How private is your family about nudity?
Some families are very private, always lock their doors, are very taboo about nakedness, and others are very liberal about it. Some family members are private and others not so private. I know in my family, my mom never cared if we saw her naked, she’ll stand nude in the bathroom with the door ajar. My dad, however, is not at all revealing. Also, my brothers and I never shut the door all the way when we shower. If we need something in the bathroom while someone’s showering, we just freely walk in. Many of my friends find this really creepy/odd, but meh. It’s not like we see anything. What are the nudity standards in your home?
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56 Answers
I can safely say that I have never, nor will I ever, see any of my family members nude.
Doors closed. Everyone had their own bathroom and their own stuff. Anything you need you can find in your own bathrooms. We have nothing against underwear.. when I lived with mom I used to walk around in my boxers all the time. No big deal as long as all the naughty bits were covered.
My family is very private about it. I don’t recall ever seeing my parents naked (eww) and I haven’t seen any of my siblings naked since we were all young children. I’m not sure why it’s that way, but it just is. I myself am private about it too and I don’t want anyone in my family (or my friends) seeing me naked. When my boyfriend saw me naked for the first time, that was the first time anyone else (other than doctors/nurses) had seen me naked in a long long time.
Since I have my own bathroom/shower, the shower thing has never been a problem. (Our old house had more than one bathroom too). I am known to walk around in my underwear, but nothing more than that.
I don’t find your situation creepy or odd, just different, and I don’t find anything wrong with my situation either.
My mother never cared if we saw her nude, and I followed in her footsteps. Now that my son is older, I make sure that I am not naked in front of him.
@jamielynn2328 Yeah, my mom seems to be a little more self conscious about my brothers seeing her naked now that they’re so old. (15 and 20)
My wife and I see each other naked all the time. No big whup. As for friends, well, I’ve seen one or two naked, and nudity isn’t that big of an issue. Nowadays, if you are naked in your back yard, even with a privacy fence, and the neighborhood tot has a hankering to look over/thru the fence, you might find yourself in trouble for exposing yourself to someone’s nosy little brat.
The anti-nudity laws in America are rather Puritan, in my opinion.
We are not ashamed about our nudity. I’ve seen my children nude, and they’ve seen me and my s/o nude too, and we even swim and have fun together nude at a lake that we go to every summer. I think part of it is a “cultural thing”. In Japan, where my Mom was born, nudity is not a big deal——people take communal baths together in Japan, with men, women, and children all together. They wash themselves thoroughly first before soaking themselves in hot water tubs. And in Asia, there is really no such thing as “privacy” and “respecting each other’s private space”——families are generally large and living quarters small and tight, so that seeing each other nude is almost “unavoidable”. People there just deal with it and think nothing of it.
Growing up,we were reserved.Now,as an adult,it’s clothing optional.:)
Last time I was home I was up reading in bed. My dad, not used to me being home, saw the light and stumbled into my room to turn it off. He was wearing a t-shirt. Only. First and only time (hopefully) I saw my dad’s junk. No thaaaaanks.
I quickly made myself known and he said, “Oh, hi!” and went back to bed. It turns out in his sleepy stupor he thought I was my mom, who sometimes reads in random rooms when she can’t sleep. Imagine his surprise when he went back to bed and my mom was also there. A traumatic night for all:)
Extremely private. I think I’m too reserved. I don’t even like it when my knees are exposed. Gym class kind of sucked in middle school.
My parents are not as private as I am, so I’m not sure where this insecurity comes from. I think your situation is pretty normal. It’s definitely not creepy.
It’s not good to be too naked around dogs, they have very cold noses, even in the tropics.
we are very private about nudity and that’s just the way I like it
We’re extremely private. Anyone want to see pictures?
Why when you have perfectly good curtains do you think I would pass up the chance to roam free???
We’re very uptight; we never see one another naked. When we engage in incest, we always extinguish the lights first.
my family always locked their doors when they were nude, they probably thought they would go straight to hell if someone saw them nude…
The closest thing to nudity that I ever saw in my family was when I was on a long drive with my brother and he spilt some soda on his white shirt and decided to change it right there.
