How would Fox News spin the Galactic Empire's actions in Star Wars?
-“If you don’t support the Emperor, you don’t support democracy.”
-“When you let droids marry, you’re saying it’s ok to let Twi’Leks marry Banthas. It’s the same thing.”
-“If you object to the Empire recruiting from your planet, you’re obviously a Rebel.”
-“Love our Galaxy or leave it!”
-“I tell ya what’s wrong with the galaxy: Illegal aliens!”
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27 Answers
“We need the death star to protect ourselves from the rebels, they hate us for our freedom!”.
senator mon mothma is yet to produce a birth certificate.
Clearly the Death Star’s destruction was a terrorist act.
There’s a Jar Jar Binks/Sarah Palin joke in here somewhere.
@Grisaille I think just by suggesting that was the joke already lol.
The Rebel Alliance would be called anarchists.
Rule by law is the only safe way for people to live except if the law is a bad law then Darth is not my fathers’ brother-in-law!
Of course everyone is all for the Empire’s takeover. It wouldn’t be patriotic if they didn’t.
The Jedi! What makes them think they are so much better than everyone else?
They don’t love the Empire!
“We had to destroy Alderaan, our intelligence showed that they were developing WMD’s!”
This could be my very favorite question.
BTW, years ago I wrote an email that pointed out how much Cheney looked like Palpatine, Edwards looked like Luke, W looked like Jar-Jar, and Kerry looked like Chewbacca.
Now, I realize Obama is Lando Calrizian.
@filmfann Omg. I just fell off my bed laughing.
“Use the Spin Luke”
“May the Spin be with you.”
Those leftist Jedi elitists in their ivory tower are out of touch with real imperial citizens.
Mamradpivo, damn right! If we left it up to them, we’d be paying the health care costs for ALL the Ugnauts.
When in Rome do what Romans do
@graynett You mean… When on Endor, party like an Ewok.
I always like the uncomfortable plot summary for A New Hope: Religious extremist terrorists blow up government installation.
brought order and prosperity to a crumbling, obsolete and corrupt government controlled by special interest groups.
also, Empire keeps us safe from international threats by empowering the every man as soldiers instead of the select few (Jedi).
Love this observation! We wrote a sketch based on a very similar idea in my sketch group in college ( many many years ago now- God)- which starred coincidentally- amongst others- one the wonderful people who dreamed up this site. The sketch never got through our rehearsal process so we never performed it however. I will now however search an ancient hard drive and see if I can’t mine any jokes (should I find them – I can’t say if they’ll be funny).
Breaking News!!!! The Rebel Network reports: Rush Limbaugh is Emperor Palpatine and Jabba the Hut’s secret love child. Full story at 11 !! Eastern Galaxy Time
No one told me there was a preconceived bias a to the political leaning of the principal actors
I dunno, how would MSNBC spin it?
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