Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How long can you go without looking at your lurve score?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) October 12th, 2010

I’ll admit it. I’m in love with lurve. I used to not care, but for some reason, I’ve started to. I don’t really know what changed. I guess I’m insecure and need the validation.

Do you check you lurve score often? How often? Or do you simply ignore it?

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36 Answers

poofandmook's avatar

I always notice it because I love to admire the poof momentarily before I do anything else :)

even though now she’s devil poof!

ducky_dnl's avatar

I check it every so often. I’m not addicted to knowing what my lurve score is, but it’s always nice to look and see that I made a few more points.

OreetCocker's avatar

D’oh! Right until you asked me!

absalom's avatar

I glance at it every time I navigate to a new page or the current page is refreshed. After certain answers I will also, sometimes, purposefully but idly click around the site just to observe the status of my lurve, which is hopefully increasing.

I have also calculated my response-to-lurve ratio. Right now it’s a mere 6.68133 (repeating), down from an earlier 7.0+. Of course, acquiring lurve is more difficult after one has spent some time on the site and people have exhausted their lurve for you, and I don’t answer very frequently, but there is some frivolous part of me that wants to maintain a good ratio.

downtide's avatar

I just ignore it. I didn’t even realise when I hit 5k until I started getting congratulatory PMs about it.

Austinlad's avatar

Ignore it? Never! I look at it regualrly. I like to see it add up. Okay, THERE, I admitted it.

ucme's avatar

There’s a score?......where? Lemme at it, I had no idea. Why you could knock me down with a feather :¬)

Jude's avatar

At this point, I really don’t care about my score all that much.

Once I hit 20K, the thrill was gone (being honest).

erichw1504's avatar

After I reached 10K, I didn’t check it as much. I’d say every few hours during the day that I’m on I’ll look at it.

JLeslie's avatar

Weeks at a time. When I hit 20,000 I didn’t realize I was getting so close, until I was congratulated by others after the fact.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I look at it. I tend to be more interested in what I got lurve for. I am more likely to closely watch the sidebar that tells me +5 for blah blah blah than I am to watch my actual score. I’m sure once I get close to 10k I’ll be more aware. I’m kind of excited about that.

janbb's avatar

Let’s just say I can go longer without sex and leave it at that.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The computer screen is so small that I can’t see what is happening unless I scroll over to the right or reduce the screen size. I do keep an eye on the total score, occasionally look at most recent lurve scores if I need to scroll to the right, and once in a great while view the Your Lurve sub-category.

wundayatta's avatar

@absalom Your lurve per response ratio gets out of whack the longer you are here. That’s because it’s harder to get lurve the longer you’ve been around. You have to multiply your lurve per response ratio by something like the square root of the time you’ve been here (in days) in order to adjust for the increasing difficulty of attaining lurve the longer you are here.

Yeah. I keep an eye on it. It gives me a sense of what jellies seem to think about what I’m writing. It also gives me a sense of what is going on overall in this place.

Brian1946's avatar

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding your question, but for me it’s hard not to look at it because it’s right next to my user name.

downtide's avatar

@Brian1946 ::points to other post in which I mention the fact that I’m half blind::

jrpowell's avatar

I use it to track my activity. My Activity for You is 5267. I never try to load that page. So the page of my lurve is a good reminder of where I have been. That sounds dickish but most of my nonsense gets at least one GA.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I check constantly, I am that shallow! Actually, I’m more interested in seeing that people liked my brilliant, witty, insightful, helpful, fabulous…well, you get the picture remarks. Did I forget to say modest? silly me

Kayak8's avatar

@johnpowell OK, I gave you the one GA for this thread! I have no idea what the “My activity for you” thing is . . . . hmmmm.

I can go months without either looking or registering the amount of lurve, but I did notice the other night when I hit 7777 because 7 is my lucky number. Meaning, no more lurve and I stay in the 7s—don’t mess me up people . . . .

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Kayak8 nothing like sitting someone in front of a bright, red, shiny, glowing button and telling them not to push.

Couldn’t help myself, sorry. I lurve giving lurve. It’s like a compulsion.

Fred931's avatar

I lost the game.

AmWiser's avatar

@hawaii_jake Maybe it’s because you’re about to move into the 10K mansion. I would be checking my lurve often too. ;~)

Kayak8's avatar

Just for that ^ ^ ^, I just had to give a GQ!

Gamrz360's avatar

I have to look almost everyday. Its like a force of habit.

Kayak8's avatar

@hawaii_jake When you get to the mansion . . . I will be the first to send my congrats! I think we need more “people like us” in the mansion!

diavolobella's avatar

Nope, I don’t look at mine.

rooeytoo's avatar

I’m still cranky we don’t have parties for reaching 15k lurve! We have one for 5 and 10 and 20 but none for 15, it just isn’t fair!

But really I never even bother to look, heheheh!

zen_'s avatar

I notice it when I start getting congrats in PM for 5 or 10k or whatever. Then I delete the account.

Brian is right – it’s next to the nickname so you always see it.

augustlan's avatar

Usually, I don’t pay much attention to it. But, right now, I’m all over it… I’m getting close to 30K, and am excited about it. I’m a dork. :D

rooeytoo's avatar

@augustlan – wowowow you are getting close, well let me be the first to congratulate you in advance, hehehehe. Since I am always so late to the real party!

wundayatta's avatar

You know what, @zen_? I don’t buy it. I think you change to a new name because you lurve the congratulations. If you stuck it out, you’d find that those parties are harder and harder to come by. And there is far more time between them than if you start at zero all over again. In fact, if you made it to 20k, I bet it would be a year or more before you got to 30k. Think about it.

Hey: look when @augustlan got her 20K! I swear I didn’t look for it until after I wrote the above paragraph. She should hit 20K somewhere around the 26th of October, give or take a week. Nearly a year.

janbb's avatar

Yeah – I keep getting GAs but very little lurve accrues because everyone’s maxed out on me. Not that I care about such trivial things…

zen_'s avatar

@daloon: You’ve outed me. I’m a lurve whore.

rooeytoo's avatar

@janbb – hehehe, exactly!

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