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flutherother's avatar

What does 'healthy eating' mean for you?

Asked by flutherother (34968points) October 10th, 2010

We are all aware nowadays of the importance of a healthy diet. Do you eat healthily and what do you eat?

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22 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

When i eat healthy, which is not near enough, i have a salad with diet dressing and a diet Coke.

In about two hours, i am ready for some soul food.

Salads are not the main staple of mankind.

ucme's avatar

Not pinching any of the wife’s chocolates :¬(

perg's avatar

Moderation – big portions of anything are not good for you. When I go out to eat, I almost always end up with leftovers to take home (I used to take a container to one restaurant I frequented because I knew they’d serve too much). When you’re shopping, check labels for high levels of unhealthy components like saturated fat and sodium. My mom says your plate should be colorful – that is, green, red or yellow indicate you’re getting a good balance of vegetables that are not overcooked.

After that, I don’t get too picky. I’ve mostly cut out fast food, but if I have the random yen for a cardboard burger and greasy fries, I’ll go ahead and have it – I just don’t make it my daily lunch.

Seek's avatar

Well, these days I’m on an extremely fat-restricted diet. If I eat anything with too high a fat-ratio, I instantly feel ill.

It’s kind of funny to think that a month ago I made pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, and buttered toast for dinner, and the other night I had one bite of birthday cake and threw up.

I eat a lot of salads, pasta with fat free salad dressing, 4 oz or less of chicken breast, turkey breast, or lean seafood with a lot of veggies to balance it out. Thank the gods for fat-free ice cream. I think I’d go insane otherwise.

Seaofclouds's avatar

For me, eating healthy is moderation and paying attention to portion sizes. I could very easily eat a whole thing of cookies if I took the package with me, instead I take a few out of the package and put the rest away (out of sight out of mind). I try to use the smaller plates that we have so that I don’t take too much food and I eat slowly. I can always go back and get seconds if I’m still hungry, but at least I’m not forcing myself to eat everything on my plate (which we had to do when we were younger). I don’t make my son finish everything on his plate either. I tell him to listen to his body when it’s full.

NinjaBiscuit's avatar

I try to avoid processed sugar and synthetic sweetners when I can. (I stick to the natural sugar free sweetners such as Stevia and Xylitol)

The closer a food is to its natural state, the better it is for you. Raw milk, raw cheeses, fresh fruits and vegetables, unheated honey, etc. (except for raw chicken and other meats, of course, those have to be cooked!)

Organics are great too for you avoid putting harmful pesticides, hormones and chemicals into your body.

Moderation, portion sizes and avoiding huge meals before bed are also key.

downtide's avatar

Cutting back on fatty food and meat.
(I don’t need to cut back on sugary food because I’ve never liked that sort of thing anyway).
Making sure I get my 5 portions a day of fruit and veg.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I believe I do.Oatmeal almost every morning with a piece of fruit.Sometimes the same for lunch—I hate to cook—Salads,fruit meat,veggies.Nothing complicated or recipe’d to death.I think the KISS method is best when it comes to most things.Diet especially.It doesn’t mean I won’t inhale chocolate once in awhile,as I do love it, but that is not part of the daily plan…now gimme that Hershey bar! ;)

BarnacleBill's avatar

To me, healthy eating means not eating processed foods, fried foods, or an abundance of carbohydrates, fats, or dairy.

Anything I cook on my own generally involves a lot of vegetables. I make a lot of stir-fry, bake chicken breasts, experiment with different vegetables.

Cruiser's avatar

To me it means home cooking whole foods and avoiding anything that come in a box can or pre-prepared. Eating out is a whole other challenge.

Brian1946's avatar

Foods like wild berries, wild salmon, and honey are good, but consuming them can also include great exercise if you steal them from a bear. ;-)

However, I’d rather get my exercise under safer circumstances and maximize my intake of organic fruit, veggies, and grains.
Fiber is a dietary priority for me.

When I eat out I get brown rice wherever it’s available.

For protein I eat soy products, beans, nuts, and rice most of the time, and I eat chicken and fish about once a week each.

