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TheJoker's avatar

How can you persuade a squirrel to get out of your attic without resorting to traps or poisoning it?

Asked by TheJoker (2800points) January 21st, 2010

Apparently a Grey Squirrel has adopted my attic as it’s crash-pad in this cold weather…. only at night though. I don’t want to hurt it in any way but hearing it wandering about is a little disturbing. All tips welcome.

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43 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

You could try patching up the hole with sheet metal during the day while he’s out.

TheJoker's avatar

@wonderingwhy… I did have a crawl round up there. Cant for the life of me work out how he’s getting in yet. All the facias look good & I dont think he’s pried up any tiles…

john65pennington's avatar

Squirrels love corn. why not try making a corn trail for the squirrel to follow? once the squirrel is in another area, close the window or door and clean the area he has been living. spray the area with dog repellent and hope it works.

Squirrels are very clever. you are going to have to outsmart him.

TheJoker's avatar

@john65pennington….. D’oh! Come on John, do you think I can outwit a squirrel Hehehe. Thanks buddy, think I’ll give that a go!

wonderingwhy's avatar

Keeping on with john’s corn idea, if he comes back, you could get a humane trap and once he trips it, take him on a little drive and let him loose elsewhere.

TheJoker's avatar

@wonderingwhy…. I like your thinking. I did contact the local environmental health but all they wanted to do was kill it… time to nip down the local DIY store!

Snarp's avatar

What’s wrong with traps? There are traps that don’t hurt the squirrel, and then you can go dump him in the woods miles away. These things are brilliant, I’ve caught possums and squirrels with ease. Just bait it with peanut butter and you’re done.

Otherwise, you’ve got to find where he’s getting in, put out a lot of squirrel food – sunflower seeds, corn, peanuts, whatever – at the far side of the yard, then make sure he’s out there eating and go block the hole.

Sophief's avatar

Ahh poor little thing. Hope he is ok, he must be so hungry. Can’t you get the council to try, though they might want to hurt him, don’t let them.

TheJoker's avatar

@Snarp… thanks for that… I think I will have to look a little harder as all the traps I’ve seen so far look rather lethal.

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… he is kinda cute, looks like he’s rolling himself up in the insulation at night to keep warm, then scarpering during the day. If I cant convince him to go elsewhere I may have to get a professional in… but certainly wont let him hurt it.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

My cats deal with problems like that. I’ve heard of devices that make high-pitched sounds that squirrels, rats, etc. don’t like. Little electronic box-things. I have no experience with them though.

wunday's avatar

Climb up a tree and act like a nut.

TheJoker's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land…. I’ll take a look for them, thanks :)

Snarp's avatar

@TheJoker The two door have a heart traps are pretty long, the trigger/bait pad is in the center, I can’t even imagine a squirrel getting caught in the door. They’re quite harmless, unless you count scaring the bejeezus out of him. Then again, I think squirrels live in a perpetual state of terror anyway.

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker You’ve seen him? Can’t you leave the door open with a ladder up to it, and put nuts on the steps. After that though, I don’t know.

TheJoker's avatar

@Snarp… Hahahaha, they are rather skittish aren’t they :)

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley…. Well, I could… but then he’d have to get past my two cats. & although they wouldn’t pose any threat (honestly they’re the softest little buggers you’ve ever seen) they might hive him one hell of a scare. I only saw him the first time I heard him. I popped open the hatch & there he was, bold as brass!

Sophief's avatar

@TheJoker Didn’t realise you had cats. Can’t you just go up there yourself, take a box and try and get him in there? I would go for you but I’m scared of heights and spiders!

Snarp's avatar

So do you think he’s never leaving or do you think he comes and goes? Kind of changes the approach.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@TheJoker My cats can get everywhere in the house. If you let yours up there, just the sight of the cats would probably drive the squirrel away.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No poisons, please. I don’t want to see my cousin laying with all four feet in the air!!! ;-)

Sophief's avatar

@jbfletcherfan That’s sooo cute.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Dibley LOL…well, I KNOW how my relatives can be a nuisance. I’ve tried & tried to get them into a rehab program, but they just won’t listen. ;-)

wilma's avatar

@Snarp ‘s link is what you need. I have used them. Just make sure that you have some heavy leather gloves, or a pole, to use when you pick up the trap. You do not want to get bitten or scratched by the squirrel. If you do then he will have to be killed to check him for rabies.
Or you will have to get the shots within 72 hours. Not a fun thing either way.

LC_Beta's avatar

I found a squirrel in my pajama drawer once when I was a kid. I had this weird habit of collecting acorns at school and kept them in my drawer.

My parents didn’t believe me at first. I have no idea how he got in my room. But eventually my dad came in with his motorcycle gloves and helmet on and a big box. That didn’t work. Eventually he took the screen off my window and opened the window wide and sortof scared the squirrel into running around my room until eventually it found the escape.

Not much help in your situation, I guess, unless you were thinking of catching it with your hands [doesn’t work] or unless you have a window [might work, but not efficient]. Good luck!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@LC_Beta Oohhhh, I’m laughing out loud here. In your PAJAMA drawer??? LOLLLLLLL I know you definitely don’t want a squirrel in your drawers. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

TheJoker's avatar

@jbfletcherfan…. are you sure it’s not you in my roof? You look very similar!

TheJoker's avatar

@Dibley… I was considering it, but then I was told that squirells bite big time!

TheJoker's avatar

@LC_Beta…. Hehe, may not have been helpful, but its a wonderful anecdote, thank you :)

autumn43's avatar

All you have to do is get jbfletcherfan to have party on Paradise Island and invite all her animal friends. She makes a mean margarita, there’s coconut oil and cabana boys, and…oh wait. I’m in the wrong place.

jrpowell's avatar

They sell battery powered strobe lights that you can put in your attic that keeps the critters out. Any big home improvement store should have them.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@autumn43 Ahhhh…the good old days, right? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

@TheJoker Uh…no…that’s not me. (gulp) after all, we all look alike….....

janbb's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Since you’re the queen of squirrels, why don’t you offer to go over there and order you subject out? You know you could….

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@janbb Yeah, I need to plan a trip. If Joker will tell me where he is, I’ll pack a bag & get my most fierce authority going to rid this riff-raff.

TheJoker's avatar

@jbfletcherfan… alright, I believe you. You’ve an honest face… & sooo cute!

LC_Beta's avatar

Any luck yet?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@TheJoker You’re making my tail swish. :-)

TheJoker's avatar

@jbfletcherfan….. Hahaha, well thats gotta be a good thing!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@TheJoker Oooh…it is. It is. :D

sweetteaindahouse's avatar

We got some thing that just plugs into the wall and makes a buzzing noise. It is meant to make rats go away but it worked for the squirrel.

TheJoker's avatar

@sweetteaindahouse…. sweet, I’ll take a look into it :)

Sheridan's avatar

you should take some peanut butter and then put it on a carrot with peanuts in the middle and that will atract him like there is no tomorrow, i know this cuz i raise squirrels as pets

hope it works out for ya
sheridan out

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