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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

What season do you like the look of?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) October 11th, 2010

Not necessarily your favorite, but the one that looks the prettiest to you. For me it’s winter. I love how lots of snow makes everything look so enchanting. I love it

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15 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Can’t pick, they are all so beautiful in their own way. In the spring the flowers are starting to bloom, tulips and daffodils.. everything looks so young and fresh. In the summer everything is vibrant, bright, glowing. The colors during a summer storm are unrivaled by much else in nature, imho. The autumn leaves are gorgeous.. both on the trees, and off. Snow is just exquisite, what more can I say?

So, I can’t pick. Nature definitely has a firm grasp on beauty.

AmWiser's avatar

Autumn is my favorite. I love the changing colors of the trees, the skies are the most beautiful during this time of year, the grass is greener, and bugs are at a minimum.

Winter is my favorite. I love freshly falling snow, the brisk cold air, snuggle up time with my lover, and bugs are not present.

Spring is my favorite. I love the clean smell of the air, the rain, the anticipation of summer, coming out of hiberation, _darn! bugs are starting to appear. my favorite, because I know Autumn is coming. Bugs, BAH!

faye's avatar

Prettiest for me is summer. I love flowers so from early to late summer, I get a little rush of happy each day. I agree that the world is beautiful after a snow fall but after sooo many long winters, I’ve become a little numb to it.

xxii's avatar

Autumn is my all-time favourite. Both the way it looks and the way it feels.

Blackberry's avatar

Summer: People out having fun, whether it’s a family of four or an drunken orgy on the beach. Everything is shiny and bright.

DominicX's avatar


Agreed. For where I live, summer looks the best. Winter just looks like deciduous trees missing leaves and everything soggy and frost-covered. No pretty evergreen trees covered in snow like at Tahoe. For a place like Tahoe, winter is really amazing-looking and might be my favorite for there. But for the Bay Area, summer looks the best. Lush green trees, flowers on the plants, sunny blue skies, and not deathly hot like in Vegas.

tranquilsea's avatar

I love autumn. The smell of the leaves slowly dying, the crispness of the air, the colours that range from green to red to orange.

It is my favourite season followed closely by spring.

Cruiser's avatar

Each season has a signature look and each is fleeting in it’s true glory. I still get giddy over falling snow and the transformation that takes place during and after each snowfall.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

The Red Sox’ 2004 Season. Shore was purty.

2007 wasn’t bad, either.

sweetsugaryandohsohot's avatar

spring cause its so pretty. and there are baby little things everywhere and its so cute

Berserker's avatar

Gotta go for Autumn. Colorful leaves are pretty, but I truly love the end of Fall before the snow comes to conquer, when all the trees look as skeletal sentinels in the silence of the woods by the river, and the sky is as blue as purity, yet the cold grinds and shatters your bones to oblivion, beneath a blinding, yet useless Sun.

partyparty's avatar

It has to be summer for me. The birds are singing, flowers everywhere, warm weather, and nature is at its best.

Frenchfry's avatar

Autumn. I love Earth colors.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Spring is the most beautiful. All the insects and birds flying around. All the blue, yellow, purple, white,and orange flowers blooming. Lush green grass everywhere and the trees coated in many shades of green.

feelings0420's avatar

Winter, definitely
I love when it is snowing
feels like I am in a fairy tale

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