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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Best Internet browser from your experiences?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) October 11th, 2010

I love Google Chrome. I like IE, but I thought Chrome was overall better. Which do you like to use?

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16 Answers

downtide's avatar

I prefer Firefox. I found Chrome to be faster but the accessibility features for users with poor vision are not as good.

poisonedantidote's avatar

i use chrome or ff

YoBob's avatar

I use Firefox.

Austinlad's avatar

I’ve tried ‘em all on my PC and Mac, and have found they all have +‘s and -‘s. My least favorites are Safari and IE. I guess Chrome is my most favorite, but I reeeeeeally dislike TABS.

downtide's avatar

@Austinlad they do have + and – for changing the font and stuff, but Chrome won’t keep the settings from one session to the next. With Firefox I only need to do it once, and it’s there for every web page, every time. With Chrome I have to mess about with it for every new window or tab I open.

Vincentt's avatar

Firefox is waaay ahead in terms of features, but currently on my home computer the speed is what’s keeping me with Chromium. I’m eagerly awaiting a faster Firefox 4.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Firefox on my Mac, sometimes use Safari. Waiting for FF4 to come out of beta…...

Oh I remember Netscape 1.1, Archie and finger.

Things are alot better.

iamthemob's avatar

I’m getting into Opera, but usually Chrome.

perg's avatar

I would have answered Firefox in a heartbeat about six months ago, but the recent iterations had some bugs that caused the browser to repeatedly lock up, driving me nuts. They appear to have been addressed in the most recent couple of versions but it’s lessened my previous love. IE is OK for actual browsing but I don’t like the layout and bookmark management as much.

DominicX's avatar

Firefox is what I mainly use, but it does crash every now and then. Not sure if that happens with other browsers. Chrome doesn’t allow me to use the Meiryo font for Japanese text and until it does, I will never use it, sorry. :)

xxii's avatar

Definitely Chrome. Safari and Firefox are sluggish in comparison.

Sarcasm's avatar

Chrome > Opera > Safari > Firefox > Sending messages across the ocean in a bottle > Internet Explorer.
In chrome, each individual tab is a separate process. If one freezes up, you can individually kill it. With IE and FF (not sure about Opera and Safari), one tab freezing up will freeze the whole browser.
Chrome and Safari have beautifully smooth systems for moving tabs to one window or the other. Opera has a good system, but the interface itself is clunky. IE and FF fail at this as well. And yes, this is a feature that I use excessively, so it’s important.
The simplicity of design for Chrome and Safari gets them tons of points as well.

iamthemob's avatar


You’re basing that off of that top ten list, aren’t you. ;-)

although I don’t remember the message in a bottle – if I can get that I’ll delete IE from my desktop for sure

Your_Majesty's avatar

One more vote for Firefox.

Otto_King's avatar

Firefox. Personalisable, easy, user friendly. My 4 year old niece could personalise it for her own taste without help.

downtide's avatar

How is Opera these days? I used to use it years ago before I switched to Firefox but I found that it didn’t keep up with new features so well. Does it still have ads built in to the free version?

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