I drink mostly mountain spring water, organic carrot juice, organic green tea, organic white tea, organic almond milk, and occasionally I have an organic yogurt smoothie.

tranquilsea's avatar

We eat home cooked meals that include a good portion of vegetables (for dinner) or fruit (for lunch and breakfast). We vary our meat consumption between fish, beef, chicken and pork. We don’t eat meat everyday.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Eating healthy to me means; eating seasonally from local sources, mostly fruits and vegetables, less food more often, little to no processed food, organic, no GMO, cooking, cutting down on dairy, no meat, nothing imported across long distances, a variety of foods. I don’t do all of these all the time but I try to.

DominicX's avatar

THIS IS THE 100,000th QUESTION!!!!!

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

hmm…That’s a hard question for me. Though me and my best friend used to go running at least once a week everyweek if we had time. Then we would go for a swim but now I don’t have any motivation. I eat myself while watching something on Youtube.
But a healthy diet I would say is doing exersices at least 3 times a week, eating healthy – as in eating veggies, rice, some chicken once in a while, drinking a lot of water, sex (I have heard that its very healthy.
Tell me what you think….

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Not overeating anything. I like to leat myself eat a little bit of everything though and if it’s junk food then I up my water intake. My process of eatings since childhood is to eat the protein part first, a little bit of the starch/carbo then finish off with vegies or salad/fruit to aid digestion. Seems to work pretty good for me. I don’t add salt to food, eat few sweets or snack foods- my cravings are for what I call ‘real’ food, bits of cheese, meats, egg dishes.

Smashley's avatar

To me, good food means good ingredients and limited fats. It really doesn’t matter what it is, but the essential parts are that it is simple, vegetable heavy, colorful, and recognizeable. Non-fat/low-fat products contain so many unrecognizeable oddities that I steer clear of them altogether. I guess the number one rule to my healthy eating is “the less processed, the better.”

Iclamae's avatar

I think I eat healthy. I think I also require a bit more exercise to fully balance it though.

I don’t buy fast food period.
I try to avoid going out to restaurants too often.. not more than once every 2 weeks though it’s been more like once a month these days.
Keeping an eye on portions: eating when I’m comfortably full, not painfully full and not because the plate needs to be emptied. *I could do better in this area. Every now and then something is too tasty for me to completely say no to the rest of the plate.
Fruits, veggies, meat! Big meat eater and I try to buy low fat meats (like 93% ground beef, etc). Constantly restocking the fridge with fruits and veggies.
Healthier grains: whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and occasionally brown rice. I’ve been eating basmati rice recently because it’s light and fluffier. Don’t know about its healthiness.
Little to no processed food. For the most part, I cook my meals. I don’t buy any frozen foods and buy very few boxed foods (rice a roni sometimes). I like to know what ingredients go into my meals.
Of course I love to bake. Cookies, brownies, fruit cobblers, etc. I don’t believe in cutting out your tasties from a diet to be healthy. Sadness is not healthy. So I bake infrequently (one dessert a month) and when I do bake, I try to exercise a little more and/or have tiny portions. My boyfriend makes the baking difficult because he likes me to bake, so I have to compensate in exercise if he requests something extra.

YARNLADY's avatar

@DominicX And wouldn’t you know it – it’s a duplicate

JLeslie's avatar

For me healthy is low fat and made from scratch. Keeping my cholesterol intake under 60 per day (I really should be even lower than that ideally, but it has been a good compromise for me) and a good variety of foods, veggies, grains, and proteins. Portion control is very important too. I don’t obsess about carbs, I eat them in moderation, and I don’t worry about it. I think extreme fad diets are crap. Oh, and each individual is different. Cholesterol is a big problem for me, so I really focus on cholesterol and calories. Some people can eat eggs every day and have low cholesterol. I am a big proponent of knowing your numbers, and learning what affects your numbers. Within a couple of weeks are curtailing my cholesterol intake my numbers drop significantly.

Haleth's avatar

To me that means eating things that are fresh and as un-processed as possible. I eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, legumes, and lean protein. It’s delicious- I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself at all. For breakfast I had strawberries, honey, almond butter and granola in a whole wheat tortilla. For lunch I had a green salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil and homemade minestrone soup, and for dinner I had ratatouille and kalamata olive bread with hummus and cucumbers. Healthy food has a lot of flavor.

28lorelei's avatar

Yay question no. 100000 :)
I guess drink plenty of milk, eat unprocessed foods, eat vegetables and small portions.

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