Meanwhile, my best friend growing up, had no qualms about leaving bathroom doors wide open and talking to people mid-shit.
Hay Jess, can I stop over at your place for a week? I wish to see those family dynamics in action. Well, mostly you showering with the door open. You’re 18 right? Good.
I can’t imagine not allowing family to come into the bathroom even when I was showering. We only had one bathroom, and if you had to pee you had to pee! It’s not like you can see inside the shower.
We live in a house with two bathrooms now though. I recall showering with my mother, so I must have been at least 6 or 7. I still sometimes see my mother semi-nude, like in a bra or underwear, but nothing less.
They weren’t extremely strict when I was growing up, but we weren’t walking around naked.
With my family (my husband and son) we’re definitely a “nakey family”. I prefer being in just my underpants most of the time, and my son prefers being in just a diaper. I almost always take my showers with my son, and probably will until he’s at least 4 or 5. If we didn’t live with my parents, I’d be nude much more often.
Once the kids get older though, I’m sure my boys will not want me being as free as I am now. lol
My family are quite liberal about it. My mum used to get changed in froont of us, walk to the bathroom naked after she had taken her clothes off for a bath or shower and my brother and I would often sit in the bathroom and talk to her when she was in the bath. She also used to sunbathe topless in our garden. Because of this I am quite relaxed about being naked. I don’t worry about getting changed in front of people or showering in front of people.
My dad’s side of the family is really private. Whenever I stay over there, even when I have jammies on it’s usually the long sleeved flannel ones and I have a bathrobe on top. My mom’s family is more relaxed. We don’t get naked around each other, but it’s pretty normal to see one another in our underwear anytime. They’re pretty disorganized and I pick up on it when I stay over there. So if I’m late in the morning, I might be hopping around on one foot in the kitchen trying to get my pants on while I look for my keys or make coffee.
I was brought up in the “Auntie Mame” school of thought. Nudity was never an issue in my family. I’ve seen, and still continue to see, my mother nude. It’s really not a big deal. It’s not as if we all get aroused seeing each other. Nudity just isn’t an issue. I’ve raised my children the same way. So those who are shy about their naked bodies have always seemed strange to me.
wow Chuckie, you gave a straight answer and I gave a smart ass (albeit) one.
What is happening???
Dunno. Must have something to do with this December having two full moons.
Yep I bet that is it (I didn’t know that was happening, bet the tides will be bigger than usual too. Or maybe you are getting more mature.
No big deal. In fact, it’s the people who get freaked out by it that really kind of creep me out.
My children frequently see me topless, since I sleep that way. If I’m stumbling down the hall to use the bathroom, I might sort of cover up my breasts a bit with my arms, but they’re pretty big… so they’re always visible anyway. I think part of the reason this seems so normal to us is that I breast fed 3 kids in a row. They’ve been seeing my tatas since they were infants, well into early childhood as I nursed the younger sibling(s).
Since they are all now tween to teen girls, they don’t see their father or my husband naked. Strangely, all three of them are exceedingly modest. Won’t even change clothes in front of each other!
Growing up, my parents were not very modest, and I am the same way. My door is never closed, because the cats have free range of the house. I sleep in the nude, so I’ll stumble to the bathroom during the night without covering up… but it’s dark. I walk around in a bra and underwear when I’m getting ready in the morning, that’s the same as a bathing suit, pretty much, so neither my son nor I have a problem with it.
I think it’s healthier for kids to have an idea of what normal, natural bodies look like. If their only concept of body comes from the enhanced images in movies, TV, and magazines, then it can make it harder to accept the normal flawed variant they see when they look in the mirror. If they see their family hiding and covering up, it is easy to get the impression that anything other than a Hollywood body is something to be ashamed of.
I’ve another question. How about children seeing parents nude before and/or after sex? Is it damaging or good sex ed for children to peek through the keyhole at parents’ sex?
It’s funny…
…I’m the only male in a house with 4 females; everyone is mindful enough to be properly dressed whenever I’m home.
Everyone, that is, except my wife.
She thinks nothing of briefly walking braless through the house, in front of me and the girls. I rarely say anything to her about it, but I think she’s a bit inconsiderate…especially since she knows what a horndog I am.
