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How do I tune a Spanish (classical) guitar?
Is there something I’m missing here? I just recently dusted off my old Alvarez Spanish guitar and restrung it. Now I can’t figure out how to tune it. My tuner won’t register the notes and I’ve tried tuning it by ear using my electric (which I play regularly and is in tune) but I can’t get the Spanish guitar to match. I managed to get the “a” string in tune, and I tried to tune it by ear from there, but the high “e” string wouldn’t go high enough without feeling like it was going to snap, and the rest of the strings still sounded way too low.
When I finally got all of the strings relatively tuned (except for the high “e”) the sound was really low, rumbly, and muddy, but I can’t tune it any higher.
What could I be doing wrong? The guitar was properly stored, the neck isn’t warped, and it’s not a super low quality guitar. My strings are high quality too.
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