What do you imagine Heaven will be like?
Just assuming for the moment that such a place does exist, what do you imagine it will be like?
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48 Answers
People making lurve everywhere.
After death we will all be in a place we are comfortable with.
Heaven is a state of mind not a destination.
As a kid, I had a dream once about heaven – the clouds were made out of marshmallows, the streets were paved with candy. It was a lighthearted version of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
I imagine heaven will be the perfect combination of all that is lovely, beautiful, peaceful, noble, and holy.
I read it, and that is still my answer. :-)
What? @Coloma sees the existence of it being non existing.
Non existence, being something.
@ChazMaz How can “nothing” exist? Please explain.
I see my inner state and the universe as heaven, but no Pearly Gates, no white bearded man with a staff and a book of my deeds to judge.
Remember..‘The Kingdom of heaven is WITHIN! :-)—
@MeinTeil LOL, I literally thought ‘free of republicans’...hahahha…guess we think alike on some issues.
Heaven will be both mental and an actual place where we reside though the interpretation of heaven varies to a huge degree even among Christians.
Well..I could make up a story or what my personal heaven would be, but, it would just be a story, fiction. I live in my own real life heaven now, space, country, woods, nature, wildlife.
I guess some one else heaven might be an endless NasCar track or bars with no last call or something. lol
KInd of like Alaska minus Sarah Palin.
@erichw1504 – Do you know what I have in my pocket?
NOTHING. There you go…
And, @Coloma… AMEN!
@ucme Bwahhahha, I love it.
@ChazMaz But, it’s nothing. It’s non-existent. What is in your pocket? NOTHING! Nothing is neither tangible nor intangible.
But it does describe something.
Yes…it describes no-THING! lol
Okay…fine! I will take a stab at my custom heaven, aside from my prior musings.
IF I could customize my heaven it would include eating whatever I wanted with no weight gain or ill effect. It would include never having a car repair, and it would include all of my dear departed pets from horses to rats to chickens to geese to goldfish. There ya go! lol
Oh..and my 20 year old ass..yep, fer sure! haha
Living forever in the presence of Jesus. No more pain or illness, and the ability to trust everyone.
Don’t laugh, but I stumbled apon a book titled Heaven by a bloke named Randy Alcorn in Mega Books R Us a while ago. It’s a book by a Christian aimed at other Christians describing what he thinks Heaven will be like, all based on subtle details he read in the Bible. If you’re a Christian wanting to know what your day-to-day (after)life will be like in Heaven, I don’t think you’ll get a more detailed description…
I imagine Heaven is like a hot club, where there’s a long line at the door, and it’s hard to get in. Thank Gawd, I’m on the list ;)
A nice quiet all you can eat lobster tail buffet. Followed by going home and watching cool movies with my wife. And my wife and I never argue about anything. And the Packers always win by a landslide, and all other NFL games are really close and exciting. I can drink all the beer I want and never get a hangover or make an ass of myself. In fact, beer makes me smarter and more lovable. Plus I can never get fat no matter what I do. And I never make an unforced error in any sport I ever play again. And I can do lots of flips and twists off cliffs on my snowboard and always stick the landing. And I have all kinds of time to finish all my projects, so they become fun instead of stressful. And no one ever gossips. Time is not scarce.
I think I could write 10 pages of this stuff. But I’ve got other stuff to do, so I must not be in heaven.
I haven’t heard anything that makes me want to go there. The other place can’t be less interesting than this.
Heaven as I imagined it was supposed to be like walking on cotton candy eating cotton candy with my deceased grandma and my pets again all around me. Now this is what I expect
An endless supply of warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies being served by scantily clad, pale-skinned redheaded women all while you lounge about amongst dozens of friendly Bassett hounds.
Hmmmm…make mine scantily clad stable boys and gardeners servng a nice champagne with those cookies surrounded by a pond of geese and weeping willows. hahaha
Rivers made of beer and pillows everywhere.
@Coloma: Yes, yes…that’s two clouds down on the left.
If anyone thinks that Heaven would be relaxing think again. Heaven will be the hardest place you have ever worked.
I hope God’s imagination is more powerful than ours.
To me it is being reunited with deceased people who were close to me in a different dimension, not a religious type heaven.
“To me it is being reunited with deceased people”
I have a problem with that thinking.
Your mother dies/died. She will want to see her mother, who wants to visit her mother, who is wanting to visit her mother. All the way back to the roots of the family tree.
Talk about trying to chase someone down. You will be bouncing all over the universe trying to find her. As will all the other mothers. :-)
And imagine we’d eventually have to start finding apes too. Oh wait, maybe they aren’t allowed in. I wonder where they make the cutoff.
@Cmaz, you never know. Energy can attract to each other some how if strong enough in my belief. Never say something is impossible lol
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