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Was it really Mr. Ravi and Ms. Wei responsible for Clementi's death or was the choice all his?
While having a discussion among family and friends Tyler Clementi, (the gay violinist that committed suicide) came up. Some believed his roommate Mr. Ravi and Ms Wei did nothing worse than a fineable infraction. How would they be charged with murder or manslaughter or anything of the kind, it was Clementi himself that decided to throw himself off the bridge, no one had a gun to him forcing him to jump? They figure it was no different than the guy who killed himself after Madoff took him for hundreds of millions of dollars Madoff was never charged with that man’s suicide, was he?
Those who believe the onus was on Clementi, that while he should be upset his privacy was violated it was not serious enough to kill oneself over, and that his suicide had more to do with him feeling bad he was exposed as gay.
People asked if he did not feel wrong about being gay why not used the incident to tell the world he was gay, proud, and loud? If he was truly comfortable being gay he would not care who knew it, right?
If Mr. Ravi and Ms. Wei is charged and then if convicted what would that mean if someone killed themselves off actions of other’s indirectly? If someone was conned and they killed themselves would the conman be held responsible for the death? If a woman is date raped at a frat party and kills herself will some pledge get charged with murder? Tragic as it was they bring up a valid point as to how far does personal responsibility go?
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