Hmmm, @shalom, (peace be with you too!),
Humans are communicating creatures, known for using many words where few will do…! I’m going for a bit of personal belief here, as the many words written can only ever infer. To me, it’s all one anyway. The difference between ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ is only one of speed… or energy… or age.
We too are animals, our evolutionary path draws us consciously, we have choice in how we develop; which is a privilege and a great risk. The loss for us, may be attendance to some of the ‘soulful’ things of life. I believe this may be at the root of some of the techno-world’s sickness, the depression and fundamentalist belief systems that are effectively so destructive.
Humans are incredibly recent on the earth, still finding our way it seems. We certainly haven’t learned not to ‘shit in our own back yard’ yet, and if we don’t grow up pretty smartly, we won’t be able to. The Cockroaches will, I am sure, step up and inherit the earth along with a number of other shiny or slimy things; and, for all we know, they may make a better job of it!
The division between Spirit and Soul is only one of perspective. When full of ‘high spirits’, we can still sing soulfully. When dancing in a ‘spirited’ way, we can be moving to the deep and soul-loving rhythms of ancient drums. It’s all in how we perceive and experience.
For health, it is wise to slow down sometimes, take in some of our soul’s desires and give the spirit a chance to take a breath. Our technological world is full of Spirit, but the soul of the Earth may be at stake if we can’t get a better idea of how we need live on it.
I found the book ‘Care of the Soul’, by Thomas Moore deeply affecting and helpful when I first read it, about 12 years ago. He was a Jesuit monk, then left the church to become a psychologist and psychoanalyst. Failing that, read ‘Illusions’, by Richard Bach, it’s much shorter. Less about worthy ‘soul’ stuff, but lots to do with perception!