A question for "non-believers".. What does the term "God" mean to you?
How would you draw him/her in a comic?
How would you describe him in a paragraph or in a book?
Knowing what you know about other people’s beliefs.. when you put it all together and imagine a “best case scenario” that fits the current world you live in.. what should s/he be?
What features must s/he have, if s/he did exist?
I’m not asking for common definitions, I’m asking for your definition of the word. What does the term “God” describe to you personally?
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34 Answers
It’s a word that people use to denote their understanding of some sort of supreme being.
The term god? Well, I could give you a crass, borderline nonsensical diatribe on what the term means to me.
Moving away from that, I’d probably draw him as most people imagine. Older Caucasian, white beard, hair.
Describing him would probably devolve into that rant I described above.
Off the top of my head…
How would I draw him/her? S/he would be invisible. How would I describe him/her in a book? As a character in a popular fairy tale for adults.
God is an imaginary being that brings many people peace while, conversely, has fueled more wars than history can record.
@lilikoi- her?
Shit! If God’s a woman, not only am I going to Hell, I’ll never know why.
I picture him looking like Dracula for some reason.
I describe him as the answer people come up with when they don’t feel like looking for the actual truth.
It sounds a lot like a swear word to me.
@ninjacolin: you don’t have to say “nonbelievers”. you can simply write nonbelievers without quotation marks. (also, you don’t write .. like that in English.)
anyway, yeah… when believers talk about “God” they mean their highest ideal of goodness and morality. they cannot put themselves above it, they know that if they turn away from it they will suffer consequences. they mean their own personal and cutural values elevated to the level of infinity.
@Ria777 said: you don’t have to say “nonbelievers”
i don’t “believe” you! :P
How would you draw him/her in a comic? like this
How would you describe him in a paragraph or in a book? white beard, white robe, the basics
Knowing what you know about other people’s beliefs.. when you put it all together and imagine a “best case scenario” that fits the current world you live in.. what should s/he be? I don’t understand the question
What features must s/he have, if s/he did exist? ummm… this is an odd question to ask non-believers
I’m asking for your definition of the word. What does the term “God” describe to you personally? god is like Santa, except way too many people believe in him
wow, @Violet! to answer the question myself, that comic is exactly how i picture god. not the bearded guy, but the image in the chart: a brain (thinking machine) that conceives of everything in existence, us (and everything) being a manifestation of His dream. Hence, everything is literally a part of god.
God is merely a job description. The guy’s name is Jehovah, or Jahweh…Or Allah, Krishna, Buddha, Brahmin…etc etc etc….
myself…but then that would make me a beliver then.
That’s why i had to put “nonbeliever” in quotes. it’s not as if we don’t believe in something.
God, an imagined supreme being that many people believe created them, in reality, they created the god. I can not draw god as I have never seen one nor do I imagine one to exist. Most people seem to think of god as a man in flowing robes with a long beard, I imagine this is simply because at the time the bible was written men ruled and wore beards.
God = Truth = Information
Satan = Deception = Entropy
If you want to know what they look like, stand in front of a mirror.
@ninjacolin uhhh.. That cartoon was a joke.. saying that god is only within peoples’ heads.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies: that schema doesn’t check out. truth doesn’t need to have a teller, but deception does. to fix that you either have to have “God = Honesty” or “Satan = Delusion” or “Illusion”.
also, information and entropy don’t exact oppose each other. signal versus noise works better, IMO.
The technical term for noise is Information Entropy… Refer to Claude Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication.
Oh Dear… My bad and my sincere apology. This question specifically requested “Non-Believers”...
I’m a believer
Sorry to intrude and please pay my previous comments no mind.
The best case scenario God would be, I guess, all-powerful and benevolent. Unfortunately for me, I think evidence is highly against such a being existing.
How I would picture or describe God in a fictional book depends on what the book is about; I would make up some godlike being that suited the story.
To me he would like he does in films made about him. I don’t actually believe. He might of existed, he might not of, I don’t know, no one does.
For me the term ‘God’ simply refers to the unknown. Humans have always attributed the unknown to supernatural elements or beings.
If I were to draw ‘it’ I think I’d start with a cloud, then add lots of pink / purple spotted Octapus like tentacles weaving in & out of it.
@TheJoker Wow, I thought I had an imagination!
@Dibley Hehehe, you should hear some of the odd stuff my brain comes up with.
An expression of impending delight right before my wife reaches that wonderous place known as orgasm.
Actually, I agree with @RealEyesRealizeRealLies’ description.
God has always been a term synonymous with “Truth.”
Truth = Reality.
@Violet, which is why I enjoy the concept of God where he is simply the container for everything in existence: the big brain dreaming up everything. (lol, I did misinterpret that cartoon but i hope you see what i mean at the same time. i thought it meant that god imagined himself into existence, i didn’t realize it was a map of a mortal man’s brain.)
@ninjacolin Job description for the position of god:
Create Universe and everything therein.
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