Favorite non-superhero comic?
Asked by
Joker94 (
October 10th, 2010
I recently picked up my copy of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac: Director’s Cut, and while reading realized I’d been reading a lot of non-superhero comics lately. It’s not that I don’t like superhero comics (I’ll always be a die-hard Batman and Spiderman fanatic), but it’s just a trend I’ve noticed lately. What are some of your favorite comics without capes? And why?
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23 Answers
Jhonen Vasquez is one awesomely twisted fellow :)
Sandman is my favourite series (the combining of mythologies is particularly fascinating to me.) Calvin and Hobbes is my favourite strip (... and one of my favourite works of literature, hence The Plan for my graduate thesis.) Persepolis was a pretty fantastic, not to mention touching, graphic novel.
X2 on Sandman. Best comic book series ever.
JTHM is awesome. If you enjoy it you should pick up Filler Bunny, I Feel Sick, Everything Can Be Beaten, and SQUEE! all great.
My favorite non super hero comic would have to be Preacher. 100 Bullets was pretty good too.
I know you asked for comic and not manga but I cant help but mentioning it as it is kinda related to JTHM in the dark sense, Battle Royale. By far my favorite manga of all time. Its pretty much lord of the flies in japan and much darker.
@muppetish I love Calvin and Hobbes! And I always wanted to read Persepolis and Sandman
@uberbatman I read part of SQUEE! and loved it, also 100 Bullets was fantastic (so far). If you’re into the dark humor stuff, I strongly recommend Lackluster World by Eric Adams. Be warned, though, it is very satirical of religion!
@Joker94 ahh perfect Ill have to check it out. As im sure you could have guessed, Preacher is as well.
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@uberbatman Aw, c’mon…Supes is alright! Doomsday was a damn fine comic, changed my view of him…
@Joker94 that was only good cause he died :P
the cartoon version of it was horribleeeeeeee
@uberbatman didn’t see the cartoon…the last DC Cartoon I watched was The Justice League. Or Batman: The Animated Series (an all-time classic!)
@Joker94 Batman TAS was amazing one of the best cartoons of all time IMO. You should check out Batman Under The Red Hood though. Its great, quite dark as well in the sense that quite a few people actually die and some bloody deaths at that. Joker is bad ass in this cartoon though its weird not having Kevin Conroy as batman and Mark Hamil as Joker im just so tied to them. NPH plays Nightwing in the movie but manages to make him gayer than robin. Oh well ill take this one downfall for an otherwise amazing movie.
@uberbatman I’m gonna look into that, I wanted to see it with a burning passion…
I don’t know if Conan the Barbarian counts, but it’s really the only comic I’m familiar with. He has no super powers…although he might as well.
Still, I pick him.
And going back a bit further, Slaine the Warrior from the Judge Dredd comics (there were several sub-stories besides Judge Dredd).
Viz. I know, high brow stuff eh? :¬)
@ucme I can so tell you’re from the north-east. :-p
@downtide Why aye man av telt ya that afore bonnie lad :¬)
Under the Red Hood was phenomenal in every possible way. So is any other DC Animated Movie.
Hm. Tough question. I don’t actually read non-superhero comics. I guess it’s Asterix/Lucky Luke. Grew up on that.
Sad Sack. Because it’s funny.
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