Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Another 10K jelly!

Asked by filmfann (52612points) December 20th, 2009

Everyone! Let’s hear it for Chyna!

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66 Answers

filmfann's avatar


Dog's avatar


Welcome to the Mansion! I am so stoked you are here with us!
I always enjoy your contributions and humor!
You have a suite next to @rooeytoo and I so all the dogs can play!

Everyone! Drinks are on the Mansion!!!!

richardhenry's avatar

That is one expensive jelly. No seriously though, congorats!

Jude's avatar

Congratulations, Chyna!!! I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts. Smart, kind, and oh, so, helpful!! And, that cute pooch of yours! :)

Welcome to the 10K Jelly mansion!!

aprilsimnel's avatar

w00t!w00t! ::raises roof:: w00t!w00t!

Congratulations, Chyna!

Facade's avatar


azlotto's avatar

I love to party…Congratulations Chyna!

SuperMouse's avatar

CHYNA!!! My sister to the east! When I move nearer to you we will have a drink together (after our mani/pedi’s) to celebrate your achievement! Congratulations to one of my best jelly buddies!

flameboi's avatar

Oh Chyna luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve to you!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

asmonet's avatar


jrpowell's avatar

The hot tub is getting full. Toss her on asmonet.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Chyna??!! Way to go, my friend. Good for you! Chicken dances all around. :-)

pjanaway's avatar

Nice one!

pouncey's avatar

i want some jelly.

dpworkin's avatar

Oooh, la-la! Class comes to 10k Acres!

Ansible1's avatar

Much lurve Chyna!! Congrats!!

J0E's avatar

Another one?!


Cotton101's avatar

Congrats Chyna!

syz's avatar

Wow, congratulations!

whatthefluther's avatar

Chyna s the sweetest and finest of all. It is no surprise to me what caused us to gravitate towards one another and form the deep bond of friendship we share. Thank you Chyna for always being there for me and covering my back. Congratulations… are most deserving of all the praise and admiration being sent your way. See ya…..Gary/wtf

gailcalled's avatar

To Chyna; my favorite adopted daughter, my support, my rod and my comfort, my court jester.

I expect you to thank Molly during your acceptance speech. xox g

SeventhSense's avatar

Well I think you and your boxer are swell. “Almost Heaven West Virginia” was written from Kentucky looking towards your homestead. Congratulations

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Yay! Congrats to you!

Buttonstc's avatar

Yippee ! Another 10Ker. These parties are becoming the Noel around here.

I always enjoy reading your posts. One of my fav fellow animal lovers.

Congratulations to you ! ! !

tinyfaery's avatar

All this partying is tuckering me out. Welcome @Chyna and congrats! You’re a wonderful jellie.

chyna's avatar

Yay! I love parties and if they are for me, all the better!
Seriously, I love this place and each and every one of you make this place special to me. I have made some very dear friends and care about all of you. Thanks for a great party. Cake all around! Oh, and this accomplishment could not have been made without the help and love and understanding of my beloved boxer Molly.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; That’s the ticket.

Tink's avatar

Wooohoo Chyna!

75movies's avatar

<throws confetti>

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Congrats Chyna!!!!

IBERnineD's avatar

Woot Woot!!! Go Chyna!!!!

forestGeek's avatar

Awesomeness chyna…congrats and cheers to a really great jelly!!

ccrow's avatar

Congrats!! (I’ll bring ice cream)

Kayak8's avatar

Awesome! Congratulations!

Judi's avatar

Yeah!! So glad to see you made it here!!! woot woot!!!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!

Pseudonym's avatar

Just 9,999 to go…

casheroo's avatar

yay, congratulations!!

augustlan's avatar

Chyna! Great to see my fellow West fucking Virginia girl welcomed to the mansion. Congrats, girly! <3

chyna's avatar

@augustlan Probably not more than a handful of West Virginians here.
Thank you!

rooeytoo's avatar

Congratulations to Chyna! This is probably the biggest collection of graduates in such a short period of time, ever!!! Hooray for us. (does this make us generation x’ers when compared to the venerable oldies? heheheh)

chyna's avatar

@rooeytoo Is there room for my dog with all of yours at the mansion? I’m honored to be in such wonderful company as all other 10K jellies.

rooeytoo's avatar

@chyna – of course, as far as I am concerned, all 4 legged jellies are very welcome!

Dog's avatar

We have a wing just for the pups to all play in!
(there is a cat wing too- but it is on the north side, the dogs are on the south side. :) )

cyn's avatar

<3 =]

chyna's avatar

@Dog But at some point Molly wants to meet Milo.
Thank you @cyndihugs The party would not be complete without you!

Darwin's avatar

I always knew you were the good Chyna. Congratulations!

Dog's avatar

Oh! In that case we will add a “Meet and Mingle” ballroom!

breedmitch's avatar

Congratulations. Well done.

AstroChuck's avatar

First the olympics and now 10K? Let’s hear it for Chyna!
Hip Hip Hurray!
Hip Hip Hurray!
Hip Hip Hurray!

Blondesjon's avatar


You are the coolest, most genuine person I know on Fluther. We don’t talk a lot on a personal level but you have always stuck up for me on here, even when I’m wrong. I have always tried my damnedest to make sure no one ever makes you feel like shit for being you. You are a very rare commodity in this world Chyna. You are a truly nice person with just enough of an edge to keep from getting walked on too hard. Stay you, and the next 10k will have rolled by before you know it.

jonsblond told me in the beginning that you were good people and she’s never wrong.

Congratulations boxer. You deserve it.

Jeruba's avatar

@chyna, you bring much light and warmth to these pages. I am putting a dozen celebratory candles on the table for you right now. Welcome!

cookieman's avatar

There are many jellies I admire here in the lagoon; but there’s only a handful I’d have over my house for dinner – and @chyna is certainly one of them.

Here’s to a great jelly and a wonderful person.

loser's avatar

CONGRATS!!!! WE LURVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Great, congratulations!

janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov, Chyna!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

ubersiren's avatar

Awesome! Way to go, chyna.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Nice job @chyna!! Congrats! :)

Cupcake's avatar

Yay @chyna!! Congrats!!!!!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Way late to this, but Congrats Chyna! You’re one of my favorite jellies.

marinelife's avatar

The dog people are coming through these days! Welcome to the 10k club, chyna! You are a great Flutherer! Whose posts I love to read. Whose kindness is broad and deep.

Val123's avatar

Hi five, Chyna!!

chyna's avatar

Some more of my favorite people have shown up! Thanks guys!

jonsblond's avatar

So sorry I’m late to the party @chyna. I am so grateful to know you and be able to interact with you on Fluther (and that one chat room on Fridays). :) I enjoy your humor and I love our silly PM’s. I hope you know that I will always have your back my friend! :D

Likeradar's avatar

sorry I’m late!

Congrats, @chyna! I’m surprised you weren’t already well past 10k. Your answers are so thoughtful and appreciated!

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