I don’t even take my clothes off to shower.
@raymond No. Children are very natural about things like that. Mommy and daddy being happy together is not bad.
We were the same as your family. Now that were all a little older we are a little more private. I don’t want to scar my son for life so I’m careful not to let him see what 50 years worth of wear and tear look like on a woman. I’d like to have grandchildren one day.
@SABOTEUR Quit your carping, man. Consider for a moment that she definitely knows what a horndog you are and that’s PRECISELY why she does it. Count your blessings, young man.
Merry Christmas, all.
Thanks @ETpro! I like “young man” a whole lot better than I do “Unc”.
@SABOTEUR I’m almost certainly old enough to call you thiat instead of Unc. :-)
We’re pretty open about it I guess, compared to some families. My girls and I see each other naked all the time, but it’s not appropriate to walk around naked. My husband and I sleep naked and are not shy about showering/dressing in front of each other. There is only really privacy between the opposite sexes. Daddy and daughters keep their bodies private from each other.
My children see me naked often – I do not hide when I need to change clothes or in general – We shower naked together, we pee and poop together (the kids and I)...they can be naked if they want to be as can my partner…he’s usually the one more likely to be covered up, that’s just how he is…but my kids have seen him naked as well…they’ve never seen us have sex but they have been taught about our genitals up close and their own…I think that education is essential…I think shaming is terrible…I want my kids to grow up confident about their bodies, their sexuality and it’s not something that should be different from teaching them about other body parts…
@Simone_De_Beauvoir My husband is the same way. He showers quite often with our son, but he usually puts underwear on and is most comfortable in underwear..and I’m most comfortable being naked. lol I think shaming is awful as well. Definitely not something I agree with.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir You..pee and poop with your kids? At the risk of getting way too much information, I have to ask… how on earth does that work?
@Sarcasm I’m guessing they have an open door policy on the bathroom door, like my family has. We don’t ever really shut it even when we poop or pee. My son can come in whenever. although, sometimes it’s nice to have some privacy!
@Sarcasm well, if we’re not at home, they don’t want me to leave…so my kid poops and then they stay in the stall while I poop…they don’t watch me poop or anything, we just do it together…at home, the door is always open
Growing up we closed doors and had plenty of bathrooms but in college we had Eight people and One bathroom so everyone was fine leaving the door open.
Met my Wife and her house had No Doors- she told me she took them off when she got the house so the animals could get around the house, she was surprised that I was fine with it and even would sneak up on her and kiss her neck right after a bath! Still have no doors!
My mom is very reserved and against nudity. My dad is perfectly fine with it and always has been, now my husband I are nudists and love to be naked. Once we can afford it we plan on going to nudist resorts and beaches and stuff.
Pajamas are as close as we get to nudity at home, barring the towel-wrapped runs from shower to bedroom. Some denizens, perhaps expecting that part of the house to be deserted, have no qualms about leaving their doors open while they dress.
We’re all very private here, except my mother with me.
She’ll use the bathroom with the door open. This drives me up the wall. If I can hear her – I go crazy.
A friend of mine used to think it was normal to walk around the house half naked.. when she was 16. This was all really strange to me.
I know I am late jumping in here, but then again I am finding I am late in a lot of things here.
Speaking as a man that grew up in a very conservative family where that stuff didn’t happen and you just don’t do it or talk about it. I can easily see the side of those who call this disgusting or wrong.
Recently I had some concepts that came up which have gotten me to inquire about the topic some. I have attempted to keep an open mind in researching and learning about this as well as I have had many lengthy discussions with my wife over it. What I can say now is that I am learning that we have actually done more harm to children and people by being so restrictive in our approach to nudity. Being nude is not necessarily being sexual. Too many seem to think it is and too many of our cultural norms push it as such. The media push it to sell products bastardizes nudity into sexuality. Most cultures in the world have different views on nudity, does that make them wrong? No it doesn’t, just different. Even in our own culture, historically we had much less stress over nudity in the past, why? Because it was more common. How much exposure do you think happened when families were living in tiny one room cabins? A lot. What we seem to forget is that most of our ancestors (and for almost all of us that is only a few generations back) actually did live in tiny dwellings with just one or two rooms. In this environment, everyone can’t help but see everyone else. They just didn’t make a big deal out of it, it wasn’t sexual. It was not uncommon for all kids and sometimes parents too, to share one bed. Now, how do you think they had more kids with the other kids in the same room and or bed? I only know of one case of Immaculate Conception.
