General Question

Acrazycouple's avatar

What's your love language: words, touch, quality time, deeds, or gifts?

Asked by Acrazycouple (195points) March 31st, 2008 from iPhone

Meaning how do you express and/or know you’re loved??

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10 Answers

Acrazycouple's avatar

I am all about the DEEDS!!

delirium's avatar

Snuggling, being a goofball. If I can ‘let down my hair’ around the person, it says a lot. There’s also a lot of touchlove. I show love via smooching tummies and snoogling.

ppcakes's avatar

touching, most definitely. i am always touching someone.

sndfreQ's avatar

touch too ;)

Alina1235's avatar

everyone gets so mad at me and my huaband. After 6 and a half years together we are so silly and lovey all the time we drive everyone crazy

lovelyy's avatar

i express the way i feel with words.
i know i’m loved by noticing the little things.

Allie's avatar

For me, it’s touch. If I like you, I touch you. That’s just how I am.

gatablanca's avatar

I enjoy being caressed 7 days a week

GracieT's avatar

For me, always words. I crave words more than gifts.

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