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Scientists/Doctors started treating the first patient with stem cells; people of other religions, how do you feel about this?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) October 12th, 2010

First Patient Treated in Geron Stem-Cell Trial.

Personally, I think this is neat. Instead of throwing them away, they are using them to see if they could be of some good… what is the matter with that?

I’m curious about other religions and other beliefs concerning this. I know my own, but I’m curious about others. Do you think this is a good idea?

Here are some of the comments from the comment section:

*“There is a simple way to stop this. The original parents who donated the embryos can elect not to have them used for research.”

* “I’m about as pro-life as anyone can possibly be. But the practical side of me realizes that if a human embryo becomes available to medical science due to an accident, an abortion, or due to any other unfortunate occurrence, then it would be an absolute tragedy for that embryo to be discarded if there is even the smallest possibility that its cells might do a sick or injured living human being some good.

* “We donate our hearts, eyes, kidneys, livers, lungs and skin to medical science in order to preserve human life. Even when there is a shortage of these banked organs, society does not go around harvesting parts from living people to fill the void. Why the outcry over harvesting embryonic stem cells, as long as embryos are not being bred by scientists specifically for harvesting?”

* “I’ve never prayed for a medical FAILURE before, but here’s the first! I pray that the doctors who perform(ed) this procedure did a perfect job and that that patient does NOT do well at all, that the doctor(s) get sued and lose, and that the patient is worse off than he started… Here’s why: These people are living off the b.loo.d of the in.nocent. God, forgive us, and have mercy on us! P.sal.m 139:14.

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