Meta Question

Can we PLEASE raise the level of discourse on this site?
This is less a question as it is a commentary, which is a violation of the spirit of Fluther, so if I get banned—it will be worth it. I’ll gleefully pull a “Nathan Hale” and take one for the team.
Has anyone noticed that imbeciles are firmly in control of this site now? I mean, really? How many more questions can we field about weed or vaginae? Or weed AND vaginae? Or weed and Xbox? Or some unholy alliance of weed, vaginae, and Xbox? It’s as if there’s a Join Fluther booth set up in every mall in America, just across the way from Hot Topic and that kiosk that sells rhinestone pot-leaf belt buckles and will airbrush you a t-shirt that says “Klassy Lady”.
The aim of this website (as I understood it) was to provide a unique forum for Q&A that would evolve into a full-fledged community based on healthy discussion (or even debate) of varying topics, and at the end of the day we’d all be a bit smarter, maybe entertained, and hopefully a little closer to others out there in the world. Somewhere along the way, though, it’s devolved into yet another hivemind of idiocy—where every barely literate jackass (in the world, mind you) can from the anonymity of cyberspace express every half-baked, poorly spelled, often belligerent, bigoted bit of stupidity they can vomit forth—Which, quite often, takes the form of “My country is better than your country.” Or the ever popular “My God (or lack thereof) is better than your God (or lack thereof)”. Oh, and did I mention, “Weed, boobs, boobs, weed, boobs, Xbox, weed”?
..and by the way,“Dude”-
YES, your girlfriend is cheating on you.
No, I don’t know how to fix it. Maybe you should buy her some Hannah Montana concert tickets, or something.
-and BANG, just like that we’ve knocked out 90% of the questions on this site as of late.
To the folks that get it and give a damn, this is your call to arms. Take it back. Don’t let the Stupids off the hook that easily. If we all try hard enough, I’m sure there’s an “According to Jim” rerun on somewhere we can drive them back to.
As for the rest of you, and if you can turn off the Insane Clown Posse and put down the PSP for long enough to turn your baseball caps back the right way, pull up your pants and do some genuine introspection—you KNOW who you are—you’ll see that you are only wrecking this site for those who really like it, and have dedicated much time and effort to make it blossom.
and nobody wants to be THAT guy.
So, please spread your gifts onto FaceSpace, or whatever the newest hub of cyber-douchebaggery may be, and leave the good people to their fun.
If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my ivory tower, weeping for the future.
Godspeed. Viva Fluther.