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wundayatta's avatar

If we had the technology to manipulate our brains at will, what capabilities would you enhance? Why?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) October 12th, 2010

The technology is already here, although it is very imprecise. Anti-depressants and mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics all mess with your brain chemistry—in order to limit harm.

What if the technology was much more precise. What if you could induce a mania that would make you smarter for a while, and then administer a mood stabilizer to take you down without actually experiencing the harmful parts of mania?

What would you do? How would you change your mind? Would you make yourself smarter? More active? More obsessive? Anorexic? Better able to control your muscles? Desirous of lifting weights? More mathematical? More expressive? More creative?

What would you do? And why would you do that?

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