Social Question

If marijuana is legalized, who will make the money?
First of all, I do not understand why the government would outlaw a substance that was no more or less harmful than alcohol. Human beings have been getting some sort of buzz since the beginning of the species. It is part of the deal of being human. I understand the “cultural politics”, but seriously…
Clearly, the only issue is striking a balance between being entertained by a chemical, and becoming a slave to it. And that is a problem period. But not for me. Only for the ones who become enslaved.
Having said that…
There has been talk for decades about legalizing marijuana. Little by little, certain states have been moving in that direction, either by decriminalizing, or allowing use for medical purposes. It is obvious which way the wind is blowing.
One of the myriad reasons that the government is getting a little more relaxed about marijuana is the opportunity to tax it and make tons of money off the people who grow it, package it , and use it. Right now, people who make alcoholic beverages make money on the sale of their product, as do people who make cigarettes and cigars.
Right now, the people who grow marijuana are criminals, and they have to spend bundles of money to avoid getting caught. Plus the governement spends a lot of money trying to catch them. And all the while, they commit murder and mayhem in the practice of their industry.
Are these people the same ones who will become wealthy, legitimate, entrepreneurs if it becomes legal?
Or will the current criminals be driven out by legitimate farmers, business people etc.?
Besides the government, who will get rich when marijuana is legalized?