over here,but they would flow in with the passage of time.Hope you’d contribute in the same way as you did in your shortlived AB membership time.You really climed the ladder fast over there.
Indeed,it’s a loss for them as we were giving away without expecting any returns and much were yet to come from us.Whether they realized or not,it’s the truth.
@jerv : They think they had the enhancement job done, but we all know it better,what’s that called and I liked that term you adopted and used for it.I’m waiting to chuck out some words from my dictionary of hell,but trying to keep myself composed after the recent anger management rehabilitation I’ve undergone in the month of October.
On January 9th, I’ll see if their new interface is any more difficult to navigate and use. If it’s so much more trouble than before, then I’ll stick to Fluther.
If it’s just as easy to use as before (if not easier), then I’m returning to Answerbag.
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