At the end of my research I can say that I am now in the process of changing my views and consequently my behavior. I do not personally espouse public nudity as I believe that there are places where it is not proper or acceptable. I do not personally think the full naturalist lifestyle is proper or should be adopted, but to each his/her own. I do not believe there is anything inherently bad about being nude within your family, regardless of age or sex. In fact recent studies are showing that this is actually rather positive for kids, particularly boys. I actually looked for the studies and not just what so called ‘experts’ say. Fact is there isn’t a lot in the way of studies and even less on the negative aspect. When you look at what the ‘experts’ say and the reasons they give, it has less to do with nudity and more to do with behavior which would occur regardless of having clothes or not.
So do I have any problem being nude around my daughter? No, nor do I have a problem with her being nude around me or her brothers or my wife being nude around any of our kids. I have a bigger problem overcoming the years of bad Victorian indoctrination that society has placed on me and others. In my family now we keep doors open and allow our kids to walk into our room regardless of how we are or are not dressed.
Sit back, open your minds, research, learn and make your own mind up; don’t just go on what others tell you. Learn to think for yourself, you’ll be amazed at how free you can become.
@MrDad All the same, history doesn’t mean that you have to be nekkid, or that there’s anything wrong with staying clothed.
The term “Immaculate Conception” refers to the belief that Mary was free from Original Sin.
Why the Catholics thought that the sinless thing had to be pushed back a generation is beyond me, unless maybe it’s for syncretism.
@Nullo – I thought the Immaculate Conception referred to the fact that Jesus was born without any sort of hanky panky with a mere mortal male. Or did I misinterpret 16 years of catholic indoctrination?
The Immaculate Conception refers to the St. Anne’s conception of Mary, who was born without original sin.
Or at least that’s the story.
Wowow, it’s a good thing I have already excommunicated myself or that would probably be grounds for it. I can’t imagine how I could have listened (or not) to all those years and be so ill informed. Thank you gentlemen for setting me on the straight and narrow!
Nudity was never a problem with my or my sister and cousin while growing up. Both my mom and aunt lived in the same house and it was just “us girls” most of the time. This allowed for minimal clothing or complete nudity. Looking back, I believe it was a good thing to be able to see what would be happening to me as I hit puberty. Seeing both my mom and aunt nude helped tremendously in that arena.
Bathroom and bedroom doors were rarely closed when I was younger. My sister and cousin were in one room, mom in another and aunt in the third. Showers were rarely taken alone there too. Most of the time it would be a common thing for the curtain to pop open and in would step another member of the family. Helping someone else wash was an education and was a time when us “girls” learned a few things about being “women” when our monthly cycles started.
Now that I am a mom myself, I was happy to carry on that tradition with my daughter when her father was not at home. Even now, at 16, she is still very comfortable with nudity, hers and mine, and will even shower with me sometimes!!! (It’s nice to have someone else wash your hair for you!!) Being open and honest about things also opens up avenues for communications. Both my sister and I have noticed this phenomenon. Both of her girls as well as mine are always able to approach us about anything in life….what ever that may be. I just wish more people would realize this and harness this in their lives.
I had a catholic upbringing. We guys walked around shritless the women wore bras on hot days that’s about as far as it went. We had to fight for privacy. In fact, I wish I had grown up with my own room, later as a young man I discovered friends who took me to nudist beaches which was shocking to me at first, but I quickly adapted and leaned that just because one is nude doesn’t have to mean sex. There were families with their kids all naked playing volley ball and having picnics, it felt free and natural and safe. I still don’t walk around the house nude with my S.O. around probably because I don’t have that banging 30 year old bod anymore, but I’ve gotten a lot better which goes to show that home life whether liberal, or conservative can stay rooted in you for years.
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